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  • Cool widgets to customize your Home screen * Media Player * Profiles * Weather

    Cool widgets to customize your Home screen * Media Player * Profiles * Weather * Clock with world time * Wireless Manager * Calendar with 2 weeks agenda view

    标签: customize Profiles widgets Weather

    上传时间: 2017-08-13


  • Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery

    Professional MFC. Chapter 1: The Microsoft Developer Studio Chapter 2: The Wizards and The Gallery Chapter 3: The Application Architecture Hierarchy Chapter 4: The Document/View Architecture Chapter 5: Using Dialogs and Controls in MFC Chapter 6: User Interface Issues Chapter 7: Advanced User Interface Programming Chapter 8: Using the Windows Common Controls Chapter 9: Writing Programs for the Windows Shell Chapter 10: Utility and Exception Classes Chapter 11: Writing Multithreaded Applications with MFC Chapter 12: Creating Dynamic-link Libraries Chapter 13: Writing Database Applications Chapter 14: Writing OLE Containers Chapter 15: Writing OLE Servers Chapter 16: ActiveX Controls Chapter 17: ActiveX Control Containers Chapter 18: Internet Client Programming Chapter 19: Internet Server Programming Appendix A: Installing Visual C++

    标签: Chapter The Professional Developer

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • face detection Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization In face

    face detection Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization In face localization, the task is to find the locations and sizes of a known number of faces (usually one). In face detection, one does not have this additional information. Early face-detection algorithms focused on the detection of frontal human faces, whereas newer algorithms attempt to solve the more general and difficult problem of multi-view face detection. That is, the detection of faces that are either rotated along the axis from the face to the observer (in-plane rotation), or rotated along the vertical or left-right axis (out-of-plane rotation),or both.

    标签: detection face localization regarded

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • Application has mainly eight functions:- AD Button Ad Details Ad Request Create Add Reject Add Staff

    Application has mainly eight functions:- AD Button Ad Details Ad Request Create Add Reject Add Staff Add Staff Functionalities Staff View

    标签: Application Add functions Details

    上传时间: 2017-09-01


  • sba, a C/C++ package for generic sparse bundle adjustment is almost invariably used as the last step

    sba, a C/C++ package for generic sparse bundle adjustment is almost invariably used as the last step of every feature-based multiple view reconstruction vision algorithm to obtain optimal 3D structure and motion (i.e. camera matrix) parameter estimates. Provided with initial estimates, BA simultaneously refines motion and structure by minimizing the reprojection error between the observed and predicted image points.

    标签: adjustment invariably package generic

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • A version of a sparse bundle adjustment implementation with adjustable intrinsics and distortion par

    A version of a sparse bundle adjustment implementation with adjustable intrinsics and distortion parameters (either shared by all views or varying for each view)

    标签: implementation adjustment adjustable distortion

    上传时间: 2017-09-09


  • Description Combination of book reader and Web browsers. This program can be used for Web browsi

    Description Combination of book reader and Web browsers. This program can be used for Web browsing, reading news sites, downloading and reading books and atricles from the Web. It is not implement all HTML browser functionality - it doesn t show images and is not able to proceed forms. The main idea was to make it possible to view normal sites (not WAP sites) on very small screen of mobile phone. This application share a lot of code with MobiReader and first of all is inteded to be used to browse text data.

    标签: Description Combination Web browsers

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • 这个程序是一个基于对话框的程序

    这个程序是一个基于对话框的程序,有一个简单的菜单.当用户选择"connect"时,它将试图连接test.mdb数据库,如果连接成功,将显示由ODBC驱动程序返回的完整连接字符串.接下来,用户可选择"View All Records"命令,程序会使用listview control来显示数据库中的所有数据.用户还可以选择"Query"命令来查询特定的记录.例子程序将会显示一个小对话框提示用户输入想找的人名.当用户按下OK钮或回车键,程序将执行一个查询来查找符合条件的记录.当用户完成对数据库的操作时,可以选择"disconnect"命令与数据库断开连接.

    标签: 程序 对话框

    上传时间: 2017-09-18


  • web 2.0 application,uses the ajax technology,is a good usecase for ajax learning ,contain the whole

    web 2.0 application,uses the ajax technology,is a good usecase for ajax learning ,contain the whole aspects of ajax,view a lovely photo album

    标签: ajax application technology the

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • mpu6050

    Aidaohuakai( 楼主 ) 2013-8-22 11:45:24  只看该作者23307 | 41倒序浏览 论坛上对mpu6050的资料和讨论并不多,很多坛友都说驱动失败,老是显示0. 以下就谈谈我的一些血与泪的教训:    昨天开始接触mpu6050,在网上查了很多资料,下载程序,准备一展身手。首先看了mpu6050中文资料,之后又看了那个mpu6050的测试程序,把这些看明白之后就开始写程序了。我不是直接把程序复制过去,只是复制mpu6050的地址和初始化,IIC并没有复制,就复制我上次写的24C02的那个程序,想不到,这给了我血与泪的教训,我原来是直接把IIC复制过来的,并没有多留意。之后初始化mpu6050,写入地址,读出数据,下载到单片机之后,LCD上显示000001,我感到郁闷,之后又调试,以为是显示不对,又写显示,之后又下载,结果还是老样,这样半天就过去了。驱动没成功,又怀疑芯片或引脚有问题,继续调试,也没成功。就一一对应地看了地址,又看了初始化,发现没错,调试还是不成功。最后干脆不接IIC总线,竟然发现了个天大的秘密,接不接IIC,LCD都显示000001,我又用示波器测试波形,发现波形正确。在网上又查了别人的资料,在论坛上也很少有关于mpu6050的资料,也看了比别人的一些讨论。很多坛友都说驱动失败,老是显示0.    没办法,一天就这样过去了,今天早上,我又仔细看了程序,出乎我的想象,竟然是IIC的那个地址没改,原来写24C02的那个地址是a0,还是原封不动,把我吓了一跳。把这些改过来之后,一切正常,能显示加速度和陀螺仪。血与泪的教训啊,是自己不细心造成的,忘记改地址!今天早上竟然花了不到2个钟就调出来了,惊喜之时就写了这个分享,希望对大家有用。

    标签: 圆点博士小四轴

    上传时间: 2015-04-14
