Designing Storage Area Networks - A Practical Reference For Implementing Fibre Channel And Ip Sans, Second Edition
标签: Implementing Designing Practical Reference
上传时间: 2016-02-08
EDFA - Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier
标签: Amplifier Erbium Doped Fibre
上传时间: 2014-11-06
Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especially noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to the nature of the substrate material. This needs to be considered as a layered structure of epoxy resinand glass Fibre. Calculations, using Boundary Element field methods, show that the distribution of the electricfield within this layered structure determines the apparent dielectric constant and therefore affects theimpedance. Thus FR4 cannot be considered to be uniform dielectric when calculating differential impedance.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
多功能高集成外围器件6. 1 多功能高集成外围器件82371PCI的英文名称:Peripheral Component Interconnect (外围部件互联PCI总线);82371是PCI总线组件。ISA是:Industry Standard Architecture(工业标准体系结构)IDE是 (Integrated Device Electronics)集成电路设备简称PIIX4PIIX4器件(芯片)的特点1、是一种支持Pentium和PentiumII微处理器的部件。2、82371对ISA桥来说,是一种多功能PCI总线。3、对可移动性和桌面深绿色环境均提供支持。4、电源管理逻辑。5、被集成化的IDE控制器。6、增强了性能的DMA控制器。(7)基于两个82C59的中断控制器。(8)基于82C54芯片的定时器。(9)USB(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线。(10)SMBus系统管理总线。(11)实时时钟(12)顺应Microsoft Win95所需的功能其芯片的逻辑框图如图6-1所示。 PIIX4芯片逻辑框图6.1.1 概述PIIX4芯片是一个多功能的PCI器件,图6-2 是82371在系统中扮演的角色。(续上图)1. PCI与EIO之间的桥(PIIX4芯片)桥是不对程的,是各类不同标准总线与PCI总线连接,82371AB桥也可理解为一种总线转换译码器和控制器,桥内包含复杂的协议总线信号和缓冲器。(1).在PCI系统内,当PIIX4操作时,它总是作为系统内各种模块的主控设备,如USB和DMA控制器、IDE总线和分布式DMA的主控设备等,而且总是以ISA主控设备的名义出现。(2). 在向ISA总线或IDE总线进行传送操作的传送周期期间作为从属设备使用,并对内部寄存器译码。PIIX4芯片(桥)的配置(1).可以把PIIX4芯片配置成整个ISA总线,或ISA总线的子集,也可扩展成EIO总线。在使用EIO总线时,可以把未使用的信号配置成通用的输入和输出。(2).PIIX4可直接驱动5个ISA插槽;(3).能提供字节-交换逻辑、I/O的恢复支持、等待状态的生成以及SYSCLK的生成。(4).提供X-BUS键盘控制器芯片、BIOS芯片、实时时钟芯片、二级微程序器等的选择。2. IDE接口(总线主控设备的权利和同步DMA方式)IDE接口为4个IDE的设备提供支持,比如IDE接口的硬盘和CD-ROM等。注意:目前硬盘接口有5类:IDE、SCSI、Fibre Channel、IEEE1394和USB等。IDE口几乎在PC机最多,因为便宜。SCSI多用于服务器和集群机。IDE的PIO IDE速率:14MB/s;而总线主控设备IDE的速率:33MB/s在PIIX4芯片的IDE系统内,配有两个各次独立的IDE信号通道。3. 具有兼容性的模块—DMA、定时器/计数器、中断控制器等(1)在PIIX4内的两各82C37 DMA控制器经逻辑的组合,产生7个独立的可编程通道。通道[0:3]是通过与8个二进位的硬件连线实现的。通过以字节为单位的计数进行传送。而通道[5:7]是通过16个二进位的连线实现的,以字为单位的计数进行传送。(2)DMA控制器还能通过PCI总线,处理旧的DMA的两个不同的方法提供支持。(3)计数/定时器模块在功能上与82C54等价。(4)中断控制器与ISA兼容,其功能是两个82C59的功能之和。
上传时间: 2013-11-19
The LogiCORE™ GTP Wizard automates the task of creating HDL wrappers to configure the high-speed serial GTP transceivers in Virtex™-5 LXT and SXT devices. The menu-driven interface allows one or more GTP transceivers to be configured using pre-definedtemplates for popular industry standards, or from scratch, to support a wide variety of custom protocols.The Wizard produces a wrapper, an example design, and a testbench for rapid integration and verification of the serial interface with your custom function Features• Creates customized HDL wrappers to configureVirtex-5 RocketIO™ GTP transceivers• Users can configure Virtex-5 GTP transceivers toconform to industry standard protocols usingpredefined templates, or tailor the templates forcustom protocols• Included protocol templates provide support for thefollowing specifications: Aurora, CPRI, FibreChannel 1x, Gigabit Ethernet, HD-SDI, OBSAI,OC3, OC12, OC48, PCI Express® (PCIe®), SATA,SATA II, and XAUI• Automatically configures analog settings• Each custom wrapper includes example design, testbench; and both implementation and simulation scripts
标签: Transceiver Virtex Wizar GTP
上传时间: 2013-10-23
The LogiCORE™ GTP Wizard automates the task of creating HDL wrappers to configure the high-speed serial GTP transceivers in Virtex™-5 LXT and SXT devices. The menu-driven interface allows one or more GTP transceivers to be configured using pre-definedtemplates for popular industry standards, or from scratch, to support a wide variety of custom protocols.The Wizard produces a wrapper, an example design, and a testbench for rapid integration and verification of the serial interface with your custom function Features• Creates customized HDL wrappers to configureVirtex-5 RocketIO™ GTP transceivers• Users can configure Virtex-5 GTP transceivers toconform to industry standard protocols usingpredefined templates, or tailor the templates forcustom protocols• Included protocol templates provide support for thefollowing specifications: Aurora, CPRI, FibreChannel 1x, Gigabit Ethernet, HD-SDI, OBSAI,OC3, OC12, OC48, PCI Express® (PCIe®), SATA,SATA II, and XAUI• Automatically configures analog settings• Each custom wrapper includes example design, testbench; and both implementation and simulation scripts
标签: Transceiver Virtex Wizar GTP
上传时间: 2013-10-20
Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especially noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to the nature of the substrate material. This needs to be considered as a layered structure of epoxy resinand glass Fibre. Calculations, using Boundary Element field methods, show that the distribution of the electricfield within this layered structure determines the apparent dielectric constant and therefore affects theimpedance. Thus FR4 cannot be considered to be uniform dielectric when calculating differential impedance.
上传时间: 2013-10-18
The use of light to send messages is not new. Fires were used for signaling in biblical times, smoke signals have been used for thousands of years and flashing lights have been used to communicate between warships at sea since the days of Lord Nelson. The idea of using glass Fibre to carry an optical communications signal originated with Alexander Graham Bell. However this idea had to wait some 80 years for better glasses and low-cost electronics for it to become useful in practical situations.
标签: Communications Understanding Optical
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The use of optical free-space emissions to provide indoor wireless commu- nications has been studied extensively since the pioneering work of Gfeller and Bapst in 1979 [1]. These studies have been invariably interdisciplinary in- volving such far flung areas such as optics design‚ indoor propagation studies‚ electronics design‚ communications systems design among others. The focus of this text is on the design of communications systems for indoor wireless optical channels. Signalling techniques developed for wired Fibre optic net- works are seldom efficient since they do not consider the bandwidth restricted nature of the wireless optical channel.
标签: Communication Wireless Optical Systems
上传时间: 2020-06-01