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  • WINCE4.2下 三星2410硬件平台上的看门狗演示程序

    WINCE4.2下 三星2410硬件平台上的看门狗演示程序,开发工具为EVC4.0。点击主菜单中的"start"启动看门狗功能,点击"Feed"启动定时喂狗功能。若程序退出或未启动喂狗功能,系统会自动复位,以保证系统的正常工作。

    标签: WINCE 2410 4.2 三星

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • It support IPv4 and IPv6 unicast and multicast and contains a trivial sender and a trivial receiver

    It support IPv4 and IPv6 unicast and multicast and contains a trivial sender and a trivial receiver that can be used to send or receive arbitrary data over RTP. An implementation of generic forward error correction is planned, t

    标签: and trivial multicast contains

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • 词法分析器制作与应用 设计思想 (1)程序主体结构部分: 说明部分 %% 规则部分 %% 辅助程序部分 (2)主体结构的说明 在这里说明部分告诉我们使用的LETTER,DIGIT,

    词法分析器制作与应用 设计思想 (1)程序主体结构部分: 说明部分 %% 规则部分 %% 辅助程序部分 (2)主体结构的说明 在这里说明部分告诉我们使用的LETTER,DIGIT, IDENT(标识符,通常定义为字母开头的字母数字串)和STR(字符串常量,通常定义为双引号括起来的一串字符)是什么意思.这部分也可以包含一些初始化代码.例如用#include来使用标准的头文件和前向说明(forward ,references).这些代码应该再标记"%{"和"%}"之间 规则部分> 可以包括任何你想用来分析的代码 我们这里包括了忽略所有注释中字符的功能,传送ID名称和字符串常量内容到主调函数和main函数的功能. (3)实现原理 程序中先判断这个句语句中每个单元为关键字、常数、运算符、界符,对与不同的单词符号给出不同编码形式的编码,用以区分之。 PL/0语言的EBNF表示 <常量定义>::=<标识符>=<无符号整数> <标识符>::=<字母>={<字母>|<数字>} <加法运算符>::=+|- <乘法运算符>::=*|/ <关系运算符>::==|#|<|<=|>|>= <字母>::=a|b|…|X|Y|Z <数字>::=0|1|2|…|8|9

    标签: LETTER DIGIT 程序

    上传时间: 2015-11-04


  • The source code for this package is located in src/gov/nist/sip/proxy. The proxy is a pure JAIN-SIP

    The source code for this package is located in src/gov/nist/sip/proxy. The proxy is a pure JAIN-SIP application: it does not need proprietary nist-sip classes in addition of those defined in JAIN-SIP 1.1, you can substitute the NIST-SIP stack by another JAIN-SIP-1.1 compliant stack and it should interoperate. he proxy can act as presence server and be able to process NOTIFY and SUBSCRIBE requests. If this parameter is disabled, the proxy will simply forward those kind of requests following the appropriate routing decision.

    标签: proxy The JAIN-SIP package

    上传时间: 2015-11-30


  • 利用ajax技术及javascript语言编写的rss阅读器


    标签: javascript ajax rss 语言

    上传时间: 2015-12-15


  • 一个简单实用的开源C++消息中间件SAFMQ - [软件开发] - [开源 消息中间件 SAFMQ ] 2006-11-23 在很多网络应用中

    一个简单实用的开源C++消息中间件SAFMQ - [软件开发] - [开源 消息中间件 SAFMQ ] 2006-11-23 在很多网络应用中,尤其那些服务器有时不在线的应用中,将客户端的数据变更按照产生顺序同步到服务器的操作是比较复杂的。为了解决这种问题,可以采用消息中间件产品(例如Windows的MSMQ还有IBM的MQ),但是这种产品比较庞大而且花费不少,对于小规模应用而言没有必要。 SAFMQ(全称为Store and Forward Message Queue)是一个简单的消息中间件,采用C++编写,采用Apache授权机制。截至2006年11月SAFMQ的的版本为0.5.2,发布于2006年9月。目前版本具有如下的功能: 1. 提供多队列、多优先级的消息转发服务。 2. 支持文本、二进制的消息类型。 3. 支持转发功能,即多个消息中间件之间的消息转发。 4. 支持事务操作 5. 支持Java、PHP客户端 6. 支持SSL加密 7. 支持用户权限 8. 支持对消息的标记 9. 支持TTL(Time To Live)时间戳

    标签: SAFMQ 2006 开源 11

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • The algorm of viterbi. You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first da

    The algorm of viterbi. You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first day he went for a walk, on the second day he went shopping, and on the third day he cleaned his apartment. You have two questions: What is the overall probability of this sequence of observations? And what is the most likely sequence of rainy/sunny days that would explain these observations? The first question is answered by the forward algorithm the second question is answered by the Viterbi algorithm. These two algorithms are structurally so similar (in fact, they are both instances of the same abstract algorithm) that they can be implemented in a single function:

    标签: discover viterbi algorm friend

    上传时间: 2016-02-16


  • 实现一个浏览器的功能。当输入BACK


    标签: BACK 浏览器 输入

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • This document represents the first stage in a process of taking the National Strategy for Police Inf

    This document represents the first stage in a process of taking the National Strategy for Police Information Systems (NSPIS) forward. It defines the mechanisms to ensure that we (and our partners) have access to the right information, in the right form, in the right time at an appropriate cost. The Strategy will ensure the Police Service has a collective understanding of the value of information and that we are able to exploit National Information Assets in support of local policing.

    标签: represents the National Strategy

    上传时间: 2016-03-08


  • 基于J2ME的RSS阅读器

    基于J2ME的RSS阅读器,可联网,定制自己的RSS Feed.

    标签: J2ME RSS 阅读器

    上传时间: 2013-11-29
