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  • WP196-平面显示器中的Xilinx器件

      According to CIBC World Markets, Equity Research, theFlat Panel Display (FPD) industry has achieved sufficientcritical mass for its growth to explode. Thus, it can nowattract the right blend of capital investments and R&Dresources to drive technical innovation toward continuousimprovement in view quality, manufacturing efficiency,and system integration. These in turn are sustainingconsumer interest, penetration, revenue growth, and thepotential for increasing long-term profitability for industryparticipants. CIBC believes that three essential conditionsare now converging to drive the market forward

    标签: Xilinx 196 WP 平面显示器

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • 磁芯电感器的谐波失真分析

    磁芯电感器的谐波失真分析 摘  要:简述了改进铁氧体软磁材料比损耗系数和磁滞常数ηB,从而降低总谐波失真THD的历史过程,分析了诸多因数对谐波测量的影响,提出了磁心性能的调控方向。 关键词:比损耗系数, 磁滞常数ηB ,直流偏置特性DC-Bias,总谐波失真THD  Analysis on THD of the fer rite co res u se d i n i nductancShi Yan Nanjing Finemag Technology Co. Ltd., Nanjing 210033   Abstract:    Histrory of decreasing THD by improving the ratio loss coefficient and hysteresis constant of soft magnetic ferrite is briefly narrated. The effect of many factors which affect the harmonic wave testing is analysed. The way of improving the performance of ferrite cores is put forward.  Key words: ratio loss coefficient,hysteresis constant,DC-Bias,THD  近年来,变压器生产厂家和软磁铁氧体生产厂家,在电感器和变压器产品的总谐波失真指标控制上,进行了深入的探讨和广泛的合作,逐步弄清了一些似是而非的问题。从工艺技术上采取了不少有效措施,促进了质量问题的迅速解决。本文将就此热门话题作一些粗浅探讨。  一、 历史回顾 总谐波失真(Total harmonic distortion) ,简称THD,并不是什么新的概念,早在几十年前的载波通信技术中就已有严格要求<1>。1978年邮电部公布的标准YD/Z17-78“载波用铁氧体罐形磁心”中,规定了高μQ材料制作的无中心柱配对罐形磁心详细的测试电路和方法。如图一电路所示,利用LC组成的150KHz低通滤波器在高电平输入的情况下测量磁心产生的非线性失真。这种相对比较的实用方法,专用于无中心柱配对罐形磁心的谐波衰耗测试。 这种磁心主要用于载波电报、电话设备的遥测振荡器和线路放大器系统,其非线性失真有很严格的要求。  图中  ZD   —— QF867 型阻容式载频振荡器,输出阻抗 150Ω, Ld47 —— 47KHz 低通滤波器,阻抗 150Ω,阻带衰耗大于61dB,       Lg88 ——并联高低通滤波器,阻抗 150Ω,三次谐波衰耗大于61dB Ld88 ——并联高低通滤波器,阻抗 150Ω,三次谐波衰耗大于61dB FD   —— 30~50KHz 放大器, 阻抗 150Ω, 增益不小于 43 dB,三次谐波衰耗b3(0)≥91 dB, DP  —— Qp373 选频电平表,输入高阻抗, L ——被测无心罐形磁心及线圈, C  ——聚苯乙烯薄膜电容器CMO-100V-707APF±0.5%,二只。 测量时,所配用线圈应用丝包铜电磁线SQJ9×0.12(JB661-75)在直径为16.1mm的线架上绕制 120 匝, (线架为一格) , 其空心电感值为 318μH(误差1%) 被测磁心配对安装好后,先调节振荡器频率为 36.6~40KHz,  使输出电平值为+17.4 dB, 即选频表在 22′端子测得的主波电平 (P2)为+17.4 dB,然后在33′端子处测得输出的三次谐波电平(P3), 则三次谐波衰耗值为:b3(+2)= P2+S+ P3 式中:S 为放大器增益dB 从以往的资料引证, 就可以发现谐波失真的测量是一项很精细的工作,其中测量系统的高、低通滤波器,信号源和放大器本身的三次谐波衰耗控制很严,阻抗必须匹配,薄膜电容器的非线性也有相应要求。滤波器的电感全由不带任何磁介质的大空心线圈绕成,以保证本身的“洁净” ,不至于造成对磁心分选的误判。 为了满足多路通信整机的小型化和稳定性要求, 必须生产低损耗高稳定磁心。上世纪 70 年代初,1409 所和四机部、邮电部各厂,从工艺上改变了推板空气窑烧结,出窑后经真空罐冷却的落后方式,改用真空炉,并控制烧结、冷却气氛。技术上采用共沉淀法攻关试制出了μQ乘积 60 万和 100 万的低损耗高稳定材料,在此基础上,还实现了高μ7000~10000材料的突破,从而大大缩短了与国外企业的技术差异。当时正处于通信技术由FDM(频率划分调制)向PCM(脉冲编码调制) 转换时期, 日本人明石雅夫发表了μQ乘积125 万为 0.8×10 ,100KHz)的超优铁氧体材料<3>,其磁滞系数降为优铁

    标签: 磁芯 电感器 谐波失真

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • OSERL (Open SMPP Erlang Library) is an erlang implementation of the Short Message Peer to Peer proto

    OSERL (Open SMPP Erlang Library) is an erlang implementation of the Short Message Peer to Peer protocol, covering the entire specification (version 5.0). Forward and backward compatibilities guidelines were adopted.

    标签: Peer implementation Library Message

    上传时间: 2013-12-29


  • BIND 9 dynamic DNS webmin module. This module supports both static and dynamic zones, and IPv4 and I

    BIND 9 dynamic DNS webmin module. This module supports both static and dynamic zones, and IPv4 and IPv6 addressing in both forward and reverse zones.

    标签: dynamic module and supports

    上传时间: 2015-02-28


  • 基于Fase 4 RDF/RSS语法分析器

    基于Fase 4 RDF/RSS语法分析器,Feed是向智能信息和消息检索代理迈出的第一步。它使用一个普通文本文件作为存储,而没有使用任何种类的数据库,应该可以在任何支持PHP的站点工作

    标签: Fase RDF RSS 语法分析器

    上传时间: 2013-12-30


  • Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this mo

    Rotating shafts experience a an elliptical motion called whirl. It is important to decompose this motion into a forward and backward whil orbits. The current function makes use of two sensors to generate a bi-directional spectrogram. The method can be extended to any time-frequency distribution % % compute the forward/backward Campbell/specgtrogram % % INPUT: % y (n x 2) each column is measured from a different sensor % /////// % __ % |s1| y(:,1) % |__| % __ % / \ ________|/ % | | | s2 |/ y(:,2) % \____/ --------|/ % % Fs Sampling frequnecy % % OUTPUT: % B spectrogram/Campbel diagram % x x-axis coordinate vector (time or Speed) % y y-axis coordinate vector (frequency [Hz])

    标签: experience elliptical decompose important

    上传时间: 2015-06-23


  • This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since t

    This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, sociological, psychological, accountancy, mechanical engineering and business administration. In this book, we examine the management of business processes from the perspective of computing, or—to put it more broadly—of information technology. The reason is that information technology has made huge leaps forward in recent years, resulting in the creation of completely new ways of organizing business processes. The development of generic software packages for managing business processes—so-called workflow management systems (WFMS)—is particularly important in this respect.

    标签: This management certainly processes

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • JavaTV Program source code Need to play Windows Media files and streams, mpeg4 video or DVDs in j

    JavaTV Program source code Need to play Windows Media files and streams, mpeg4 video or DVDs in java? Access WDM capture devices? Control a firewire DVCam? Then maybe this can help you. dsj is an ongoing project to provide a java wrapper around Microsoft s DirectShow API. It offers a set of high level classes that give java easy access to functionality widely missed by java programmers and also lets you dive deeper into the interiors of Windows core api for 2D media. On the java side dsj tries to keep things open as possible - you may use it standalone or let it feed data into JMF or other APIs.

    标签: Program Windows streams JavaTV

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • Our approach to understanding mobile learning begins by describing a dialectical approach to the de

    Our approach to understanding mobile learning begins by describing a dialectical approach to the development and presentation of a task model using the sociocognitive engineering design method. This analysis synthesises relevant theoretical approaches. We then examine two field studies which feed into the development of the task model.

    标签: approach understanding dialectical describing

    上传时间: 2014-11-28


  • 《JSP网络编程从基础到实践》的实例代码目录中包含了前10章的所有实例的源代码

    《JSP网络编程从基础到实践》的实例代码目录中包含了前10章的所有实例的源代码,实例名称及其所处章节如下: 第1章 JSP技术概述 实例1 第一个JSP页面 第3章 Web开发基础 实例2 HTML与JavaScript交互示例 第4章 JSP语法 实例3 JSP程序的基本结构 实例4 简单数据类型综合应用实例 实例5 包装类综合应用实例 实例6 数组应用实例 实例7 字符截取程序示例 实例8 查找字符串程序示例 实例9 StringBuffer综合应用程序示例 实例10 日期数据应用示例 实例11 算术表达式综合运用实例 实例12 switch语句示例 实例13 循环应用综合实例 实例14 一个简单的计数器 实例15 include指令应用示例 实例16 forward应用程序示例 实例17 param应用程序示例 实例18 plugin应用程序示例 实例19 中文字符处理程序示例 第5章 JSP的内置对象 实例20 request常用方法的应用 实例21 获得表单数据 实例22 页面重定向程序示例 实例23 定时刷新页面程序示例 实例24 记住会话的用户名 实例25 猜字母游戏 实例26 网站计数器

    标签: JSP 网络编程 实践 代码

    上传时间: 2013-12-06
