三、安装、启动和停止Helix服务器 1 软件的获取 Helix Server是RealNetworks公司最新的流媒体服务平台,这个系统和微软的Window Media System不同,它并不是免费的,但在RealNetworks的网站(http://www.real.com ),还是提供有免费使用的Helix,不过有功能或时间上的限制。 这里笔者选用的是Helix Server unlimited v11.0.1.1884 For Linux
标签: Helix RealNetworks Server 服务器
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm Status of this Memo This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Acknowlegements We would like to thank Don Coppersmith, Burt Kaliski, Ralph Merkle, David Chaum, and Noam Nisan for numerous helpful comments and suggestions.
标签: Message-Digest information Algorithm provides
上传时间: 2013-12-03
USB driver, J-Mem jlink.exe and jlinkarm.dll J-Flash* J-Link RDI* (includes flashdownloader* and support for unlimited number of flash breakpoints*) GDB server*
标签: flashdownloader includes jlinkarm J-Flash
上传时间: 2013-12-17
利用java实现文件的AES加密功能 This Java AES Crypt package contains the Java class es.vocali.util.AESCrypt, which provides file encryption and decryption using aescrypt file format. Requirements The Java AES Crypt package only works in Java 6, but can be easily adapted to Java 5 by replacing the call to NetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress() with something else. In order to use 256 bit AES keys, you must download and install "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
标签: Java AES AESCrypt contains
上传时间: 2017-02-11
High-Speed, Low-Power Dual Operational Amplifier The AD826 features high output current drive capability of 50 mA min per amp, and is able to drive unlimited capacitive loads. With a low power supply current of 15 mA max for both amplifiers, the AD826 is a true general purpose operational amplifier. The AD826 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras and portable instrumentation. The AD826 can operate from a single +5 V supply, while still achieving 25 MHz of band width. Furthermore the AD826 is fully specified from a single +5 V to ±15 V power supplies. The AD826 excels as an ADC/DAC buffer or active filter in data acquisition systems and achieves a settling time of 70 ns to 0.01%, with a low input offset voltage of 2 mV max. The AD826 is available in small 8-lead plastic mini-DIP and SO packages.
上传时间: 2020-04-19
With more than two billion terminals in commercial operation world-wide, wire- less and mobile technologies have enabled a first wave of pervasive communication systems and applications. Still, this is only the beginning as wireless technologies such as RFID are currently contemplated with a deployment potential of tens of billions of tags and a virtually unlimited application potential. A recent ITU report depicts a scenario of “Internet of things” — a world in which billions of objects will report their location, identity, and history over wireless connections.
标签: Internet Things From The RFI of
上传时间: 2020-06-08