The TAS3204 is a highly-integrated audio system-on-chip (SOC) consisting of a fully-programmable, 48-bit digital audio processor, a 3:1 stereo analog input MUX, four ADCs, four DACs, and other analog functionality. The TAS3204 is programmable with the graphical PurePath Studio™ suite of DSP code development software. PurePath Studio is a highly intuitive, drag-and-drop environment that minimizes software development effort while allowing the end user to utilize the power and flexibility of the TAS3204’s digital audio processing core. TAS3204 processing capability includes speaker equalization and crossover, volume/bass/treble control, signal mixing/MUXing/splitting, delay compensation, dynamic range compression, and many other basic audio functions. Audio functions such as matrix decoding, stereo widening, surround sound virtualization and psychoacoustic bass boost are also available with either third-party or TI royalty-free algorithms. The TAS3204 contains a custom-designed, fully-programmable 135-MHz, 48-bit digital audio processor. A 76-bit accumulator ensures that the high precision necessary for quality digital audio is maintained during arithmetic operations. Four differential 102 dB DNR ADCs and four differential 105 dB DNR DACs ensure that high quality audio is maintained through the whole signal chain as well as increasing robustness against noise sources such as TDMA interference. The TAS3204 is composed of eight functional blocks: Clocking System Digital Audio Interface Analog Audio Interface Power supply Clocks, digital PLL I2C control interface 8051 MCUcontroller Audio DSP – digital audio processing 特性 Digital Audio Processor Fully Programmable With the Graphical, Drag-and-Drop PurePath Studio™ Software Development Environment 135-MHz Operation 48-Bit Data Path With 76-Bit Accumulator Hardware Single-Cycle Multiplier (28 × 48)
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2012系统请手工注册 User:GNU Serial:918A8-20DD8-44ZA1-B0W4A-13T66 方便在服务器更改网页内容
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本文主要介绍如何在Vivado设计套件中进行时序约束,原文出自Xilinx中文社区。 Vivado软件相比于ISE的一大转变就是约束文件,ISE软件支持的是UCF(User Constraints File),而Vivado软件转换到了XDC(Xilinx Design Constraints)。XDC主要基于SDC(Synopsys Design Constraints)标准,另外集成了Xilinx的一些约束标准,可以说这一转变是Xilinx向业界标准的靠拢。Altera从TimeQuest开始就一直使用SDC标准,这一改变,相信对于很多工程师来说是好事,两个平台之间的转换会更加容易些。
上传时间: 2018-07-13
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