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  • 继电器控制照明设备(基于8051+Proteus仿真)


    标签: Proteus 8051 继电器控制 照明设备

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 单只数码管循环显示0-9


    标签: 数码管 循环显示

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 基于8051+Proteus仿真的按键选播电子音乐

    单片机C语言程序设计实训-基于8051+Proteus仿真:按键选播电子音乐 按键选播电子音乐.DSN 按键选播电子音乐.PWI Last Loaded 按键选播电子音乐.DBK

    标签: Proteus 8051 按键选播 仿真

    上传时间: 2014-03-17


  • 74HC595串入并出芯片应用


    标签: Proteus 8051 595 74

    上传时间: 2014-03-23


  • 基于(英蓓特)STM32V100的串口程序

    This example provides a description of how  to use the USART with hardware flowcontrol and communicate with the Hyperterminal.First, the USART2 sends the TxBuffer to the hyperterminal and still waiting fora string from the hyperterminal that you must enter which must end by '\r'character (keypad ENTER button). Each byte received is retransmitted to theHyperterminal. The string that you have entered is stored in the RxBuffer array. The receivebuffer have a RxBufferSize bytes as maximum. The USART2 is configured as follow:    - BaudRate = 115200 baud      - Word Length = 8 Bits    - One Stop Bit    - No parity    - Hardware flow control enabled (RTS and CTS signals)    - Receive and transmit enabled    - USART Clock disabled    - USART CPOL: Clock is active low    - USART CPHA: Data is captured on the second edge     - USART LastBit: The clock pulse of the last data bit is not output to                      the SCLK pin

    标签: V100 STM 100 32V

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • 基于(英蓓特)STM32V100的看门狗程序

    This example shows how to update at regulate period the WWDG counter using theEarly Wakeup interrupt (EWI). The WWDG timeout is set to 262ms, refresh window set to 41h and the EWI isenabled. When the WWDG counter reaches 40h the EWI is generated and in the WWDGISR the counter is refreshed to prevent a WWDG reset and led connected to PC.07is toggled.The EXTI line9 is connected to PB.09 pin and configured to generate an interrupton falling edge.In the NVIC, EXTI line9 to 5 interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 0and the WWDG interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 1 (EXTI IT > WWDG IT). The EXTI Line9 will be used to simulate a software failure: once the EXTI line9event occurs (by pressing Key push-button on EVAL board) the correspondent interruptis served, in the ISR the led connected to PC.07 is turned off and the EXTI line9pending bit is not cleared. So the CPU will execute indefinitely EXTI line9 ISR andthe WWDG ISR will never be entered(WWDG counter not updated). As result, when theWWDG counter falls to 3Fh the WWDG reset occurs.If the EXTI line9 event don抰 occurs the WWDG counter is indefinitely refreshed inthe WWDG ISR which prevent from WWDG reset. If the WWDG reset is generated, after resuming from reset a led connected to PC.06is turned on. In this example the system is clocked by the HSE(8MHz).

    标签: V100 STM 100 32V

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 基于LPCEB2000-S的SPI程序


    标签: LPCEB 2000 SPI 程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 基于AT91SAM7S的USART程序



    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 基于LPCEB2000-S的串口程序


    标签: LPCEB 2000 串口程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 基于三星44B0的数码管-MDK程序


    标签: 44B0 MDK 三星 数码管

    上传时间: 2013-10-21
