css美化有序列表,贴出部分css代码 <ol > <li>先涂粉底再涂防晒</li> <li>先涂防晒再涂粉底</li> </ol> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>CSS3 ordered list styles - demo</title> <style> body{ margin: 40px auto; width: 500px; } /* -------------------------------------- */ ol{ counter-reset: li; list-style: none; *list-style: decimal; font: 15px 'trebuchet MS', 'lucida sans'; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 4em; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.5); } ol ol{ margin: 0 0 0 2em; } /* -------------------------------------- */
上传时间: 2018-08-22
上传时间: 2020-03-03
The serious study of the practice of how to determine the appropriate content of a specification is a seldom-appreciated pastime. Those who have the responsibility to design a product would prefer a greater degree of freedom than permitted by the con- tent of a specification. Many of those who would manage those who would design a product would prefer to allocate all of the project funding and schedule to what they consider more productive labor. These are the attitudes, of course, that doom a project to defeat but they are hard to counter no matter how many times repeated by design engineers and managers. A system engineer who has survived a few of these experiences over a long career may retire and forget the past but we have an endur- ing obligation to work toward changing these attitudes while trying to offer younger system engineers a pathway toward a more sure success in requirements analysis and specification publishing.
标签: Requirements Analysis System
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) phenomena have been known to mankind since the Greek Empire when Thales of Miletus, one of the Seven Sages of Greece, noticed the attraction of strands of hay to amber, leading to the coining of the word “electron.” Electrical discharge and the guiding of electrical discharge (e.g., lightning) was of interest to Benjamin Franklin in the 1700s, with the invention of the lightning rod. The lightning rod was mankind’s first effort to guide the electrical discharge current of a lightning strike in a direction that would not harm structures.
标签: Circuits Devices 2015 ESD and
上传时间: 2020-06-05
欧母龙PLC例程PLC控制器源码255个合集:1600T俄罗斯压力机.rar200吨压机程序 omron 的机子C系列的.rar3MK136旧磨床现程序.rar3电机延时控制启停.rar5V编码器信号如何接入CP1H高数计数案例.rar6路抢答器源码.rar902002 OMRON.rarASCII Generic Protocol Macro Object Code.zipASCII Generic Protocol Macro.zipC3电枢异物吸引.rarCalendar Calculation.zipcarbon.rarCompact Flash Memory Write.zipCounter Multiplex.zipcp1h 高速计数触发中断注意点.rarcp1h-x40用在非标饮料线上的程序,有注解.rarCP1H与爱默生温控模块的通讯程序.rarCP1L and CP1H EasyModbus FB.zipCPM1A编写的赞扬15T立式注塑机.rarCPM2A Interupt High Speed Counting Sample.zipCPM2A自身时钟六个时间段触发程序.rarCQM1 Host Link Master.zipCQM1H 21的例子程序,有温度压力等PID控制。.rarCQMaster.swp.zipCS CJ CP NSJ password set.zipCS1 C Mode Hostlink.zipCS1-CJ1 Floating Point to Fixed Point Conversion for HMI.zipcub.rarCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction Guide R120-E1-01..zipCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction to Function Blocks Guide R121-E1-01.zipC_Mode_Hostlink.zipDeviceNet Explicit Message Example.zipdieban.rarEasy to use Modbus RTU Master for CP1L CP1H CJ1 CJ2 CS1.zipExample of Using Daylight Saving FB's.zipExample Scale Meter Protocol.zipFB Calculate Day Of Week.zipFB Day light savings function block.zipFB Extract Time Date into SecMin Hr Day Mth Yr.zipFB Scale with parameters.zipGKF1250离心机CXP.rargkf1250离心机cxpgkf离心机omron.rarJH21-200程序.rarLED液压机.rarlogging+ filewrite.ziplpr-des.rarModbus Protocol Macro Object Code.zipModbus Protocol Macro.zipModbus RTU Sample Code CJ1-SCB.rarModbus TCP Client using FB's.zipOmron CS1 Sequencer.zipOMRON E6CP绝对值编码器使用实例。编码器为8位格雷码输出.rarOmron Modbus Slave Ladder.zipOmron Plc 变频一带三例程.rarOMRON PLC编程示范.raromron--MOV傳送指令.raromron-cs1g-h-cpu42日本机的程序.rarOmron_CJ2_to_AB_EIP_Tag_Datalink_Example.rarOMRON接驳台.rarOMRON控制2伺服.rarOMRON温度,压力模拟量输入程序.rarOMRON照明设备程序.raromron的PLC案例程序.rarOMRON程序举例.rarOMRON程序举例2.rarOMRON纸病分析系统-PLC程序(CJ1G).zipomron脉冲输出到驱动器的程序.rarPCB 沉铜线程序.rarPID温度控制的PLC程序设计实例.rarPinstamp.zipPLC Clock adjustment with screen.zipPLC锰钢程序cpm2a.zipPolls and Writes setpoints to E5CK Process Controller - E5CK.swp.zipPRO9连拉.rarProcess states sequence logics.zipQuadrature Input for Standard CPM1A DC Inputs.zipRandom Number Generator.zipScaling in CJ1 CS1 PLC's.zipSMS - GSM PLC Communications.zipsony 公司 某机台控制程序.rarStepNext.cpt.zipSTUP Example.zipTemplate for Step-Step Next Sequence.zipToggle Button.zipTracking product on conveyor.zipTXD-RXD Quickstart Programs.zipTXD-RXD Serial Port Handling.zipUseable timer.zipV600-E5CK.zipV700-V720 RFID Protocol Macro.zipVB与OMRON PLC通讯源码.rarWoodwood Controler Example Protocol Program.zipYH32-315油压机程序.rar一个CJ1M的程序.rar一个OMRON程序,带位置控制模块.rar一个生产线上润滑控制的小程序.rar一些简单的cpm1a程序.rar一控三恒压供水程序.rar三层提升机欧姆龙CQM1H程序.rar三菱400吨和200号冲床程序.rar上海产自动模切机飞达部程序.zip上海狮印全自动啤机程序.rar东芝压铸机梯形图.rar两步法吹瓶机.rar乡林剪台.rar买书的随书样例.rar井研磨边机.rar交通灯注释全.rar今机立式注塑机程序.rar伺服电机正反转控制.rar位置控制(旋转编码器与PLC).rar充磁机程序.rar先启后停 后启先停 事例.rar冲床程序.rar分拣线主机一个CJ1M的分拣线程序下挂CP1H.rar利慧利乐灌装机程序.rar刮水器停止位置检查程序.rar力泰翻胚机程序.rar北人04印刷机程序.rar北人LQD10骑马装订程序.rar半自动吹瓶机的程.rar南京印刷机.zip卡板程式.rar压制机程序(带解释,注释).rar压力机控制程序.rar原创液压机程序带注释欧姆龙PLC加信捷文本.rar原点搜索程序.rar双翻分拣机.rar双边机.rar反渗透整套PLC控制.rar台湾产染色机欧姆龙PLC带3只IO扩展控制程序.rar台湾大拉无板.rar啤酒厂酒瓶美容机.rar四川绵阳建丰热磨工段.rar在用设备程序.rar垂直涂布.rar外端子设计数值.rar大型热电厂 PLC程序(带注解).rar大摇动超声波清洗机.rar大连75密练注释程序.rar安呼12级.rar富佳扶梯程序.rar对齐度编程!!.rar小车控制程序.rar小车送料”例程.rar广东锻压气压冲床程序(80T)有详细注解.rar广告牌灯箱.rar微电机刷簧自动组装程序.rar微粉砖自动送料带OMRON CQM2A+扩展程序带注释.rar意大利进口皮革压花.rar扎钢机程序.rar打包机.rar拔盖机.rar拨码控制.rar挡砖磨边机(新1).rar捷豹空压机控制程序.rar接木机.rar控制程序例子.rar推挂.rar攻丝机2(新).rar料位显示.rar旋转门控制程序1.rar无协议.rar无心磨床(OMRON系统,带机械手有详细注解).rar无线胶装机欧姆龙程序.zip日本人编的程序 抛光研磨.rar日本成型磨床控制程序(附注释)欧姆龙CPM1A.rar板坯定厚.rar样例,有注释.rar模拟量试验.rar欧姆龙CJ1M铬化机程序带注释.rar欧姆龙CP1H例程.rar欧姆龙CPM1A的PLC.rar欧姆龙CPM2AH PLC和欧姆龙NTZ触摸屏编写的超声波清洗机程序..rar欧姆龙CPM2AH Host Link通讯程序(发布源码).rar
上传时间: 2021-10-22
lm75A温度数字转换器 FPGA读写实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档资料,FPGA为CYCLONE4系列中的EP4CE6E22C8. 完整的工程文件,可以做为你的学习设计参考。LM75A 是一个使用了内置带隙温度传感器和模数转换技术的温度数字转换器。它也是一个温度检测器,可提供一个过热检测输出。LM75A 包含许多数据寄存器:配置寄存器用来存储器件的某些配置,如器件的工作模式、OS 工作模式、OS 极性和OS 故障队列等(在功能描述一节中有详细描述);温度寄存器(Temp),用来存储读取的数字温度;设定点寄存器(Tos & Thyst),用来存储可编程的过热关断和滞后限制,器件通过2 线的串行I2C 总线接口与控制器通信。LM75A 还包含一个开漏输出(OS),当温度超过编程限制的值时该输出有效。LM75A 有3 个可选的逻辑地址管脚,使得同一总线上可同时连接8个器件而不发生地址冲突。LM75A 可配置成不同的工作条件。它可设置成在正常工作模式下周期性地对环境温度进行监控或进入关断模式来将器件功耗降至最低。OS 输出有2 种可选的工作模式:OS 比较器模式和OS 中断模式。OS 输出可选择高电平或低电平有效。故障队列和设定点限制可编程,为了激活OS 输出,故障队列定义了许多连续的故障。温度寄存器通常存放着一个11 位的二进制数的补码,用来实现0.125℃的精度。这个高精度在需要精确地测量温度偏移或超出限制范围的应用中非常有用。正常工作模式下,当器件上电时,OS 工作在比较器模式,温度阈值为80℃,滞后75℃,这时,LM75A就可用作一个具有以上预定义温度设定点的独立的温度控制器。module LM75_SEG_LED ( //input input sys_clk ,input sys_rst_n ,inout sda_port ,//output output wire seg_c1 ,output wire seg_c2 ,output wire seg_c3 ,output wire seg_c4 ,output reg seg_a ,output reg seg_b ,output reg seg_c ,output reg seg_e ,output reg seg_d ,output reg seg_f ,output reg seg_g ,output reg seg_h , output reg clk_sclk );//parameter define parameter WIDTH = 8;parameter SIZE = 8;//reg define reg [WIDTH-1:0] counter ;reg [9:0] counter_div ;reg clk_50k ;reg clk_200k ;reg sda ;reg enable ;
上传时间: 2021-10-27
近年来反季节种植已成火热趋势,温室大棚的普及十分迅速,而温室大棚对自动化、智能化的要求也越来越迫切,本系统将温室大棚的温湿度、二氧化碳浓度各个方面的检测,通风、浇灌、温度、喷洒农药等各个方面的控制进行综合系统研究,实现温室大棚对自动化、智能化的要求。这一系统是基于单片机控制的智能检测,控制系统包含单片机主控模块、感应检测模块、传感模块,显示、控制模块等[1]。从而提高温室大棚的种植效率,减少劳动力,提高利润等。In recent years,counter-season planting has become a hot trend featuring the rapid popularization of greenhouse and urgent requirement for the automation and intellectualization of greenhouse.This paper offers a comprehensive and systematic study of the monitoring of temperature,humidity and carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse and the control of ventilation,irrigation,temperature and pesticide spraying in order to achieve automation and intellectualization in greenhouse.This system is based on the intelligent detection controlled by single chip computer with the control system including the main control module,induction detection module,sensing module,display and control module of single chip computer,which is effective in improving planting efficiency of greenhouse,reducing labor force and increasing profits.
上传时间: 2022-03-27
数字频率计是电工电子中常用的测量仪器,数字频率计通过用输入待测信号对一特定长度的信号进行计数,从而得出频率并通过数码管直观的显示出来。本文提出了一种与输入同步的数字频率计的设计,提高了频率计的精度,设计采用Multisim软件进行设计和仿真的过程,介绍了其工作原理,硬件电路设计和仿真的过程。设计采用了Multisim软件进行设计和仿真,设计结果得到的验证。Digital frequency counter is used to measure the frequency of a signal.It is common to use a multivibrator to generate a standard 1 second time base signal and count input signal gated by this signal.However,the asynchronous of this time base signal with input signal will bring errors.In this paper,a high precision frequency counter which use synchronized time base signal generator is proposed.This frequency counter is designed and simulated by Multisim tools and result is verified.
标签: multisim
上传时间: 2022-05-08
RX-8801 SA Features built-in 32.768 kHz DTCXO, High Stability Supports l'C-Bus's high speed mode (400 kHz)Alarm interrupt function for day, date, hour, and minute settings Fixed-cycle timer interrupt function Time update interrupt function32.768 kHz output with OE function Auto correction of leap years Wide interface voltage range: 2.2 V to 5.5 V Wide time-keeping voltage range:1.8 V to 5.5 V Low current consumption: 0.84A/3V (Typ.)is an IC bus interface-compliant real-time clock which includes a 32.768 kHz DTCXO In addition to providing a calendar (year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second) function and a clock counter function, this module provides an abundance of other functions including an alarm function, fixed-cycle timer unction, time update interrupt function, and 32.768 kHz output function.The devices in this module are fabricated via a C-MOS process for low current consumption, which enables ong-term battery back-up.
上传时间: 2022-06-17
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(65)资源包含以下内容:1. DM9161应用电路原理图来自DAVICOM网站。需要的可以自由下载.2. ALTERA CPLD器件的配置与下载,贡献给初学习者,非长有用.3. This design package includes reference materials for creating a USB - PS/2 combination mouse that a.4. 字符表示的十六进制数转化为相应的整数    错误则返回    -1   .5. C51的12864m.6. 8个字LED点阵的显示程序.7. 51+ch375超级经典的U盘读写程序嘿嘿赶快下载把.8. PWM控制电机C程序-已通过实验测试 PWM控制精确控制电机的转动..9. C51串口单工通讯程序一成功通过测试,请放心下载.10. 来自网上好心人的好东东,关于SD卡读写的,内附protel原理图.11. 设计输入 ! 多种设计输入方法 – Quartus II • 原理图式图形设计输入 • 文本编辑 – AHDL, VHDL, Verilog • 内存编辑 .12. 全是FPGA的例子 对大家应该有好处 大家赶快下把 知识不等人.13. 此为编程代码示例.14. 此为编程代码示例.15. 我在spartan-3e starter kit 的板上实现了mc8051.16. 完成MP3播放功能.17. 一个关于实时时钟驱动方面的程序(ARM7).18. 遍历二叉树的4个非递归算法 vc编程基础.19. 快速排序的非递归算法 vc编程练习.20. 雷达高频接收机.21. 我的开发板的所有测试程序.22. ps2的驱动.23. 密度测试仪的源码.24. 本程序主要内容18b20+s52+uart单点测温详细c51程序.25. CPLD 9536 程序 我自己用的代码. VHDL语言.26. AMD嵌入式处理器AU1200开发板原理图.27. cpld3128开发板的原理图 很有用,已经做成PCB,需要的话可以联系我.28. ertfs文件系统里面既有完整ucos程序.29. 基于atmega128的交通信号灯控制程序.30. 利用软件编写的I2C传输界面程序,适用于现有4位机等汇编语言中!.31. I2C控制程序,供大家学习参考,使用时根据自己的系统修改..32. This designs uses a Nios II system to demonstrate how to read from the SD card. The software reads W.33. his design is the initial design when the board is powered-up. It increments a counter and displays.34. 用于多于9个串口的ce驱动程序。时间仓促。可以参考.35. CSD卡的dos驱动程序源码.36. ADT700的小程序.37. 嵌入式的小程序.38. 基于cpld的hdb3编码器 基于cpld的hdb3编码器.39. 基于cpld的交通灯设计 ?赾pld的交通灯设计.40. 用于ARM9系列的S3C2440A的bootloader,Linux平台.
标签: 固件
上传时间: 2013-04-15