md5 类实现了RSA Data Security, Inc.在提交给IETF 的RFC1321中的MD5 Message-Digest 算法。
标签: Message-Digest Security Data 1321
上传时间: 2014-01-11
RSA MD5 VISUAL C++ SOURCE CODE v1.2 - Visual C++ implementation of the RSA MD5 message digest algorithm. Calculates a 32byte checksum for any data sequence. Developed by Langfine Ltd. Note, RSA copyright notices must be adhered to - see the source code for details.Released November 2001
标签: implementation RSA MD5 message
上传时间: 2015-03-23
RSA MD5 Message Digest rsa md5消息摘要算法,VC实现,供大家参考
上传时间: 2014-01-26
MD5的典型应用是对一段信息(Message)产生信息摘要(Message-Digest),以防止被篡改。比如,在UNIX下有很多软件在下载的时候都有一个文件名相同,文件扩展名为.md5的文件,在这个文件中通常只有一行文本,大致结构如: MD5 (tanajiya.tar.gz) = 0ca175b9c0f726a831d895e269332461 这就是tanajiya.tar.gz文件的数字签名。
标签: Message-Digest Message MD5 典型
上传时间: 2016-07-28
The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm Status of this Memo This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Acknowlegements We would like to thank Don Coppersmith, Burt Kaliski, Ralph Merkle, David Chaum, and Noam Nisan for numerous helpful comments and suggestions.
标签: Message-Digest information Algorithm provides
上传时间: 2013-12-03
Message Digest Algorithm-取得MD5雜湊值長度
标签: Algorithm Message Digest MD5
上传时间: 2014-01-18
MD5的全称是Message-Digest Algorithm 5(信息-摘要算法),用于确保信息传输完整一致。本程序是c语言版的md5加密解密源码!
标签: Message-Digest Algorithm MD5 算法
上传时间: 2017-05-29
MD5的全称是Message-Digest Algorithm 5(信息-摘要算法),在90年代初由MIT Laboratory for Computer Science和RSA Data Security Inc,的Ronald.L.Rivest开发出来,经MD2、MD3和MD4发展而来。
标签: Message-Digest Algorithm MD5 算法
上传时间: 2017-07-12
This program applies Message Digest MD5 Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material
标签: Algorithm Developed Al-ammar Maimouna
上传时间: 2017-08-10
This program applies Message Digest (MD5) Algorithm Developed by Maimouna Al-ammar 5th Year, Computer Engineering Department, University of Damascus Information and Network Security Material
标签: Algorithm Developed Al-ammar Maimouna
上传时间: 2017-08-10