Machine learning is a broad and fascinating field. EVEN today, machine learning technology runs a substantial part of your life, often without you knowing it. Any plausible approach to artifi- cial intelligence must involve learning, at some level, if for no other reason than it’s hard to call a system intelligent if it cannot learn. Machine learning is also fascinating in its own right for the philo- sophical questions it raises about what it means to learn and succeed at tasks.
标签: Learning Machine Course in
上传时间: 2020-06-10
The past decade has seen an explosion of machine learning research and appli- cations; especially, deep learning methods have enabled key advances in many applicationdomains,suchas computervision,speechprocessing,andgameplaying. However, the performance of many machine learning methods is very sensitive to a plethora of design decisions, which constitutes a considerable barrier for new users. This is particularly true in the booming field of deep learning, where human engineers need to select the right neural architectures, training procedures, regularization methods, and hyperparameters of all of these components in order to make their networks do what they are supposed to do with sufficient performance. This process has to be repeated for every application. EVEN experts are often left with tedious episodes of trial and error until they identify a good set of choices for a particular dataset.
标签: Auto-Machine-Learning-Methods-Sys tems-Challenges
上传时间: 2020-06-10
We’re living through exciting times. The landscape of what computers can do is changing by the week. Tasks that only a few years ago were thought to require higher cognition are getting solved by machines at near-superhuman levels of per- formance. Tasks such as describing a photographic image with a sentence in idiom- atic English, playing complex strategy game, and diagnosing a tumor from a radiological scan are all approachable now by a computer. EVEN more impressively, computers acquire the ability to solve such tasks through examples, rather than human-encoded of handcrafted rules.
标签: Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Design for manufacturability and statistical design encompass a number of activities and areas of study spanning the integrated circuit design and manufacturing worlds. In the early days of the planar integrated circuit, it was typical for a handful of practitioners working on a particular design to have a fairly complete understanding of the manufacturing process, the resulting semiconductor active and passive devices, as well as the resulting circuit - often composed of as few as tens of devices. With the success of semiconductor scaling, predicted and - to a certain extent EVEN driven - by Moore’s law, and the vastly increased complexity of modern nano-meter scale processes and the billion-device circuits they allow, there came a necessary separation between the various disciplines.
标签: Manufacturability Statistical Design for and
上传时间: 2020-06-10
sscom是一款主要是用于蓝牙的调试的专业串口调试软件。用户可以通过该多串口调试工具来调试蓝牙,检测串口的状况。该软件可以及时显示存在的串口号,如果用户增加了usb转串口设备,串口号就会出现在列表内。能够支持110-256000bps波特率,设置数据位(5678),校验(odd,EVEN,mark,space)、停止位(1,1.5,2),并发送任意的字符串。对于dtr,rts信号线也能自由控制输出状态。功能介绍 1.显示流畅,不容易丢数据.中文显示无乱码. 2.USB串口误拔不易死机,大部分型号的USB芯片插回能自动恢复(pl2303除外). 3.通讯方面支持串口和网卡TCP/IP,UDP通讯. 4.波特率支持自定义,最 5.可以实现“帧头+数据+校验+帧尾”的 6.支持字符串和十六进制方式显示,和加时间戳分数据包显示,支持数据波形(示波器)显示. 7.支持字符串和十进制方式发送,支持预定义99组数据串发送.支持发送数据包加校验.支持转义符号输入. 8.支持接收数据直接保存到文件,也可保存窗口数据和原始接收数据. 9.支持终端仿真,STM32的ISP程序下载功能. 10.窗口大小位置,接收窗口的字体颜色背景色均可保存.
上传时间: 2022-06-12
Agenda■Motor Types Overview■BLDC Motor Applications■Comparison of DC to Brushless DC Motors■Hall Sensors■Six-Step Commutation■Sensorless Commutation with Back-EMFVector Motor Control basicsClosed-Loop Speed Control■Introduction to BLDC Motor Control Evaluation Kit■SummaryAll the popular motor types have their specific applications, and all can be controlled with microcontrollers.We wll talk about Brushless DC motors as it is the fast growing motor type today.Motors used in modern Air conditioners, home appliances, tools, EVEN electric bikes are all going to Brushless DC.
上传时间: 2022-07-07