3. Distribution of this core must be free of charge. Charging is -- allowed only for value added services. Value added services -- would include copying fees, modifications, customizations, and -- inclusion in other products.
标签: Distribution Charging allowed charge
上传时间: 2013-12-05
4. If a modified source code is distributed, the original unmodified -- source code must also be included (or a link to the Free IP web -- site). In the modified source code there must be clear -- identification of the modified version.
标签: source code distributed unmodified
上传时间: 2013-12-14
开发环境:Delphi 简要说明:TGABase is a abstract class. You must Derivate a sub_class from it. You must override abstract function calculateFitness. By the way, this class can only get minimum solution
标签: must You sub_class Derivate
上传时间: 2015-04-12
sample compress example, the function must modify... holp that can help you!
标签: compress function example sample
上传时间: 2013-12-02
SMS SDK classes.This is the archive that must be included in the classpath.
标签: classpath the included classes
上传时间: 2014-01-16
-- M68008 Address Decoder -- Address decoder for the m68008 -- asbar must be 0 to enable any output -- csbar(0) : X"00000" to X"01FFF" -- csbar(1) : X"40000" to X"43FFF" -- csbar(2) : X"08000" to X"0AFFF" -- csbar(3) : X"E0000" to X"E01FF" -- download from www.pld.com.cn & www.fpga.com.cn
标签: Address Decoder decoder M68008
上传时间: 2015-07-02
xletview, for UNIX file and directory names are case sensitive. The path to the project CVSROOT must be specified using lowercase characters (i.e. /cvsroot/xletview)
标签: directory sensitive xletview CVSROOT
上传时间: 2013-12-18
this the application program in uClinux must compliled under linux
标签: application compliled program uClinux
上传时间: 2015-08-19
this the application program must copiled under uClinux,this is used to test the printe speed
标签: this application the program
上传时间: 2015-08-19
implement huffman algorithm with stl priority-queue, first you must have the file, then the result is saved
标签: priority-queue implement algorithm the
上传时间: 2013-12-20