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  • FPGA设计管脚分配注意点


    标签: FPGA 管脚分配

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • EP2C5_EP2C8 FPGA开发板电路图

    EP2C5和EP2C8的FPGA开发板原理图,EP2C5_EP2C8 FPGA开发板电路图。

    标签: EP FPGA 开发板 电路图

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • altera FPGA/CPLD高级篇(VHDL源代码)

          altera FPGA/CPLD高级篇(VHDL源代码)

    标签: altera FPGA CPLD VHDL

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • 写给小白们的FPGA入门设计实验

      写给小白们的FPGA入门设计实验:   1. 写在前面的话    2   2. Lab 1 : LCD1602 字符显示设计  3   2.1. 摘要   2.2. 内容   2.3. 程序   2.4. 结果(问题,解决,体会)   3. Lab 2 : 4 位减法、加法器设计   3.1. 摘要   3.2. 内容   3.3. 程序   3.4. 结果(问题,解决,体会)   4. Lab 3 :三位二进制乘法器设计   4.1. 摘要   4.2. 内容   4.3. 程序   4.4. 结果(问题,解决,体会)   5. Lab 4 :序列检测器设计   6. Lab 5 :变模计数器设计   

    标签: FPGA 设计实验

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于FPGA设计的FIR滤波器的实现与对比


    标签: FPGA FIR 滤波器 对比

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • 基于Quartus II FPGA/CPLD数字系统设计实例(VHDL源代码文件)

      本资料是关于基于Quartus II FPGA/CPLD数字系统设计实例(VHDL源代码文件),需要的可以自己下载。

    标签: Quartus FPGA CPLD VHDL

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 基于FPGA的多功能频率计的设计

    基于Altera公司FPGA芯片EP2C8Q208,嵌入MC8051 IP Core,用C语言对MC8051 IP Core进行编程,以其作为控制核心,实现系统控制。在FPGA芯片中,利用Verilog HDL语言进行编程,设计了以MC8051 IP Core为核心的控制模块、计数模块、锁存模块和LCD显示模块等几部分,实现了频率的自动测量,测量范围为0.1Hz~50MHz,测量误差0.01%。并实现测频率、周期、占空比等功能。  

    标签: FPGA 多功能 频率计

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • FPGA-CPLD芯片设置方法


    标签: FPGA-CPLD 芯片设置

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 采用TÜV认证的FPGA开发功能安全系统

    This white paper discusses how market trends, the need for increased productivity, and new legislation have accelerated the use of safety systems in industrial machinery. This TÜV-qualified FPGA design methodology is changing the paradigms of safety designs and will greatly reduce development effort, system complexity, and time to market. This allows FPGA users to design their own customized safety controllers and provides a significant competitive advantage over traditional microcontroller or ASIC-based designs. Introduction The basic motivation of deploying functional safety systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior in cases of failure. Examples of functional safety systems include train brakes, proximity sensors for hazardous areas around machines such as fast-moving robots, and distributed control systems in process automation equipment such as those used in petrochemical plants. The International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems,” is understood as the standard for designing safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover the technical advances in various industries. In addition, derivative standards have been developed for specific markets and applications that prescribe the particular requirements on functional safety systems in these industry applications. Example applications include process automation (IEC 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation. 图Figure 1. Local Safety System

    标签: FPGA 安全系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 对Altera 28nm FPGA浮点DSP设计流程和性能的独立分析

      电子发烧友网核心提示:Altera公司昨日宣布,在业界率先在28 nm FPGA器件上成功测试了复数高性能浮点数字信号处理(DSP)设计。独立技术分析公司Berkeley设计技术有限公司(BDTI)验证了能够在 Altera Stratix V和Arria V 28 nm FPGA开发套件上简单方便的高效实现Altera浮点DSP设计流程,同时验证了要求较高的浮点DSP应用的性能。本文是BDTI完整的FPGA浮点DSP分析报告。    Altera的浮点DSP设计流程经过规划,能够快速适应可参数赋值接口的设计更改,其工作环境包括来自MathWorks的MATLAB和 Simulink,以及Altera的DSP Builder高级模块库,支持FPGA设计人员比传统HDL设计更迅速的实现并验证复数浮点算法。这一设计流程非常适合设计人员在应用中采用高性能 DSP,这些应用包括,雷达、无线基站、工业自动化、仪表和医疗图像等。

    标签: Altera FPGA DSP 28

    上传时间: 2014-12-28
