The explosion in demand for wireless services experienced over the past 20 years has put significant pressure on system designers to increase the capacity of the systems being deployed. While the spectral resource is very scarce and practically exhausted, the biggest possibilities are predicted to be in the areas of spectral reuse by unlicensed users or in exploiting the spatial dimension of the wireless channels. The former approach is now under intense DEVELOPMENT and is known as the cogni- tive radio approach (Haykin 2005).
标签: Multi-Antenna Wireless Channels Modeling
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Failure analysis is invaluable in the learning process of electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electrical overstress (EOS) protection design and DEVELOPMENT [1–8]. In the failure analysis of EOS, ESD, and latchup events, there are a number of unique failure analysis processes andinformationthatcanprovidesignificantunderstandingandillumination[4].Today,thereis still no design methodology or computer-aided design (CAD) tool which will predict EOS, ESDprotectionlevels,andlatchupinasemiconductorchip;thisisoneofthesignificantreasons why failure analysis is critical to the ESD design discipline.
标签: Mechanisms Failure Models ESD and
上传时间: 2020-06-05
This book on electrostatic discharge phenomena is essentially a translation and update ofa Swedish edition from 1992. The book is intended for people working with electronic circuits and equipments, in application and DEVELOPMENT. All personnel should be aware of the ESD-hazards, especially those responsible for quality. ESD-prevention is a part of TQM (Total Quality Management). The book is also usable for courses on the subject.
标签: Electronics Scourge ESD The of
上传时间: 2020-06-05
Applications of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microfabrica- tion have spread to different fields of engineering and science in recent years. Perhaps the most exciting DEVELOPMENT in the application of MEMS technol- ogy has occurred in the biological and biomedical areas. In addition to key fluidic components, such as microvalves, pumps, and all kinds of novel sensors that can be used for biological and biomedical analysis and mea- surements, many other types of so-called micro total analysis systems (TAS) have been developed.
标签: Applications Technologies Bio-MEMS and
上传时间: 2020-06-06
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are miniature systems composed ofintegratedelectricalandmechanicalpartstosenseand/orcontrolthingsonaµmscale. The concept of MEMS is attributed to Richard Feynman’s famous talk on December 29th, 1959 [2,3]. Dr. Feynman foresaw many aspects of future MEMS DEVELOPMENT with his insight in microphysics. In particular, material properties in the µm scale are differentfrombulkpropertiesandthescalingdownofintegratedcircuits(IC)fabrication technology has been a major driving force of MEMS DEVELOPMENT.
标签: Performance High MEMS RF
上传时间: 2020-06-06
Nowadays sensors are part of everyday life in a wide variety of fields: scientific applications, medical instrumentation, industrial field, ...and, last but not least, popular mass production and low-cost goods, like smartphones and other mobile devices. Markets and business behind the field of sensors are quite impressive. A common trend for consumer applications is miniaturization which requires, on one side, a lot of research, DEVELOPMENT efforts, and resources but, on the other hand, allows costs and final application size reduction. In this scenario scientific community and industries are very active to drive innovation.
标签: Magnetometers Lorentz Force MEMS
上传时间: 2020-06-06
In this age of science and technology, the global economy has developed so much that our lifestyles are now extremely modernized and developed. In some ways, modern society seems to have reached the utmost state of advancement in various areas, including eco- nomic DEVELOPMENT, science and technology pursuit, and the utilization of the given nat- ural environment. However, it is important to consider approaches that may allow human beings to stay longer on the Earth while enjoying fulfilling and peaceful daily lives.
标签: Ecological Networks Design Smart Home of
上传时间: 2020-06-06
In 2001, Orange, a UK mobile network operator, announced the “Orange at Home” project, a smart house incorporating the latest technology wizardry built some 20 miles north of London. It was intended to be more than a mere showcase, with plans for real families to move in and live with the smart home. My then research establishment, the Digital World Research Centre at the University of Surrey, was commissioned to study how these families reacted to their new home, and to report lessons for the future DEVELOPMENT of smart homes and smart home technologies.
上传时间: 2020-06-06
Over the past few decades there has been an exponential growth in service robots and smart home technologies, which has led to the DEVELOPMENT of exciting new products in our daily lives. Service robots can be used to provide domestic aid for the elderly and disabled, serving various functions ranging from cleaning to enter- tainment. Service robots are divided by functions, such as personal robots, field robots, security robots, healthcare robots, medical robots, rehabilitation robots and entertainment robots. A smart home appears “intelligent” because its embedded computers can monitor so many aspects of the daily lives of householders. For example, the refrigerator may be able to monitor its contents, suggest healthy alter- natives and order groceries. Also, the smart home system may be able to clean the house and water the plants.
标签: Robotics Service Digital within Home the
上传时间: 2020-06-06
In this research, we have designed, developed implemented a wireless sensor networks based smart home for safe, sound and secured living environment for any inhabitant especially elderly living alone. We have explored a methodology for the DEVELOPMENT of efficient electronic real time data processing system to recognize the behaviour of an elderly person. The ability to determine the wellness of an elderly person living alone in their own home using a robust, flexible and data driven artificially intelligent system has been investigated. A framework integrating temporal and spatial contextual information for determining the wellness of an elderly person has been modelled. A novel behaviour detection process based on the observed sensor data in performing essential daily activities has been designed and developed.
上传时间: 2020-06-06