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  • 谈集成电路的通用接口

    Abstract: How can an interface change a happy face to a sad face? Engineers have happy faces when an interface works properly.Sad faces indicate failure somewhere. Because interfaces Between microprocessors and ICs are simple—even easy—they are oftenignored until interface failure causes sad faces all around. In this article, we discuss a common SPI error that can Be almostimpossible to find in a large system. Links to interface tutorial information are provided for complete information. Noise as a systemissue and ICs to minimize its effects are also descriBed.

    标签: 集成电路 通用接口

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • CSL is a programming language with C syntax and comprehensive libraries. The compact scripting engin

    CSL is a programming language with C syntax and comprehensive libraries. The compact scripting engine can also Be emBedded into your own applications as a powerful macro language. Windows Distribution utilities.

    标签: comprehensive programming libraries scripting

    上传时间: 2013-11-27


  • This simple SDI Notepad-like application demonstrates how, taking advantage of the MFC support for U

    This simple SDI Notepad-like application demonstrates how, taking advantage of the MFC support for Unicode, to Turkmenize laBels of the specified menu items. Actually, Turkmen is not supported by Windows 2000, therefore, to create such resources as menu so that strings in Turkmen could Be displayed I had to invent an additional technique 这是一个与记事本类似的简单的SDI应用程序,演示了怎样使用MFC来支持 Unicode,对指定的菜单条目进行Turkmenize标签化。实际上,Windwos 2000并不支持Turknen,因此,创建了那些菜单资源以便那些字符串可以在Turknen中显示,为此我必须开发其它的技术。 来源: http://www.codeguru.com/advancedui/SDI_Note.html

    标签: Notepad-like demonstrates application advantage

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • Displaying a large bitmap file on a dialog box, in its original size, is quite difficult in the VC++

    Displaying a large bitmap file on a dialog box, in its original size, is quite difficult in the VC++ environment. However, it is possible to display a large bitmap to a predefined area of the dialog by using the StretchBlt( ) function.The major disadvantage of this is that the clarity of the image will Be lost. Check out this article for displaying large bitmaps into the desired area of your dialog box in its original size with a scrolling technique used to show the entire bitmap. 滚动显示位图 在VC++环境下,在一个对话框中显示一个原始尺寸的大小的位图文件相当是困难的。然而,通过使用 StretchBlt()函数一个给定的区域显示一个大的位图是可能的。主要的缺点是图像将会失真。看了这篇通过卷动技术显示整个位图技术的文章,你将能够以它的原始尺寸在给定对话框的区域内显示一个大位图。 来源: http://www.codeguru.com/bitmap/ScrollBitmap.html

    标签: Displaying difficult original bitmap

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • Full support for extended regular expressions (those with intersection and complement); Support for

    Full support for extended regular expressions (those with intersection and complement); Support for some kinds of cycles in grammar; DFA-based operation; Unicode support; C++ only, requires a modern compiler; Lexical analyzers can Be configured to get symbols from any input class (built-in support for std::istream, std::wistream and FILE *); Designed to work with Whale, but can work standalone or interface to other parsers.

    标签: intersection expressions complement for

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • We intend to develop a wifi enabled p2p file sharing system on a linux platform using jxta and java.

    We intend to develop a wifi enabled p2p file sharing system on a linux platform using jxta and java. The purpose is to build a system that can Be ported to an emBedded device at a later stage and Be used for p2p file sharing using the 802.11b standard. 我们旨在Linux平台上使用jxta 和java来开发一个支持wifi的p2p文件共享系统。其目的是建造一个以后可以移植到嵌入式设备的系统,使用802.11b标准进行p2p文件共享。 来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-p2p-wifi/

    标签: platform develop enabled sharing

    上传时间: 2015-01-20


  • Filename: main.c * Description: A simple test program for the CRC implementations. * Notes: To test

    Filename: main.c * Description: A simple test program for the CRC implementations. * Notes: To test a different CRC standard, modify crc.h. * * * Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into * the public domain and may Be used for any purpose. However, this * notice must not Be changed or removed and no warranty is either * expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.

    标签: test implementations Description Filename

    上传时间: 2015-02-02


  • Lachesis an IRCRPG combat engine written in a combination of C and C++. The combat engine is Being w

    Lachesis an IRCRPG combat engine written in a combination of C and C++. The combat engine is Being written for a specific RPG, but most of the project should Be useful to IRCRPGs in general. It includes a native interface to the IRC protocol to allow it to act as an IRC bot, for such uses as dice rolling and acting as a remote-controlled client (RPG NPC perhaps).

    标签: combat engine combination Lachesis

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-

    pdnMesh is an automatic mesh generator and solver for Finite Element problems. It will also do post-processing to generate contour plots and Postscript printouts. GUI support using GTK or MFC (Win32) is available. The problem definition can Be done in any form and given to pdnMesh as an input data file. Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) files can Be directly imported to pdnmesh. The quality and the coarseness of the mesh can Be controlled by giving input parameters.

    标签: automatic generator problems pdnMesh

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations. You write them down in human readable form in a

    XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations. You write them down in human readable form in a XML file, and it goes away and writes and compiles a C++ program that integrates those equations as fast as it can possibly Be done in your architecture.

    标签: integrates generator equations readable

    上传时间: 2014-11-27
