虚拟的键盘设备。安装后系统中出现一个虚拟的键盘设备。可以通过设备管理器看到。名字叫 virtual keyboard
上传时间: 2014-11-09
《java virtual machine》是研究jvm的一本书,由台湾的蔡学庸翻译,这是例子源码
上传时间: 2015-08-27
PC214X USB虚拟串口的例程 USB Virtual COM Port on LPC214x
上传时间: 2015-08-31
The true-multilingual Virtual Keyboard with input translation support
标签: true-multilingual translation Keyboard Virtual
上传时间: 2015-09-06
清华版的LabView教程:LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual instrument Engineering)是一种图形化的编程语言,它广泛地被工业界、学术界和研究实验室所接受,视为一个标准的数据采集和仪器控制软件。
标签: Engineering Laboratory instrument LabView
上传时间: 2015-09-11
OpenSG is a scenegraph system for realtime rendering, e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is just a library, not a full application. This documentation contains descriptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.
标签: e.g. applications scenegraph for
上传时间: 2015-09-13
Virtual Studio 2005.net写的程序,包括源码及可执行程序
上传时间: 2014-01-12
IrCOMM2k - Virtual Infrared COM Port for Windows 2000/XP。 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE: - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - ircomm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (device driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) - ircomm2k.hlp (property page context help) - ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows) - Readme.txt (this file) - License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. unzip IrCOMM2k-1.2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3. disable the image transfer under wireless link
标签: IrCOMM2k Infrared ARCHIVE Virtual
上传时间: 2015-09-15
Linux driver for FujiFilm FinePix digital cameras in PC-CAM (i.e. webcam) mode driver/ Contains the driver sources. Compile with "make". Then as root, install with "make install". Type "modprobe finepix" to load the module. userspace/ Type "make" to compile. fpix: test program, independant of the driver. Uses libusb to directly access the camera and capture a frame, saved under frame.jpg. Will not work if the driver is loaded. fpixtest: test program. Uses V4L2 to capture an image. fpix-stress-v4l2: never ending (in theory) stress test derived from fpixtest.
标签: driver i.e. FujiFilm FinePix
上传时间: 2014-11-28
Linux Virtual server
上传时间: 2015-09-26