5G中的SDN-NFV和云计算.pdf摘 要 通过介绍广义的SDN/NFV和云计算,结合未来5G网络的特点,分析了5G中上述技术的 应用前景和技术定位;结合5G的网络特点和现有网络的部署情况,总结了各技术间的逻辑关系以及运 营商的侧重点。引言 SDN/NFV 和云计算都是起源于 IT 领域的技术。 如今,云计算已经非常成熟,在 IT 领域已经大规模商 用,SDN技术作为新兴的转发技术,也已经被谷歌等互 联网巨头部署在多个数据中心。随着虚 拟化技术的发展,人们试图将更多的专有 设备虚拟化和软件化,从而达到降低成本 和灵活部署的目的,于是 NFV 的概念诞 生了。本文将结合广义上 3 种技术本身 的特点和未来5G的网络能力要求,分析 各技术在5G架构中的技术定位和前景, 同时结合实际的发展情况,总结未来运营 商在技术研发和业务模式上的侧重点。 1.1 广义的SDN及标准化进程 ONF 在 2012 年 4 月 发 布 白 皮 书 《Software- Defined Networking: The New Norm for Networks》
标签: 5G
上传时间: 2022-02-25
本文主要介绍如何在Wado设计套件中进行时序约束,原文出自 xilinx中文社区。1 Timing Constraints in Vivado-UCF to xdcVivado软件相比于sE的一大转变就是约束文件,5E软件支持的是UcF(User Constraints file,而 Vivado软件转换到了XDc(Xilinx Design Constraints)。XDC主要基于SDc(Synopsys Design Constraints)标准,另外集成了Xinx的一些约束标准可以说这一转变是xinx向业界标准的靠拢。Altera从 TimeQuest开始就一直使用SDc标准,这一改变,相信对于很多工程师来说是好事,两个平台之间的转换会更加容易些。首先看一下业界标准SDc的原文介绍:Synopsys widely-used design constraints format, known as sDc, describes the design intent"and surrounding constraints for synthesis, clocking, timing, power, test and environmental and operating conditions. sDc has been in use and evolving for more than 20 years, making it the most popular and proven format for describing design constraints. Essentially all synthesized designs use SDc and numerous EDa companies have translators that can read and process sDc
标签: vivado
上传时间: 2022-03-26
Allegro导出 Gerber文件和钻孔数据文件很多PCB厂家都没有装Allegro软件,所以你不能直接发.brd文件。(很多PCB小厂连ProtelDXP也没有,只支持Protel99)什么是Gerber文件Gerber文件是所有电路设计软件都可以产生的文件,在电子组装行业又称为模版文件(stencil data),在PCB制造业又称为光绘文件。可以说Gerber文件是电子组装业中最通用最广泛的文件格式Gerber文件是EIA的标准格式,分RS274-D和RS274-X两种,其中RS274-X是RS274-D的扩展文件。生产制造部门在条件许可的情况下,应当尽可能要求用户或设计部门提供RS274-X的Gerber文件,这样有利于各工序的生产准备。准备工作为了保证出片的正确性,需要在设计PCB文件之前对一些系统参数进行设置,该设置包括画图的精度,图片的尺寸,动态铺铜的格式。设置画图的精度。在allegro中打开Setup->Drawing Size菜单,调出设置对话框,如图1在对话框中确定User Units选择Mils,Size选择C,这样整个作图区域会大一点,相应的作图范围(Drawing Extents)变为Width:22000.00:Height:17000.00Left X和LeftY为原点坐标。Accuracy选择2,其他根据你的尺寸自行定义。设置完成选择OK按钮,使配置生效。
上传时间: 2022-04-30
This manual documents the Microcontroller profile of version 7 of the ARM® Architecture, the ARMv7-M architecture profile. For short definitions of all the ARMv7 profiles see About the ARMv7 architecture, and architecture profiles on page A1-20.ARMv7 is documented as a set of architecture profiles. The profiles are defined as follows: ARMv7-A The application profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring virtual address support in the memory management model. ARMv7-R The realtime profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring physical address only support in the memory management model ARMv7-M The microcontroller profile for systems supporting only the Thumb instruction set, and where overall size and deterministic operation for an implementation are more important than absolute performance. While profiles were formally introduced with the ARMv7 development, the A-profile and R-profile have implicitly existed in earlier versions, associated with the Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA) and Protected Memory System Architecture (PMSA) respectively.
标签: arm
上传时间: 2022-06-02
ICN6201/02 is a bridge chip which receives MIPI® DSI inputs and sends LVDS outputs. MIPI® DSI supports up to 4 lanes and each lane operates at 1Gbps maximum; the totally maximum input bandwidth is 4Gbps; and the MIPI defined ULPS(ultra-low-power state) is also supported. ICN6201 decodes MIPI® DSI 18bepp RGB666 and 24bpp RGB888 packets.The LVDS output 18 or 24 bits pixel with 25MHz to 154MHz, by VESA or JEIDA format.ICN6201/02 support video resolution up to FHD (1920x1080) and WUXGA (1920x1200).ICN6201 adopts QFN48 package and ICN6202 adopts QFN40 package
标签: icn6202
上传时间: 2022-06-10
Mathematical modeling has become an important part of the research and devclopment work in engineering and scicnce. Retaining a competitive edge requiresa fast path between ideas and prototypes, and in this regard mathematical modeling and simulation provide a valuable shortcut for understanding both qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific and engineering design. To assist you in gaining this edge, COMSOL Multiphysics offers state-of-the art performance, being built from the ground up with a Java3D interface and C/C++ solvers.The Acoustics Module is an optional package that extends the COMSOL Multiphysicsmodcling cnvironment with customized user interfaces and functionality optimizcd for the analysis of acoustics. Like all modules in the COMSOL family, it provides a brary of prewritten ready-to-run models that make it quicker and casier to analyze disciplinc-specific problcms.
上传时间: 2022-06-19
一,走进UDP协议:UDP(User Datagram Protocol)协议就是“用户数据报协议”,它是一种无连接的协议,无连接主要是和TCP协议相比较的。我们知道当利用TCP协议传送数据的时候,首先必须先建立连接(也就是所谓的握手)才可以传输数据。而当计算机利用UDP协议进行数据传输的时候,发送方只需要知道对方的IP地址和端口号就可以发送数据,而并不需要进行连接。当然如果你非要进行连接,通过Visual C#也是可以实现的,但前提是要确定连接的远程主机的端口号处于监听状态,否则程序会出现不必要的错误,但这是种画蛇添足的做法,不仅丢失了UDP协议的无连接传送数据的特点和优点,而且还给程序运行带来了不安定的因素。所以这种方法并不值得提倡。
上传时间: 2022-06-23
0引言对于一个程序员,如果要从头开始完全由自己来编写一个用于通信的应用程序,必须对相关的网络协议及其它的一些底层技术有较深入的了解,编程难度比较大。Visual Basic(VB)为广大程序员提供了基于WindowsSockets网络编程接口的Winsock控件,它封装了所有繁琐的技术细节,并提供了访问TCP和UDP网络服务的方便途径,只需通过设置控件的属性并调用其方法就可轻易连接到一台远程计算机中,并且还可以实现双向交换数据。因此,利用VB的Winsock 控件来编写基于TCP和UDP协议的通信程序,可以降低编程难度,简化应用程序。1TCP和UDP协议介绍TCP和UDP是TCP/IP协议中的两个传输层协议,它们使用IP路由功能把数据包发送到目的地,从而为应用程序及应用层协议提供网络服务。TCP(Transmission Control Protocol,传输控制协议)是面向连接的协议。“面向连接”就是在正式通信前必须要与对方建立起可靠的连接,这就好象平时的打电话,必须等线路接通了、对方拿起话筒才能相互通话。一个TCP连接必须要经过三次“对话“才能建立起来,其中的过程非常复杂。UDP(User Data Protocol,用户数据报协议)是与TCP相对应的协议,是面向非连接的协议。“面向非连接”就是在正式通信前不必与对方先建立连接,不考虑对方状态就直接发送数据,这就好象平时的发手机短信,不必考虑对方状态,只需要输入对方手机号就行。TCP提供的是面向连接的、可靠的数据流传输,而UDP提供的是面向非连接的、不可靠的数据流传输。面向连接的协议在任何数据传输前就建立好了点到点的连接,面向非连接的协议在数据传输之前不建立连接,而是在每个中间节点对面向非连接的包和数据包进行路由。
上传时间: 2022-06-24
This example shows how you can use signal functions in the Visiondebugger to simulate a signal that is coming into one of the analog inputs of the LPC21xx.The Measure example is described in detail in the Getting StartedUser's Guide.The MEASURE example program is available for several targets:Simulator: uVision Simulator for LPC2129MCB2100: Keil MCB2100 evaluation board with ULINK debugger - Application is loaded to internal Flash. - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on) - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN0 (jumper position: J2= on) - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control noneMCB2130: Keil MCB2130 evaluation board with ULINK debugger - Application is loaded to internal Flash. - Switch S2 (INT1) is used as GPIO and sampled (jumper positions: J1= off, J7= on) - potentiometer POT1 is sampled as AIN1 (jumper position: J2= on) - serial port COM1 parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8-bits, 1 stop bit, flow control none
标签: dac8568
上传时间: 2022-06-28
Datasheet SHT3x-DISHumidity and Temperature Sensor Fully calibrated, linearized, and temperaturecompensated digital output Wide supply voltage range, from 2.4 V to 5.5 V I2C Interface with communication speeds up to 1MHz and two user selectable addresses Typical accuracy of 2 %RH and 0.3 °C Very fast start-up and measurement time Tiny 8-Pin DFN package
上传时间: 2022-06-29