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  • ISIS Timer Design

    A design about 8051 (running at 12MHz) based system with 3 7-Seg displays and two buttons to implement the following functions.  1. When press the + button, the display C = A+B.  2. When press the button, the display C = A - B.  “A” and “B” are 8-bit inputs when “C” is 9-bit output. 

    标签: ISIS AT89C52

    上传时间: 2015-05-05


  • 透明音乐播放器

    [开源 绿色软件] [运行环境 Windows XP/7/8/10] [语言 简体/繁體/English/Unicode] A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis. 极简本地音乐播放器,透明、纯文本界面。支持轻媒体库、歌词、可视化。最小化到托盘,占用资源少,适合边听音乐边工作。 应网友要求,加入了Tag编辑、自动切换列表、播放队列、鼠标手势、均衡器、音频设备选择、全局音量滚轮(托盘区域)、字体设置、极简模式、鼠标穿透、嵌入桌面、简单布局等功能。 homepage> mcool.appinn.me ==================================================== 音频格式APE、FLAC、WavPack、MP3、OGG、TTA、TAK、Musepack、AAC、AC3、WMA、Wav、CD、ALAC、Aiff、MOD、CUE ==================================================== 更新历史:     3336 -2016.3.25 点睛之笔:任意布局(追上foobar2000)。Arbitrary layout (all in one).     3330 -2016.3.10 一体布局之比例调节(初具foobar2000风貌)。Ratio adjust (all in one).     3308 -2015.11.28 歌词微调(在选项>常规>鼠标手势里设置)。Adds function of lyrics tuning.     3306 -2015.11.15 电台模式(整点时切换歌曲或列表,并非在线音乐),以及多声卡支持。Adds radio mode, and multi sound card support.     3300 -2015.10.15 完善细节,修复切歌卡住bug。完美版。Fixes some bugs.     3280 -2015.8.1   简单布局功能。Layout (all in one) function.     3260 -2015.6.1   Win10模式。Win10 mode.     3252 -2015.5.10  任务栏进度条。Taskbar progress display.     3236 -2015.4.10  点睛之笔:透明度调节。Adds function of transparency tuning.     3232 -2015.3.25  自定义软件名(请在mcool.ini中手动修改)。Adds function of customizing app name.     3230 -2015.3.12  Airplay复刻界面。Airplay interface copy.     3218 -2015.1.20  桌面歌词。Desktop lyrics.     3216 -2015.1.12  一体化界面(学习Foobar2000和豆瓣FM)。All in one interface.     3212 -2015.1.6   新增Winamp音效插件支持(学习千千静听),以及滚轮穿透功能(学习Airplay3)。Adds Winamp DSP plugins support, and adds function of wheel transparent.     Winamp音效插件下载:http://uploadgeneration.info/Winamp/www.winamp.com/plugins/dsp-effect/5/top-rated.html     3210 -2014.12.28 重要更新:本地音量调节、自定义鼠标键/手势。Adds local volume control, and adds fuction of customizing mouse control / gesture.     3208 -2014.11.25 简化右键菜单,常规项目移到选项窗口。Simplifies the popup menu, moves the general items to option window.     3206 -2014.11.22 新增文本对齐选项,重新设计导航按钮。Adds option of text alignment, and redesigns the buttons of playback.     3202 -2014.11.10 新增播放记忆、片段循环(Hotkey: Ctrl+1/2)和贴边隐藏功能。Adds functions of playback memory, AB repeat and screen side hide.     3200 -2014.11.5  新增无界面选项(先去掉托盘图标,然后Ctrl+Alt+W隐藏界面,Ctrl+Alt+X关闭)。Adds option of no interface.     3191 -2014.8.26  嵌入桌面。Pins to desktop.     3190 -2014.8.19  音乐管理第一步:列表分组。Playlists grouping.     3186 -2014.8.10  基于列表的分级系统(Hotkey:0..5)。Rating system based on playlist.     3181 -2014.8.1   启用新图标(由虹吸墨作者BGLL友情制作)。Uses the new icon.     3180 -2014.7.22  新增Win7任务栏特效。Adds windows 7 taskbar effect.     3166 -2014.6.29  重要更新:自动下载专辑封面(源于歌词迷)。Downloads album covers from geci.me.     3160 -2014.6.1   重要更新:新增极简模式,以及OGG/Opus内置封面显示功能。Adds minimalist mode, and adds function of displaying cover embedded in OGG/Opus.     3152 -2014.5.18  添加托盘右键菜单,新增MP4/M4A(ALAC)内置封面显示功能。Adds systray popup menu, and adds function of displaying cover embedded in MP4/M4A(ALAC).     3151 -2014.5.1   重新设计可视化效果,新增示波器效果。Redesigns visual effects, and adds oscilloscope effect.     3150 -2014.4.20  采用歌词迷API下载歌词。Downloads lyrics from geci.me.     3136 -2014.3.30  加入可选的按钮,以及鼠标穿透功能。Adds function of transparent window.     3132 -2014.3.6   简化界面,向Foobar2K看齐;增加正在播放面板。Simplifies the interface, and adds now playing panel.     3130 -2014.2.26  重要更新:按照专辑分组。Grouping by album.     3120 -2014.2.18  优化字体渲染(Windows7/8下)。Optimizes font rendering in Windows 7/8.     3110 -2014.1.26  点睛之笔:自定义字体颜色。Adds function of customizing font color.     3108 -2013.11.16 Last.fm同步功能(请到主页下载插件)。Last.fm scrobbler support.     3106 -2013.11.8  可回溯的随机播放(学习Airplay 2)。Random playback can be traced back.     3103 -2013.10.12 优化右键菜单。Optimizes popup menu.     3102 -2013.9.30  修改滚动条样式,增加音频缓冲选项。Modifies style of scroll bar, and adds option of audio buffer length.     3100 -2013.9.10  无边框设计;迷你模式也可以不置顶(Hotkey:T)。Borderless designs.     3086 -2013.8.20  增加歌词面板功能。Adds function of lyrics panel.     3082 -2013.8.08  增加在可视化界面显示歌词功能。Adds function of displaying lyrics on visual interface.     3080 -2013.8.01  新增设置字体功能,恢复简单的自动关机功能。Adds function of setting font, and re-adds simple function of auto shutdown.     3060 -2013.6.26  修复在迷你模式停止响应的Bug,去掉自动关机、歌词调整功能。Fixes bug of stop responding in mini mode, and removes functions of auto shutdown and lyrics trimming.     3050 -2013.5.23  增加手势功能。Adds gesture function.     3030 -2013.3.10  增加Aero磨砂玻璃效果[如需源码请联系我],XP/Win7/8无差别显示,按Insert键开启。Adds aero glass effect.     3020 -2013.2.23  增加简易Tag编辑功能(选中并单击即可,相当于资源管理器中的重命名,按照[歌手 - 歌名][专辑]格式进行编辑)。Adds function of editing audio tags (select and click, edit with [artist - title][album] format).     3010 -2013.1.23  应网友要求,加入读取内嵌CUE、歌词及专辑封面功能。Adds function of reading CUE, LRC and album cover built in media.     3002 -2012.11.03 无按钮设计;微调进度条尺寸。Buttonless design; modifies the size of the progress bar.     3001 -2012.10.15 重要改进,界面即按钮:单击 - 播放/暂停,按住 - 前进。Important update, the interface is a button: Click - Play/Pause, Hold Down - Next.     3000 -2012.9.28  增加Win8模式。Adds Win8 mode option.     2982 -2012.8.26  在Win8下使用微软雅黑字体。Uses Microsoft YaHei font in Windows 8 CHS.     2981 -2012.8.20  视频以插件提供(请到主页下载),增加单曲循环功能。Adds function of repeat track.     2980 -2012.7.26  简化代码,去掉视频和MIDI支持。Removes the video and MIDI support.     2970 -2012.7.20  增加媒体信息显示功能。Adds function of displaying media info.     2960 -2012.6.28  增加专辑封面显示功能(Hotkey:Ins)。Adds function of displaying album cover.     2956 -2012.6.01  再次简化界面。Simplifies the interface again.     2952 -2012.4.28  增加音频设备选择功能:DS、ASIO、WASAPI。Adds function of selecting playback device.     2950 -2012.3.30  *增加滚轮调节音量功能(在托盘,中键静音)和媒体键支持。Adds function of setting volume by mouse wheel (over systray, middle click to mute), and adds multimedia keys support.     2936 -2012.3.17  微调界面,修复物理删除失效的BUG。Fine-tunes the interface, and restores the physical delete function.     2930 -2012.2.27  增加TAK格式支持。Adds TAK format support.     2923 -2012.2.12  紧急修复上一版出现的字体模糊BUG(Vista/Win7下),增加在任务栏显/隐图标功能(Ctrl+T)。Fixes font vague bug for Vista/Win7, and adds showing/hiding icon on taskbar function.     2920 -2012.2.08  微调界面,优化CPU占用(启用背景图片时)。Fine-tunes the interface, and optimizes CPU utilization (while enable background image).     2912 -2012.1.12  增加播放队列功能。Adds playback queue function.     2910 -2011.12.25 改进迷你模式,增加查找功能。Improves mini mode, and adds find function.     *注:此功能对杀毒软件过敏,开启方法:按F1进入选项,勾选全局快捷键。The feature is allergic to the anti-virus software.

    标签: 透明 音乐播放器

    上传时间: 2016-06-10


  • RFIC+Design+for+Cognitive+Radio+Systems

    Cognitive radios have become a vital solution that allows sharing of the scarce frequency spectrum available for wireless systems. It has been demonstrated that it can be used for future wireless systems as well as integrated into 4G/5G wireless systems. Although there is a great amount of literature in the design of cognitive radios from a system and networking point of view, there has been very limited available literature detailing the circuit implementation of such systems. Our textbook, Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design for Cognitive Radios, is the first book to fill a disconnect in the literature between Cognitive Radio systems and a detailed account of the circuit implementation and architectures required to implement such systems. In addition, this book describes several novel concepts that advance state-of-the-art cognitive radio systems.

    标签: Cognitive Systems Design Radio RFIC for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • System Requirements Analysis

    The serious study of the practice of how to determine the appropriate content of a specification is a seldom-appreciated pastime. Those who have the responsibility to design a product would prefer a greater degree of freedom than permitted by the con- tent of a specification. Many of those who would manage those who would design a product would prefer to allocate all of the project funding and schedule to what they consider more productive labor. These are the attitudes, of course, that doom a project to defeat but they are hard to counter no matter how many times repeated by design engineers and managers. A system engineer who has survived a few of these experiences over a long career may retire and forget the past but we have an endur- ing obligation to work toward changing these attitudes while trying to offer younger system engineers a pathway toward a more sure success in requirements analysis and specification publishing.

    标签: Requirements Analysis System

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Linear Control System Analysis and Design Fifth

    The countless technological advances of the twentieth century require that futureengineering educationemphasizebridging thegapbetweentheoryand the real world.Thisedition hasbeenprepared withparticular attentiontothe needs of undergraduates, especially those who seek a solid foundation in control theory aswellas an ability tobridgethe gapbetween control theory and itsreal- world applications.To help the reader achieve this goal, computer-aided design accuracy checks (CADAC) are used throughout the text to encourage good habits of computerliteracy.Each CADAC uses fundamentalconcepts to ensure the viability of a computer solution.

    标签: Analysis Control Linear Design System Fifth and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions

    Human Factors and Systems Interaction aims to address the main issues of concern within systems interface with a particular emphasis on the system lifecycle development and implementation of interfaces and the general implications of virtual, augmented and mixed reality with respect to human and technology interaction. Human Factors and Systems Interaction is, in the first instance, affected by the forces shaping the nature offuture computing and systems development

    标签: Interactions Advances Factors System Human and in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • 用IAP技术在线升级STM32单片机固件

    针对嵌入式产品程序更新问题,提出了一种基于IAP技术的STM32单片机在线固件升级方案,设计了STM32单片机最小系统硬件电路和USB转串口通信电路,并给出了Bootloader程序、APP程序、PC上机程序的实现流程.实验结果表明,该方案具有简单实用、稳定性高、维护成本低和设备使用效率高的特点,适用于嵌入式产品升级.For the problem of updating embedded products program,an online firmware upgrade scheme of STM32 single chip microcomputer based on IAP technology is proposed.This scheme not only elaborates the principle of IAP technology in detail but also provides the design of the minimum system hardware circuit of STM32 MCU,the design of USB for serial communication circuit,and the implementation flow of Bootloader program,APP program and PC program.The experiment results show that the scheme is simple,practical and highly stable.In addition,it can be used to actual embedded product upgrading,significantly reducing maintenance costs and improving the efficiency of equipment.

    标签: iap stm32 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-03-25


  • Electronic Design Automation-synthesis,verification and test 电子书PDF下载 971页

    Electronic Design Automation-synthesis,verification and test 电子书PDF下载 971页  国立台湾大学江介宏教授 该书是电子设计自动化,综合,验证和测试的经典书籍之一。

    标签: Automation-synthesis verification Electronic Design test 971 and PDF 电子书 下载

    上传时间: 2022-06-28


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(152)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(152)资源包含以下内容:1. SST25系列编程方法.2. altera pci license al tera pci license.3. 关于嵌入式开发的词汇表.4. PIC单片机控制12位高速串行DA(max538)产生阶梯波.5. 关于MATLAB的GUI 程序设计的电子书.6. 通过61单片机显示飞翔的小鸟.7. 61A的IRQ4中断有三个中断源:1KHz、2Kz和4KHz,每一个中断分别控制与IOA0-IOA1、IOA2-IOA3和IOA4-IOA7相连的LED灯。.8. 基于ADI blackfin处理器的范例程序.9. 这是我在网上找到的一个关于数字滤波的方法集锦.10. 基于51单片机.11. 台湾研华 PCM-3718HO 手册 可用于嵌入式开发.12. 硬盘安装Linux系统方法 boot.init 使用方法:显示所有隐藏和受保护文件.13. Design of Image Collection System Based on High-speed PCI Bus基于PCI总线的高速图像采集系统设计.14. 嵌入式LCD屏驱动.15. 在PCB设计中.16. 用ISD1700来实现读温度.17. AT89S52控制ZLG7289扩展键盘和数码管显示代码.18. 4*4键盘C51单片机程序.本程序已经调试通过.19. 很好的数字电路设计ppt.20. PLC通过RS232BD与计算机串口通信程序.21. Minigui编程应用开发,介绍了嵌入式环境下图形开发方法.22. 4个按键判断指令防真实验 4个按键判断指令防真实验.23. 运行程序.24. 在通讯领域中使用相当广泛的HDLC.25. 2乘8按键扫描程序 4个IO口 74LS164串行数据端 时钟端 两个普通IO口.26. FLASH BIOS擦写工具.27. high effeciency about embedded linux c.28. 基于linux下spi 转 GM8142串口.29. BCD码波盘 BCD码波盘.30. 8通道温度控制检测 8通道温度控制检测.31. 51单片机串行口扩展键盘接口仿真 51单片机串行口扩展键盘接口仿真.32. 51单片机实现的电子密码.33. 51定时器常用例子包括测频率测脉宽产生波形.34. 8051双机通信简例 8051双机通信简例.35. 12864液晶滚动显示.36. AD双通道采集程序+proteus仿真.37. DS18B20+LED显示的温度计D S18B20+LED显示的温度计DS18B20+LED显示的温度计.38. DS1302+DS18B20的液晶显示实时时钟DS1 302+DS18B20的液晶显示实时时钟.39. DS1621高精度温度测量模拟.40. 2006年下半年(11月)嵌入式系统设计师考试试题及答案.

    标签: DSL 方案

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • Matlab_2016a 完整破解版网盘高速下载

    Matlab_2016a 完整破解版下载 使用增强的设计环境和 UI 组件集开发 MATLAB 应用。深度学习用于图像分类问题。访问模板、最新模型以及精选示例。创建包含事件操作和新模块的离散事件模型和调度程序。使用标准座舱仪器显示飞行条件。在线编辑器,用于:开发包含结果和图形以及相关代码的实时脚本创建用于分享的交互式描述,包括代码、结果和图形以及格式化文本、超链接、图像及方程式MATLAB应用设计器,使用增强的设计环境和扩展的 UI 组件集构建带有线条图和散点图的 MATLAB®应用全新多 y-轴图、极坐标图和等式可视化暂停、调试和继续 MATLAB 代码执行Neural Network Toolbox使用 Parallel Computing Toolbox™ 中的 GPU 加速深入学习图像分类任务的卷积神经网络 (CNN)Symbolic Math Toolbox与 MATLAB 在线编辑器集成,以便编辑符号代码和可视化结果,并将 MuPAD® 笔记本转换为实时脚本Statistics and Machine Learning ToolboxClassification Learner 应用,可以自动培训多个模型,按照级别标签对结果进行可视化处理,并执行逻辑回归分类Control System Toolbox新建及重新设计的应用,用于设计 SISO 控制器、自动整定 MIMO 系统和创建降阶模型Image Acquisition Toolbox支持 Kinect® for Windows® v2 和 USB 3 VisionComputer Vision System Toolbox光学字符识别 (OCR) 训练程序应用、行人侦测和来自针对 3-D 视觉的动作和光束平差的结构体Trading Toolbox对交易、灵敏性和交易后执行的交易成本分析Simulink 产品系列Simulink通过访问模板、最近模型和精选示例更快开始或继续工作的起始页自动求解器选项可更快速地设置和仿真模型针对异构设备的系统模型仿真,例如 Xilinx®和 Altera® SoC 架构Simulink® 单位,可在 Simulink、Stateflow® 和 Simscape™ 组件的接口指定单位、对其进行可视化处理并检查变量源和接收器模块,用于定义变量条件并使用生成代码中的编译器指令将其传播至连接的功能Aerospace Blockset标准座舱仪器,用于显示飞行条件SimEvents全新离散事件仿真和建模引擎,包括事件响应、MATLAB 离散事件系统对象制作以及 Simulink 和 Stateflow 自动域转换Simscape全新方程简化和仿真技术,用于生成代码的快速仿真和运行时参数调整Simscape FluidsThermal Liquid 库,用于对属性随温度而变化的液体的系统建模Simulink Design Optimization用于实验设计、Monte Carlo 仿真和相关性分析的灵敏度分析工具Simulink Report Generator三向模型合并,以图形方式解决 Simulink 项目各修订版之间的冲突信号处理和通信Antenna Toolbox电介质建模,用于分析天线和有限天线阵列中的基质效果RF ToolboxRF Budget Analyzer,用于为级联的射频组件计算增益、噪声系数和 IP3SimRF自动射频测试工作台生成Audio System Toolbox一款用于设计和测试音频处理系统的新产品WLAN System Toolbox一款用于对 WLAN 通信系统的物理层进行仿真、分析和测试的新产品代码生成Embedded Coder编译器指令生成,将信号维度作为 #define 进行实施HDL Coder针对 HDL 优化的 FFT 和 IFFT,支持每秒 G 字节采样 (GSPS) 设计的帧输入HDL VerifierPCIe FPGA 在环,用于通过 PCI Express® 接口仿真 Xilinx® KC705/VC707 和 Altera®Cyclone® V GT/Stratix V DSP 开发板上的算法验证和确认Polyspace Code Prover支持 long-double 浮点,并且改进了对无穷大和 NaN 的支持Simulink Design Verifier对 C 代码 S-function 自动生成测试IEC Certification Kit对 Simulink Verification and Validation™ 提供 IEC 62304 医学标准支持Simulink Test使用 Simulink Real-Time™ 制作和执行实时测试

    标签: 电子 表面 电感

    上传时间: 2013-07-09
