减小电磁干扰的印刷电路板设计原则 内 容 摘要……1 1 背景…1 1.1 射频源.1 1.2 表面贴装芯片和通孔元器件.1 1.3 静态引脚活动引脚和输入.1 1.4 基本回路……..2 1.4.1 回路和偶极子的对称性3 1.5 差模和共模…..3 2 电路板布局…4 2.1 电源和地…….4 2.1.1 感抗……4 2.1.2 两层板和四层板4 2.1.3 单层板和二层板设计中的微处理器地.4 2.1.4 信号返回地……5 2.1.5 模拟数字和高压…….5 2.1.6 模拟电源引脚和模拟参考电压.5 2.1.7 四层板中电源平面因该怎么做和不应该怎么做…….5 2.2 两层板中的电源分配.6 2.2.1 单点和多点分配.6 2.2.2 星型分配6 2.2.3 格栅化地.7 2.2.4 旁路和铁氧体磁珠……9 2.2.5 使噪声靠近磁珠……..10 2.3 电路板分区…11 2.4 信号线……...12 2.4.1 容性和感性串扰……...12 2.4.2 天线因素和长度规则...12 2.4.3 串联终端传输线…..13 2.4.4 输入阻抗匹配...13 2.5 电缆和接插件……...13 2.5.1 差模和共模噪声……...14 2.5.2 串扰模型……..14 2.5.3 返回线路数目..14 2.5.4 对板外信号I/O的建议14 2.5.5 隔离噪声和静电放电ESD .14 2.6 其他布局问题……...14 2.6.1 汽车和用户应用带键盘和显示器的前端面板印刷电路板...15 2.6.2 易感性布局…...15 3 屏蔽..16 3.1 工作原理…...16 3.2 屏蔽接地…...16 3.3 电缆和屏蔽旁路………………..16 4 总结…………………………………………17 5 参考文献………………………17
上传时间: 2013-10-22
DTMF编码芯片HT9200的51接口程序。输入参数R2表示发送数据个数,输入数据与发送数据与DTMF码的关系:00H-0 01H-1 02H-2 03H-3 04H-4 05H-5 06H-6 07H-7 08H-8 09H-9 0AH-A 0BH-B 0CH-C 0DH-D 0EH-* 0FH-#。详细说明参考文件内
上传时间: 2014-11-12
HD7279(c语言)驱动 程序作用:测试Sage Tech.开发板(MCP300)中hd7279键盘显示芯片是否能正常工作 程序功能:按下1号键显示0、1、2、3,按下2号键显示c、d、e、f,按下3号键显示4、5 、6、7 按下4号键显示8、9、a、b,按下0号键点亮4个LED灯
上传时间: 2015-04-08
程序作用:测试Sage Tech.开发板(MCP300)中hd7279键盘显示芯片是否能正常工作 */ /*程序功能:按下1号键显示0、1、2、3,按下2号键显示c、d、e、f,按下3号键显示4、5、6、7 */ /* 按下4号键显示8、9、a、b,按下0号键点亮4个LED灯 */
上传时间: 2013-12-30
LCD-7279的经过调试多次已经能够实现在指定的位置显示特定的数据。 程序lcd1.c实现基本的功能,即:键盘输入0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、a\b\c\d\e\f 在液晶的指定位置显示实现满屏或半屏显示点阵和字符,调入一幅图画的代码进行显示;
上传时间: 2014-01-14
1) Write a function reverse(A) which takes a matrix A of arbitrary dimensions as input and returns a matrix B consisting of the columns of A in reverse order. Thus for example, if A = 1 2 3 then B = 3 2 1 4 5 6 6 5 4 7 8 9 9 8 7 Write a main program to call reverse(A) for the matrix A = magic(5). Print to the screen both A and reverse(A). 2) Write a program which accepts an input k from the keyboard, and which prints out the smallest fibonacci number that is at least as large as k. The program should also print out its position in the fibonacci sequence. Here is a sample of input and output: Enter k>0: 100 144 is the smallest fibonacci number greater than or equal to 100. It is the 12th fibonacci number.
标签: dimensions arbitrary function reverse
上传时间: 2016-04-16
1、火车采集器V3.2版要求:您的电脑必须安装.net framework2.0框架 附windows .net framework 2.0下载地址:http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/6/7/567758a3-759e-473e-bf8f-52154438565a/dotnetfx.exe 2、软件一直坚持自带配置文件,安装及使用过程不操作注册表及系统文件,完全绿色免安装软件,直接解压软件包即可使用。 3、如果您使用的是1.X - 2.0版本,您的电脑必须安装.net 1.1框架。 附windows .net framework1.1下载地址:http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/b/9/7b90644d-1af0-42b9-b76d-a2770319a568/dotnetfx.exe
标签: framework 2.0 net download
上传时间: 2014-01-07
为了实现让单片机显示阿拉伯数字的功能,让我们来实现最简单的数码管显示: 单个数码管的静态驱动。 AVR单片机的端口驱动能力高达20mA,可以直接驱动数码管。可以利用ATmeg48 单片机的PD端口刚好可以驱动数码管的8个段。 这个实验的目的是在单个数码管上依次显示0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B,C,D,E,F共16个字符,为显示十六进制数做好技术准备。
上传时间: 2017-09-13
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * uC/TCP-IP V2 * The Embedded TCP/IP Suite * * (c) Copyright 2003-2010; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL * * All rights reserved. Protected by international copyright laws. * * uC/TCP-IP is provided in source form to registered licensees ONLY. It is * illegal to distribute this source code to any third party unless you receive * written permission by an authorized Micrium representative. Knowledge of * the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product. * * Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest * software available. Your honesty is greatly appreciated. * * You can contact us at www.micrium.com. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * * NETWORK TCP LAYER * (TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL) * * Filename : net_tcp.h * Version : V2.10 * Programmer(s) : ITJ ********************************************************************************************************* * Note(s) : (1) Supports Transmission Control Protocol as described in RFC #793 with the following * restrictions/constraints : * * (a) TCP Security & Precedence NOT supported RFC # 793, Section 3.6 * * (b) TCP Urgent Data NOT supported RFC # 793, Section 3.7 * 'The Communication of * Urgent Information' * * (c) The following TCP options NOT supported : * * (1) Window Scale RFC #1072, Section 2 * RFC #1323, Section 2 * (2) Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) RFC #1072, Section 3 * RFC #2018 * RFC #2883 * (3) TCP Echo RFC #1072, Section 4 * (4) Timestamp RFC #1323, Section 3.2 * (5) Protection Against Wrapped Sequences (PAWS) RFC #1323, Section 4 * * (d) #### IP-Options-to-TCP-Connection RFC #1122, Section * Handling NOT supported * * (e) #### ICMP-Error-Message-to-TCP-Connection RFC #1122, Section * Handling NOT currently supported * * (2) TCP Layer assumes/requires Network Socket Layer (see 'net_sock.h MODULE Note #1a2'). ********************************************************************************************************* */ /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * MODULE * * Note(s) : (1) TCP Layer module is NOT required for UDP-to-Application API configuration. * * See also 'net_cfg.h TRANSPORT LAYER CONFIGURATION' * & 'net_cfg.h USER DATAGRAM PROTOCOL LAYER CONFIGURATION'. * * See also 'net_tcp.h Note #2'. * * (2) The following TCP-module-present configuration value MUST be pre-#define'd in * 'net_cfg_net.h' PRIOR to all other network modules that require TCP Layer * configuration (see 'net_cfg_net.h TCP LAYER CONFIGURATION Note #2b') : * * NET_TCP_MODULE_PRESENT ********************************************************************************************************* */ #ifdef NET_TCP_MODULE_PRESENT /* See Note #2. */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * EXTERNS ********************************************************************************************************* */ #if ((defined(NET_TCP_MODULE)) && \ (defined(NET_GLOBALS_EXT))) #define NET_TCP_EXT #else #define NET_TCP_EXT extern #endif /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * DEFINES ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP HEADER DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) The following TCP value MUST be pre-#define'd in 'net_def.h' PRIOR to 'net_buf.h' so that * the Network Buffer Module can configure maximum buffer header size (see 'net_def.h TCP * LAYER DEFINES' & 'net_buf.h NETWORK BUFFER INDEX & SIZE DEFINES Note #1') : * * (a) NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX 60 (NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MAX * * NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE) * * (2) Urgent pointer & data NOT supported (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1b'). ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MASK 0xF000u #define NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_SHIFT 12u #define NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MIN 5u #define NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MAX 15u #define NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE CPU_WORD_SIZE_32 #define NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN (NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MIN * NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE) #if 0 /* See Note #1a. */ #define NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX (NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_MAX * NET_TCP_HDR_LEN_WORD_SIZE) #endif #define NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MIN (NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MIN + NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) #define NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MAX (NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_TOT_MAX + NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX) #define NET_TCP_PSEUDO_HDR_SIZE 12u /* = sizeof(NET_TCP_PSEUDO_HDR) */ #define NET_TCP_PORT_NBR_RESERVED NET_PORT_NBR_RESERVED #define NET_TCP_PORT_NBR_NONE NET_TCP_PORT_NBR_RESERVED #define NET_TCP_HDR_URG_PTR_NONE 0x0000u /* See Note #2. */ /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP HEADER FLAG DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) See 'TCP HEADER Note #2' for flag fields. * * (2) Urgent pointer & data NOT supported (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1b'). ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_MASK 0x0FFFu #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_NONE DEF_BIT_NONE #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_RESERVED 0x0FE0u /* MUST be '0'. */ #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_URGENT DEF_BIT_05 /* See Note #2. */ #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_ACK DEF_BIT_04 #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_PUSH DEF_BIT_03 #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_RESET DEF_BIT_02 #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_SYNC DEF_BIT_01 #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_FIN DEF_BIT_00 #define NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_CLOSE NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_FIN /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP FLAG DEFINES ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ------------------ NET TCP FLAGS ------------------- */ #define NET_TCP_FLAG_NONE DEF_BIT_NONE #define NET_TCP_FLAG_USED DEF_BIT_00 /* TCP conn cur used; i.e. NOT in free TCP conn pool. */ /* ------------------ TCP TX FLAGS ------------------- */ /* TCP tx flags copied from TCP hdr flags. */ #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_FIN NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_FIN #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_CLOSE NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_FIN #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_SYNC NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_SYNC #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_RESET NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_RESET #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_PUSH NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_PUSH #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_ACK NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_ACK #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_URGENT NET_TCP_HDR_FLAG_URGENT #define NET_TCP_FLAG_TX_BLOCK DEF_BIT_07 /* ------------------ TCP RX FLAGS ------------------- */ #define NET_TCP_FLAG_RX_DATA_PEEK DEF_BIT_08 #define NET_TCP_FLAG_RX_BLOCK DEF_BIT_15 /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP TYPE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) NET_TCP_TYPE_&&& #define values specifically chosen as ASCII representations of the TCP * types. Memory displays of TCP types will display with their chosen ASCII names. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ------------------ NET TCP TYPES ------------------- */ #if (CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE == CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG) #define NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE 0x4E4F4E45u /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN 0x54435020u /* "TCP " in ASCII. */ #else #if (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE == CPU_WORD_SIZE_32) #define NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE 0x454E4F4Eu /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN 0x20504354u /* "TCP " in ASCII. */ #elif (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE == CPU_WORD_SIZE_16) #define NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE 0x4F4E454Eu /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN 0x43542050u /* "TCP " in ASCII. */ #else /* Dflt CPU_WORD_SIZE_08. */ #define NET_TCP_TYPE_NONE 0x4E4F4E45u /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_TYPE_CONN 0x54435020u /* "TCP " in ASCII. */ #endif #endif /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP SEQUENCE NUMBER DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) TCP initial transmit sequence number is incremented by a fixed value, preferably a large * prime value or a large value with multiple unique factors. * * (a) One reasonable TCP initial transmit sequence number increment value example : * * 65527 = 37 * 23 * 11 * 7 * * * #### NET_TCP_TX_SEQ_NBR_CTR_INC could be developer-configured in 'net_cfg.h'. * * See also 'NET_TCP_TX_GET_SEQ_NBR() Notes #1b2 & #1c2'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define NET_TCP_SEQ_NBR_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_ACK_NBR_NONE NET_TCP_SEQ_NBR_NONE #define NET_TCP_TX_SEQ_NBR_CTR_INC 65527u /* See Note #1. */ #define NET_TCP_ACK_NBR_DUP_WIN_SIZE_SCALE 4 /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP DATA/TOTAL LENGTH DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) (a) TCP total length #define's (NET_TCP_TOT_LEN) relate to the total size of a complete * TCP packet, including the packet's TCP header. Note that a complete TCP packet MAY * be fragmented in multiple Internet Protocol packets. * * (b) TCP data length #define's (NET_TCP_DATA_LEN) relate to the data size of a complete * TCP packet, equal to the total TCP packet length minus its TCP header size. Note * that a complete TCP packet MAY be fragmented in multiple Internet Protocol packets. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* See Notes #1a & #1b. */ #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MIN 0u #define NET_TCP_TOT_LEN_MIN (NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN + NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MIN) #define NET_TCP_TOT_LEN_MAX (NET_IP_TOT_LEN_MAX - NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_MIN ) #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX (NET_TCP_TOT_LEN_MAX - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP SEGMENT SIZE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) (a) RFC # 879, Section 3 states that the TCP Maximum Segment Size "counts only * data octets in the segment, ... not the TCP header or the IP header". * * (b) RFC #1122, Section requires that : * * (1) "The MSS value to be sent in an MSS option must be less than or equal to * * (A) MMS_R - 20 * * where MMS_R is the maximum size for a transport-layer message that can * be received." * * (2) "If an MSS option is not received at connection setup, TCP MUST assume a * default send MSS of 536 (576 - 40)." * * See also 'net_ip.h IP DATA/TOTAL LENGTH DEFINES Note #1'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* See Note #1. */ #define NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT (NET_IP_MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE_DFLT - NET_IP_HDR_SIZE_MIN - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) #define NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT_RX NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX /* See Note #1b1. */ #define NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT_TX NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT /* See Note #1b2. */ #define NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_MIN NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_DFLT #define NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_MAX NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_MIN NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MIN #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_MAX NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_MAX #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_SYNC 1u #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_FIN 1u #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_CLOSE NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_FIN #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_ACK 0u #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_RESET 0u #define NET_TCP_SEG_LEN_PROBE 0u #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_SYNC 0u #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_FIN 0u #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_CLOSE NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_FIN #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_ACK 0u #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_PROBE_NO_DATA 0u #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_PROBE_DATA 1u #define NET_TCP_DATA_LEN_TX_RESET 0u #define NET_TCP_TX_PROBE_DATA 0x00u /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP WINDOW SIZE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) Although NO RFC specifies the absolute minimum TCP connection window size value allowed, * RFC #793, Section 3.7 'Data Communication : Managing the Window' states that for "the * window ... there is an assumption that this is related to the currently available data * buffer space available for this connection". ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define NET_TCP_WIN_SIZE_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_WIN_SIZE_MIN NET_TCP_MAX_SEG_SIZE_MIN #define NET_TCP_WIN_SIZE_MAX DEF_INT_16U_MAX_VAL /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP HEADER OPTIONS DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) See the following RFC's for TCP options summary : * * (a) RFC # 793, Section 3.1 'Header Format : Options' * (b) RFC #1122; Sections, * * (2) TCP option types are encoded in the first octet for each TCP option as follows : * * -------- * | TYPE | * -------- * * The TCP option type value determines the TCP option format : * * (a) The following TCP option types are single-octet TCP options -- i.e. the option type * octet is the ONLY octet for the TCP option. * * (1) TYPE = 0 End of Options List * (2) TYPE = 1 No Operation * * * (b) All other TCP options MUST be multi-octet TCP options (see RFC #1122, Section : * * ------------------------------ * | TYPE | LEN | TCP OPT | * ------------------------------ * * where * TYPE Indicates the specific TCP option type * LEN Indicates the total TCP option length, in octets, including * the option type & the option length octets * TCP OPT Additional TCP option octets, if any, that contain the remaining * TCP option information * * The following TCP option types are multi-octet TCP options where the option's second * octet specify the total TCP option length, in octets, including the option type & the * option length octets : * * (1) TYPE = 2 Maximum Segment Size See RFC # 793, Section 3.1 'Header Format : * Options : Maximum Segment Size'; * RFC #1122, Section; * RFC # 879, Section 3 * * (2) TYPE = 3 Window Scale See 'net_tcp.h Note #1c1' * (3) TYPE = 4 SACK Allowed See 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2' * (4) TYPE = 5 SACK Option See 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2' * (5) TYPE = 6 Echo Request See 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3' * (6) TYPE = 7 Echo Reply See 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3' * (7) TYPE = 8 Timestamp See 'net_tcp.h Note #1c4' * * (3) TCP header allows for a maximum option list length of 40 octets : * * NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_MAX = NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN * * = 60 - 20 * * = 40 * * (4) 'NET_TCP_OPT_SIZE' MUST be pre-defined PRIOR to all definitions that require TCP option * size data type. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /*$PAGE*/ #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_END_LIST 0u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_NOP 1u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_MAX_SEG_SIZE 2u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_WIN_SCALE 3u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SACK_PERMIT 4u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SACK 5u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_ECHO_REQ 6u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_ECHO_REPLY 7u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_TS 8u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_PAD NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_END_LIST #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_END_LIST 1u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_NOP 1u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MAX_SEG_SIZE 4u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_WIN_SCALE 3u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_SACK_PERMIT 2u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_ECHO_REQ 6u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_ECHO_REPLY 6u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_TS 10u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_SACK_MIN 6u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_SACK_MAX 38u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MIN 1u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MIN_LEN 2u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_LEN_MAX 38u typedef CPU_INT32U NET_TCP_OPT_SIZE; /* TCP opt size data type (see Note #4). */ #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_WORD (sizeof(NET_TCP_OPT_SIZE)) #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_MAX (NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MAX - NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN) #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_NBR_MIN 0u #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_NBR_MAX (NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_MAX / NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_SIZE_WORD) #define NET_TCP_HDR_OPT_IX NET_TCP_HDR_SIZE_MIN /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP OPTION CONFIGURATION TYPE DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_&&& #define values specifically chosen as ASCII representations of * the TCP option configuration types. Memory displays of TCP option configuration buffers * will display the TCP option configuration TYPEs with their chosen ASCII names. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ---------------- TCP OPT CFG TYPES ----------------- */ #if (CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE == CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG) #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE 0x4E4F4E45u /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE 0x4D535320u /* "MSS " in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE 0x57494E20u /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c1'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT 0x53434B50u /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK 0x5341434Bu /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ 0x45524551u /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY 0x4543484Fu /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS 0x54532020u /* "TS " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c4'). */ #else #if (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE == CPU_WORD_SIZE_32) #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE 0x454E4F4Eu /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE 0x2053534Du /* "MSS " in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE 0x204E4957u /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c1'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT 0x504B4353u /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK 0x4B434153u /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ 0x51455245u /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY 0x4F484345u /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS 0x20205354u /* "TS " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c4'). */ #elif (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE == CPU_WORD_SIZE_16) #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE 0x4F4E454Eu /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE 0x534D2053u /* "MSS " in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE 0x4957204Eu /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c1'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT 0x4353504Bu /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK 0x41534B43u /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ 0x52455145u /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY 0x43454F48u /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS 0x53542020u /* "TS " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c4'). */ #else /* Dflt CPU_WORD_SIZE_08. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_NONE 0x4E4F4E45u /* "NONE" in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_MAX_SEG_SIZE 0x4D535320u /* "MSS " in ASCII. */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_WIN_SCALE 0x57494E20u /* "WIN " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c1'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK_PERMIT 0x53434B50u /* "SCKP" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_SACK 0x5341434Bu /* "SACK" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c2'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REQ 0x45524551u /* "EREQ" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_ECHO_REPLY 0x4543484Fu /* "ECHO" in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c3'). */ #define NET_TCP_OPT_CFG_TYPE_TS 0x54532020u /* "TS " in ASCII (see 'net_tcp.h Note #1c4'). */ #endif #endif /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP CONNECTION TIMEOUT DEFINES * * Note(s) : (1) (a) (1) RFC #1122, Section 'DISCUSSION' states that "the graceful close algorithm * of TCP requires that the connection state remain defined on (at least) one end of * the connection, for a timeout period of 2xMSL ... During this period, the (remote * socket, local socket) pair that defines the connection is busy and cannot be reused". * * (2) The following sections reiterate that the TIME-WAIT state timeout scalar is two * maximum segment lifetimes (2 MSL) : * * (A) RFC #793, Section 3.9 'Event Processing : SEGMENT ARRIVES : * Check Sequence Number : TIME-WAIT STATE' * (B) RFC #793, Section 3.9 'Event Processing : SEGMENT ARRIVES : * Check FIN Bit : TIME-WAIT STATE' * * (b) (1) RFC #793, Section 3.3 'Sequence Numbers : Knowing When to Keep Quiet' states that * "the Maximum Segment Lifetime (MSL) is ... to be 2 minutes. This is an engineering * choice, and may be changed if experience indicates it is desirable to do so". * * (2) Microsoft Corporation's Windows XP defaults MSL to 15 seconds. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* Max seg timeout (see Note #1b) : */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_MIN_SEC ( 0u ) /* ... min = 0 seconds */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_MAX_SEC ( 2u * DEF_TIME_NBR_SEC_PER_MIN) /* ... max = 2 minutes */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_DFLT_SEC ( 15u ) /* ... dflt = 15 seconds */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_MAX_SEG_SCALAR 2u /* ... scalar (see Note #1a). */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_CONN_DFLT_SEC (120u * DEF_TIME_NBR_SEC_PER_MIN) /* Dflt conn timeout = 120 minutes */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_TIMEOUT_USER_DFLT_SEC ( 30u * DEF_TIME_NBR_SEC_PER_MIN) /* Dflt user timeout = 30 minutes */ /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP CONNECTION STATES * * Note(s) : (1) See the following RFC's for TCP state machine summary : * * (a) RFC # 793; Sections 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.9 * (b) RFC #1122; Sections,,,,, * * (2) (a) #### Additional closing-data-available state used for closing connections to allow the * application layer to receive any remaining data. * * See also 'net_tcp.c NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerFinWait1() Note #2f5A2', * 'net_tcp.c NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerFinWait2() Note #2f5B', * 'net_tcp.c NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerClosing() Note #2d2B2a1B', * & 'net_tcp.c NetTCP_RxPktConnHandlerLastAck() Note #2d2A1b'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_FREE 1u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSED 10u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_LISTEN 20u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_RXD 30u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_RXD_PASSIVE 31u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_RXD_ACTIVE 32u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_SYNC_TXD 35u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CONN 40u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_1 50u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2 51u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSING 52u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_TIME_WAIT 53u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT 55u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_LAST_ACK 56u #define NET_TCP_CONN_STATE_CLOSING_DATA_AVAIL 59u /* See Note #2a. */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP CONNECTION QUEUE STATES ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_CLOSED 100u #define NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_CLOSING 101u #define NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_SYNC 110u #define NET_TCP_RX_Q_STATE_CONN 111u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_NONE 0u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSED 200u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSING 201u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_SYNC 210u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CONN 211u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_SUSPEND 215u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSED_SUSPEND 220u #define NET_TCP_TX_Q_STATE_CLOSING_SUSPEND 221u /*$PAGE*/ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * TCP CONNECTION CODE DEFINES **************
上传时间: 2015-11-22
上传用户:the same kong
C语言课程设计上机实习内容 一、从下面题目中任选一题: A.简单的学生成绩管理程序设计 B.考卷成绩分析软件程序设计 C.简单医疗费用报销管理软件程序设计 除此之外,学生也可自行选择课题进行设计,如自动柜员机界面程序、学生信息管理(包括生日祝贺)、计件工资管理等(但课题必须经指导教师审题合格后方可使用)。 二、课程设计说明书的编写规范 1、程序分析和设计 2、流程图 3、源程序清单 4、调试过程:测试数据及结果,出现了哪些问题,如何修改的 5、程序有待改进的地方 6、本次实习的收获和建议 三、提交的资料 1、软件 软件需提供源程序,并能正常运行。 注:对于程序中未能实现的部分需要加以说明。 对于程序中所参考的部分代码需要加以声明,并说明出处。 2、文档 课程设计文档要求打印稿,同时提交电子文档。文档中必须包含课程设计小结,即收获和体会。 文档要注意格式,标题一律用小四号宋体加黑,正文用五号宋体,行间距固定值18,首行缩进2字符;如果有图表,每个图表必须顺序编号并有标题,如“图1 计算平均分的N-S图”、“表1 地信081班成绩一览表”,一般图名在图的正下方、表名在表的正上方。 四、成绩评定 通过学生的动手能力、独立分析解决问题的能力、创新能力、课程设计报告、答辩水平以及学习态度综合考核。 考核标准包括: 1、完成设计题目所要求的内容,程序书写规范、有一定的实用性,占45%; 2、平时表现(考勤+上机抽查)占10%; 3、课程设计报告占30%; 4、答辩及演示占15%。 五、实习计划 以选题一为例 实习计划 时间 内容 第1天 一、布置实习内容和要求 1、 实习内容介绍、实习安排、实习纪律、注意事项 2、 学生选题 第2天 二、上机实习 1、根据所选题的要求,进行总体设计,确定程序总体框架 2、选择和准备原始数据,制作.txt文本文件 第3天 3、文件的读写函数的使用,实现文本文件的读取和写入功能。 使用函数fread(); fwrite(); fprint(); fscan();完成对原始数据的文本输入和输出。 第4、5天 4、主要算法的选择和功能实现(以学生成绩管理系统为例): ① 计算每个学生三门功课的平均分,并按平均分排列名次,若平均分相同则名次并列;结果写入文件。 ② 统计全班每门课程的平均分,并计算各分数段(60以下,60~69,70~79,80~89,90以上)的学生人数;结果写入文件。 第6、7天 5、结果格式输出及程序整合(以学生成绩管理系统为例) ① 按格式在屏幕上打印每名学生成绩条; ② 在屏幕上打印出所有不及格学生的下列信息:学号,不及格的课程名,该不及格课程成绩; (选做)在屏幕打印优等生名单(学号,三门课程成绩,平均成绩,名次),优等生必须满足下列条件:1)平均成绩大于90分;或平均分大于85分且至少有一门功课为100分;或者平均分大于85分且至少两门课程成绩为95分以上;2) 名次在前三名; 3) 每门功课及格以上; 第8天 三、测试完整程序 要求功能完整,结果符合设计要求,并进行程序验收。 第9、10天 四、编写报告 完成实习报告的编写,并打印上交报告。
上传时间: 2016-06-27