利用Java实现zip压缩/解压缩。randomData()函数随机生成50个DOUBLE数据,并放在doc字符串变量中 openFile()函数读取ZIP压缩文件 saveFile()函数将随机生成的数据存到ZIP格式的压缩文件中。
标签: randomData openFile saveFile DOUBLE
上传时间: 2014-01-03
Addressbook using DOUBLE-linked list. This example shows the use of a DOUBLE-linked list by implementing an addressbook for the console. It has features like inserting, searching(linear), sorting(bubble sort), deleting and load/save to a file. I wrote this during my study of Applied Computer Science so it s intended mainly for students who want to know about some advanced programming techniques in C. The Code was compiled with MSVC++ 6.0 but it should compile with any ANSI-compliant compiler.
标签: DOUBLE-linked list Addressbook implemen
上传时间: 2014-01-24
结合回声消除和语音增强方法的DOUBLE talk算法,能在噪声环境下定出语音的端点
上传时间: 2013-12-10
DOUBLE invverted pendulum matlab source code
标签: invverted pendulum DOUBLE matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-01
线性方程一元求解DOUBLE roundto(DOUBLE x,int n) //将某数保留指定位数!
上传时间: 2015-06-14
Turbo Decoder Release 0.3 * DOUBLE binary, DVB-RCS code * Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm * MyHDL cycle/bit accurate model * Synthesizable VHDL model
标签: Algorithm Decoder DVB-RCS Release
上传时间: 2015-07-10
use DOUBLE link list to implenment memory allocation. There won t appear maloc, new, delete, in my code. All is using freelist to find a suitable memory space.
标签: allocation implenment DOUBLE appear
上传时间: 2013-12-31
上传时间: 2014-12-05
VC+MO最短路径算法 // 计算线的几何长度 DOUBLE CalcLength() // 通过线的id得到线数据 BOOL GetLineData(int id) // 得到距离某点最近的线段,返回该线段的id int GetNearestLineData( DOUBLE x, DOUBLE y) // 判断两点是否重合 BOOL IsPtCoincide( NetPoint ptFirst, NetPoint ptSecond ) // 得到最邻近的点
标签: GetLineData CalcLength DOUBLE BOOL
上传时间: 2015-08-28
1.功能 用全选主元高斯消去法计算矩阵A的秩(C语言) 2.函数参数说明 DOUBLE a[m][n] : 存放mxn阶矩阵A的元素,返回时将被破坏 int m : 矩阵A的行数 int n : 矩阵A的列数 int rank() : 函数返回A的秩 3.文件说明 rank.c为函数程序 rank0.c为主函数程序
上传时间: 2015-09-03