SCSI Multimedia Commands 鈥?3 (MMC-3) T10/1363-D 5.16 READ CAPACITY Command The READ CAPACITY command (Table 144) provides a means for the Initiator to request information regarding the capacity of the Logical Unit. This command shall not report the correct capacity of the recorded data for CD-R, CD-RW and DVD-R/-RW media that does not have a Lead-out in the last Session or last Border-out. For CD-ROM, the returned logical block address is modified to allow returning a possibly inexact value (but one with a known error bound) based on the Table of Contents data
标签: CAPACITY READ Multimedia Commands
上传时间: 2017-04-17
The future satellite communication systems are re- quired to support the higher transmission data rate for providing the multimedia services by employing the e铿僣ient modulation method such as multi-level QAM.
标签: communication transmission satellite systems
上传时间: 2017-04-18
This project features a complete JPEG Hardware Compressor (standard Baseline DCT, JFIF header) with 2:1:1 subsampling, able to compress at a rate of up to 24 images per second (on XC2V1000-4 @ 40 MHz with resolution 352x288). Image resolution is not limited. It takes an RGB input (row-wise) and outputs to a memory the compressed JPEG image. Its quality is comparable to software solutions.
标签: Compressor Hardware Baseline features
上传时间: 2017-04-21
I wrote the rotary encoder procedures, using C51, with disruption of 0 to achieve and very easy to use, no error.
标签: disruption procedures encoder achieve
上传时间: 2014-01-06
The Fat Fs module is a middleware that written in ANSI C. There is no platform dependence, so long as the compiler is in compliance with ANSI C. However it handles the system portable FAT structures. You must take the endian into consideration. It must be changed for your platform first or the compiler will abort with an error.
标签: C. dependence middleware platform
上传时间: 2014-01-12
关于AADL的功能描述,以及error model 的相关介绍和应用
上传时间: 2017-05-13
Software uart using a general purpose io and an external interrupt pin of an atmel uc. half duplex operation, adjustable baud rate
标签: interrupt Software external general
上传时间: 2013-12-31
USBHostSlave is a USB 1.1 host and Device IP core. – Supports full speed (12Mbps) and low speed (1.5Mbps) operation. – USB Device has four endpoints, each with their own independent FIFO. – Supports the four types of USB data transfer control, bulk, interrupt, and isochronous transfers. – Host can automatically generate SOF packets. – 8-bit Wishbone slave bus interface. – FIFO depth configurable via paramters.
标签: speed USBHostSlave and Supports
上传时间: 2014-01-17
This program implements a PIC-based fuzzy inference engine for the Fudge fuzzy development system from Motorola. It works by taking the output from Fudge for the 68HC11 processor, and converting it to a MPASM compatible assembler file using the convert batch file. This file can then be incorporated with fuzzy.asm to create a fuzzy inference engine. Tool chain ---------- FUDGE -> Fuzzy Rules -> MC68HC11.ASM -> CONVERT.BAT -> RULES.ASM -> MPASM FUZZY.ASM -> INTEL HEX Fuzzy input registers --------------------- current_ins 1..8 x 8-bit raw inputs Fuzzy inference function ------------------------ FuzzyEngine Fuzzy output registers ---------------------- cog_outs 1..8 x 8-bit raw outputs
标签: fuzzy development implements PIC-based
上传时间: 2014-01-18
典型实例10.8 字符LCD接口的设计与实现 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 硬件开发环境:红色飓风II代-Xilinx版 1. 本实例控制开发板上面的LCD的显示; 2. 工程在\project文件夹里面 3. 源文件和管脚分配在\rtl文件夹里面 4. 下载文件在\download文件夹里面,.mcs为PROM模式下载文件,.bit为JTAG调试下载文件。
上传时间: 2013-12-26