ns2下无线信道差错模型,有高斯噪声信道和GE 信道两种
上传时间: 2014-01-23
上传时间: 2013-12-26
OPC 开发工具包2.0 OPC工具包是用来简化OPC规范服务器开发的工具包,它是对OPC DA/AE/HDA 诸多规范接口及应用的封装,支持VB/VC/DELPHI/CB/.net语言,支持win98, winxp, win2000, win2003平台, 支持同步/异步访问,支持读写双向访问,支持分布式体系结构,支持树型标签结构,支持自定义标签属性。应用OPC工具包,可以使开发者在很短时间内开发出一个符合OPC规范的服务器软件,既无需涉及烦琐的OPC协议,也不必掌握复杂的COM技术。该工具既适用工控技术人员的驱动开发,又适用于专业软件开发人员的管控系统集成。目前工具包已经在工控、楼控系统中广泛应用,客户覆盖钢铁、冶金、化工、造纸、电力、石化等行业,已经认证通过OPC基金会兼容测试。已测试的客户端包括GE、Simens、ABB、Honeywell等公司的组态和DCS系统,组态王、力控、开物、昆仑通态等国内组态软件,稳定可靠,性能优异。
上传时间: 2014-01-09
OPC 开发工具包2.0.OPC工具包是用来简化OPC规范服务器开发的工具包,它是对OPC DA/AE/HDA 诸多规范接口及应用的封装,支持VB/VC/DELPHI/CB/.net语言,支持win98, winxp, win2000, win2003平台, 支持同步/异步访问,支持读写双向访问,支持分布式体系结构,支持树型标签结构,支持自定义标签属性。应用OPC工具包,可以使开发者在很短时间内开发出一个符合OPC规范的服务器软件,既无需涉及烦琐的OPC协议,也不必掌握复杂的COM技术。该工具既适用工控技术人员的驱动开发,又适用于专业软件开发人员的管控系统集成。目前工具包已经在工控、楼控系统中广泛应用,客户覆盖钢铁、冶金、化工、造纸、电力、石化等行业,已经认证通过OPC基金会兼容测试。已测试的客户端包括GE、Simens、ABB、Honeywell等公司的组态和DCS系统,组态王、力控、开物、昆仑通态等国内组态软件,稳定可靠,性能优异。
上传时间: 2017-04-08
source code for awgn,BPSK modulation and demodulation,channel simulation,convolution encoder,data generator,encoder and fading channel
标签: demodulation convolution modulation simulation
上传时间: 2017-04-14
This is Modbus RTU Protocl that i have written by Visual Basic to control Inverter N100 (Hyndai-Korea) and Multimeter(GE) via RS485 Network
标签: Hyndai-Kor Inverter Protocl control
上传时间: 2014-01-04
In this paper, the feasibility of replacing a chaos source by an equivalent digital pseudo-random generator realized using Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) is studied. Particular emphasis is given on the digital implementation Piece-Wise Linear Affine Maps (PWAM). As an application, an FPGA implementation of four different maps has been experimentally verified in a FM-DCSK test radio system.
标签: pseudo-random feasibility equivalent replacing
上传时间: 2013-12-13
火电厂简介 &bull 火电厂公用辅助系统 &ndash 输煤(PLC) &ndash 化水(PLC) &ndash 除灰/ 除渣(PLC) &ndash 吹灰/ 定排(PLC) &ndash 烟气脱硫(PLC或DCS) &bull 火电厂主控系统 &ndash 锅炉介绍 &ndash 汽机介绍 &ndash DAS(DCS) &ndash SCS (DCS) &ndash MCS(DCS) &ndash BMS(BCS, FSSS)(DCS) &ndash DEH(DC... 杭州集益科技-您身边的GE PLC专家
上传时间: 2014-12-21
Very hard to design reusable Software Design must be specific to problem on hand Design must be general enough to address future problems and requirements Almost impossible to do it right the first time Experienced designers don’t reinvent the wheel They use good solutions again and again Find & use recurring patterns of classes &
标签: Design must Software reusable
上传时间: 2014-07-08
Very hard to design reusable Software Design must be specific to problem on hand Design must be general enough to address future problems and requirements Almost impossible to do it right the first time Experienced designers don’t reinvent the wheel They use good solutions again and again Find & use recurring patterns of classes &
标签: Design must Software reusable
上传时间: 2017-08-05