上传时间: 2017-06-09
This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 Microcontroller (MCU). The pulsoximeter consists of a peripheral probe combined with the MCU displaying the oxygen saturation and pulse rate on a LCD glass. The same sensor is used for both heart-rate detection and pulsoximetering in this application. The probe is placed on a peripheral point of the body such as a finger tip, ear lobe or the nose. The probe includes two light emitting diodes (LEDs), one in the visible red spectrum (660nm) and the other in the infrared spectrum (940nm). The percentage of oxygen in the body is worked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmits through the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities.
标签: plethysmography non-invasive application discusses
上传时间: 2014-01-17
The SL11RIDE is a low cost, high speed Universal Serial Bus RISC based Controller board. It contains a 16-bit RISC processor with built in SL11RIDE ROM to greatly reduce firmware development efforts. Its serial flash EEPROM interface offers low cost storage for USB device configuration and customer product specific functions. New functions can be programmed into the I2C by downloading it from a USB Host PC. This unique architecture provides the ability to upgrade products, in the field, without changing the peripheral hardware.
标签: Controller Universal contains Serial
上传时间: 2014-01-06
生成Trick文件工具 1.Open command line 2.input tricktest Usage: TrickTest -f -o -i -f source mpeg2 file to trick -o trick output directory -i output file id -m max coding error, default 0 -b max bitrate for trick generate, default 0 mean no limit -s trick buffer block size, must be n*188 -l log file, default c:\tricktest.log example: tricktest -f 黑鹰行动.mpg -o c:\temp -i A -m 1000 -b 3750000 soure file: 黑鹰行动.mpg output directory: c:\temp filename: 000000A,000000A.ff,000000A.fr,000000A.vvx max coding error: 1000 trick generation speed: 3750000 bps a
标签: TrickTest tricktest command source
上传时间: 2014-01-23
Microchip Technology announces new families of USB capable microcontrollers covering 8-, 16-, and 32-bit architectures.
标签: microcontrollers Technology Microchip announces
上传时间: 2014-09-09
Microchip Technology announces new families of USB capable microcontrollers covering 8-, 16-, and 32-bit architectures.
标签: microcontrollers Technology Microchip announces
上传时间: 2017-06-19
Usage: void CRC(int*,int*,int,int) Input: XAR0:coded data(InputData) XAR1:decoded CRC bits(CrcPoly) T0: Length of coded data(CodeOutlen) T1: Length of CRC bits(CrcPolylen) Return: NO Altered Registers: AC0-AC2,T2 Others: 8 bits of AC0 LSB is CRCcheck bit
上传时间: 2017-06-24
ICDLL1. AT24C01A/02/04/08/16/64卡 该系列IC卡均为非加密存储卡,容量分别为1K,2K,4K,8K,16K,64K bit,只有读、写两种操作。
上传时间: 2017-06-24
GNU_Radio GNU radio is a free/open-source software toolkit for and the content is controlled by a handful of organizations. Cell building software radios, in which software defines the phones are a great convenience, but the features your phone transmitted waveforms and demodulates the received supports are determined by the operator s interests, not yours. waveforms. Software radio is the technique of getting code A centralized system limits the rate of innovation. Instead of as close to the antenna as possible. It turns radio hardware cell phones being second-class citizens, usable only if problems into software problems.
标签: open-source GNU_Radio software toolkit
上传时间: 2017-06-27
This file is a function under matlab which allow to read, play and plot audio signals from wav file. We can also extract the sampling frequency and coding bit number
标签: file function signals matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-25