传说中的c语言四书五经:一、The C Programming Language C程序设计语言(第2版·新版) 二、Pointers on C C和指针 三、Expert C Programming C专家编程 四、C Traps and Pitfalls C陷阱与缺陷 五、《C语言接口设计与实现》
标签: Programming Language Pointers Expert
上传时间: 2016-02-12
com port driver on wince
上传时间: 2014-07-27
serial port driver on wince
上传时间: 2016-02-13
Comments on the MISRA coding guidelines for C
标签: guidelines Comments coding MISRA
上传时间: 2013-11-28
video conference introduce basic on h.323
标签: conference introduce video basic
上传时间: 2016-02-14
the source of the boot ROM contents on TMS320x2833x devices.
标签: the contents devices source
上传时间: 2014-06-23
SUIPack.chm is the help file. Double click on it. Skin files are in the Skins directory.
标签: directory the SUIPack Double
上传时间: 2016-02-15
This R2.9 revision of the CLID detector provides the TYPE 1 (on-hook, between first and second ring, or before first ring) signal detection and returns the message raw byte data without parsing of particular fields such as Message Type, Parameter(s) Type(s), etc. The decoding of the message meaning should be performed by the user application.主叫号码识别CID算法for TI DSP
标签: the revision detector provides
上传时间: 2014-01-18
DOC-C51 Disk On CHip Driver using 8051
上传时间: 2016-02-15
The algorm of viterbi. You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first day he went for a walk, on the second day he went shopping, and on the third day he cleaned his apartment. You have two questions: What is the overall probability of this sequence of observations? And what is the most likely sequence of rainy/sunny days that would explain these observations? The first question is answered by the forward algorithm the second question is answered by the Viterbi algorithm. These two algorithms are structurally so similar (in fact, they are both instances of the same abstract algorithm) that they can be implemented in a single function:
标签: discover viterbi algorm friend
上传时间: 2016-02-16