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上传时间: 2014-01-18
本书是久负盛名的C++经典教程,其内容是C++大师Stanley B. Lippman丰富的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准深入理解的完美结合,已经帮助全球无数程序员学会了C++。本版对前一版进行了彻底的修订,内容经过了重新组织,更加入了C++先驱Barbara E.Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见。既显著改善了可读性,又充分体现了C++语言的最新进展和当前的业界最佳实践。书中不但新增大量教学辅助内容,用于强调重要的知识点,提醒常见的错误,推荐优秀的编程实践,给出使用提示,还包含大量来自实战的示例和习题。 对C++基本概念和技术全面而且权威的阐述,对现代C++编程风格的强调,使本书成为C++初学者的最佳指南;对于中高级程序员,本书也是不可或缺的参考书。
标签: 教程
上传时间: 2014-01-26
三相步进电机的三相六拍工作方式,正转的绕组通电顺序:A、AB、B、BC、C、CA、A,反转的通电顺序:A、AC、C、CB、B、BA、B、A。 由于步进电机转子有一定的惯性以及所带负载的惯性,故步进电机的工作过程中不能及时的启动和停止,在启动时应慢慢的加速到预定速度,在停止前应逐渐减速到停止,否则,将产生失步现象。 步进电机的控制问题可总结为两点: 1、产生工作方式需要的时序脉冲; 2、控制步进电机的速度,使它始终遵循加速、匀速、减速的规律工作。
上传时间: 2015-12-01
UC Library Extensions UnderC comes with a pocket implementation of the standard C++ libraries, which is a reasonably faithful subset. This documentation describes those UnderC functions and classes which are not part of the C++ standard. UC Library Builtin functions: Most of these are standard C functions, but there are a few unique to the UnderC system which give you runtime access to the compiler. You may evaluate expressions, execute commands, compile code, etc. * Expands the text in expr using the UnderC preprocessor, putting the result into buff. void uc_macro_subst(const char* expr, char* buff, int buffsize) * Executes a UC #-command, like #l or #help. uc_cmd() expects the name of the command, _without_ the hash, e.g. uc_cmd("l fred.cpp") or uc_cmd("help"). void uc_cmd(const char* cmd) * Evaluates any C++ expression or statement will return non-zero if unsuccessful.
标签: implementation Extensions libraries standard
上传时间: 2013-12-14
We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some total order defined for these items. You may assume that no two elements will be equal (for all a, b: a<b or b<a). However, it is expensive to compare two items. Your task is to make a number of comparisons, and then output the sorted order. The cost of determining if a < b is given by the bth integer of element a of costs (space delimited), which is the same as the ath integer of element b. Naturally, you will be judged on the total cost of the comparisons you make before outputting the sorted order. If your order is incorrect, you will receive a 0. Otherwise, your score will be opt/cost, where opt is the best cost anyone has achieved and cost is the total cost of the comparisons you make (so your score for a test case will be between 0 and 1). Your score for the problem will simply be the sum of your scores for the individual test cases.
标签: represented integers group items
上传时间: 2016-01-17
数据结构 1、算法思路: 先定义一个三元组,创建稀疏矩阵m和n。依次扫描A和B的行号和列号,若A的当前项的行号等于B的当前项的行号,则比较其列号,将较小列的项存入C中,如果列号也相等,则将对应的元素值相加后存入C中;若A的当前项的行号小于B的当前项的行号,则将A的项存入C中;若A的当前项的行号大于B的当前项的行号,则将B的项存入C中。
上传时间: 2016-03-05
被《程序员》等机构评选为2006年最受读者喜爱的十大IT图书之一。 本书是久负盛名的C++经典教程,其内容是C++大师Stanley B. Lippman丰富的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准深入理解的完美结合,已经帮助全球无数程序员学会了C++。本版对前一版进行了彻底的修订,内容经过了重新组织,更加入了C++ 先驱Barbara E.Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见。既显著改善了可读性,又充分体现了C++语言的最新进展和当前的业界最佳实践。书中不但新增大量教学辅助内容,用于强调重要的知识点,提醒常见的错误,推荐优秀的编程实践,给出使用提示,还包含大量来自实战的示例和习题。
上传时间: 2014-01-13
上传时间: 2013-12-26
flash 键盘音效取自win2000系统ding.wav,经过CoolEdit处理成音阶,在Flash中导入在相应按钮上。 没有难度,就是耐心一点,成绩不错哦! 对应表: 低音G-a #G-w A-s #A-e B-d 中音C-f #C-t D-g #D-y E-h F-j #F-i G-k #G-o A-l #A-p B- 高音C-1 D-2 E-3 F-4 G-5 A-6 B-7 C(high)-8 #C-c #D-v #F-b #G-n #A-m
上传时间: 2014-02-06
汉诺塔!!! Simulate the movement of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle Bonus is possible for using animation eg. if n = 2 A→B A→C B→C if n = 3 A→C A→B C→B A→C B→A B→C A→C
标签: the animation Simulate movement
上传时间: 2017-02-11