a ClaSS to help you catch all throwable errors in Java
ClaSS="tags">标签: throwable errors ClaSS catch
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-30
取得自身所在的jar包位置或.ClaSS的位置 一般用于加载配置文件和移植(当然还有其他用处)
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2014-01-16
The GP kernel is a C++ ClaSS library that can be used to apply genetic programming techniques to all kinds of problems. The library defines a ClaSS hierarchy. An integral component is the ability to produce automatically defined functions as found in Koza s "Genetic Programming II".
ClaSS="tags">标签: programming techniques genetic library
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2016-08-17
MHP java ClaSS for Interactive TV use
ClaSS="tags">标签: Interactive ClaSS java MHP
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-25
microsoft foundation ClaSS library document,enjoy! dessect in MFC
ClaSS="tags">标签: foundation microsoft document dessect
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2016-08-21
MFC (Microsoft Foundation ClaSS Library)中的各种类结合起来构成了一个应用程序框架,它的目的就是让程序员在此基础上来建立Windows下的应用程序,这是一种相对SDK来说更为简单的方法。因为总体上,MFC框架定义了应用程序的轮廓,并提供了用户接口的标准实现方法,程序员所要做的就是通过预定义的接口把具体应用程序特有的东西填入这个轮廓。Microsoft Visual C++提供了相应的工具来完成这个工作:AppWizard可以用来生成初步的框架文件(代码和资源等);资源编辑器用于帮助直观地设计用户接口;ClaSSWizard用来协助添加代码到框架文件;最后,编译,则通过类库实现了应用程序特定的逻辑。
ClaSS="tags">标签: Foundation Microsoft Library ClaSS
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2016-08-25
(运筹学)运用我上传的graph ClaSS文件来解决网络图的问题
ClaSS="tags">标签: graph ClaSS 运筹学 网络
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-22
a sample WDM stream ClaSS video capture driver that supports two IEEE 1394 digital cameras. The same driver may be able to support other digital cameras that conform to 1394-based Digital Camera Specification from 1394 Trade Association. Digital camera supported by dcam.sys is a data source that produces digital image data without any other input connection. It manifests itself in a DirectShow graph as a WDM Streaming Capture Device and as a capture filter that has output capture stream supporting image sizes of 320x240 with a UYVY color space. Its de-compressor, Msyuv.dll, is part of the OS delivery, and it can convert image data format from UYVY to RGB16, RGB8, or to a Direct Draw surface if the video card supports UYVY format.
ClaSS="tags">标签: supports capture cameras digital
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2014-01-13
The C++ Client Edition contains a full set of C++ ClaSS libraries, with client side source code for comprehensive Internet and Intranet application development and enablement. Designed specifically for Visual C++ developers, this kit has the power and flexibility that you demand
ClaSS="tags">标签: libraries contains Edition Client
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2016-08-29
FIR滤波器的C++实现 Below are program source listings for FIR.h and FIR.cpp, the header file and ClaSS file for implementing arbitrary causal FIR filters in the Synthesis Tool Kit (STK) framework
ClaSS="tags">标签: FIR and listings program
ClaSS="time">上传时间: 2013-12-11