The PSpice Library List
上传时间: 2013-09-09
1.以二维数组List[N+1] 表示地图,N表示区域数目,数组中以元素值为0表示不邻接,1表示邻接,限定区域数目N<=50. 2.用户先输入区域数目N,再输入邻接区域的代码,邻接可只写一次,区域的代码为0~N,N个为区域,一个为外部区域,或输入N-1,则可不包括外部区域,N个区域由用户定义 3.输出时,采用一一对应的方法,一个区域对应一种颜色 形式:区域代码==》颜色代码(1~4)=》颜色 4.本程序可为任意一张的地图染色,并且至多只染四种颜色
上传时间: 2015-01-10
folder List
上传时间: 2014-01-23
适合初学者练习 包括awt小程序、List和map群体等100多个java程序
上传时间: 2014-01-04
A document about audio,include Mp3 , Mp3Pro, AAC , AAC+ , EAAC+ , AMR , AMR-WB ,AMR-WB+ .It List detail information about this audio type.It is a guide to study these audio in advance
标签: AMR-WB AAC document include
上传时间: 2015-02-21
系统可用编辑器1. Overview 2. System Requirements 3. Contents of the Distribution Package 4. List of Available Command Line Flag Options 5. Contents of the Extracted Files 6. Installing the Software in Interactive Mode 7. Installing the Software in Silent Mode 8. Installing the INF Files Prior to OS Installation 8A. Installing the Windows* XP INF Files Prior to OS Installation
标签: Distribution Requirements Overview Contents
上传时间: 2015-02-23
How to use InternetStatus.dll get the internet stautus? use the code as List in the Delphi Application code editing region
标签: the InternetStatus Applicati use
上传时间: 2015-03-24
对control List控件实现自动排序功能,转载自vckbase
上传时间: 2014-01-09
Addressbook using double-linked List. This example shows the use of a double-linked List by implementing an addressbook for the console. It has features like inserting, searching(linear), sorting(bubble sort), deleting and load/save to a file. I wrote this during my study of Applied Computer Science so it s intended mainly for students who want to know about some advanced programming techniques in C. The Code was compiled with MSVC++ 6.0 but it should compile with any ANSI-compliant compiler.
标签: double-linked List Addressbook implemen
上传时间: 2014-01-24
本flash音乐特别实用于个人网站的朋友们使用!添加音乐随心所欲! 添加音乐在List.xml文件里面! 添加自己想要的最新流行音乐哟! 本站已经副带了160多首最流行的音乐!呵呵不要多,只要好听就行了! 另外在Flash播放器还副带了源flash码供大家自己编辑!
上传时间: 2013-12-06