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  • XAPP503-针对Xilinx器件的SVF和XSVF文件格式

    This application note provides users with a general understanding of the SVF and XSVF fileformats as they apply to Xilinx devices. Some familiarity with IEEE STD 1149.1 (JTAG) isassumed. For information on using Serial Vector Format (SVF) and Xilinx Serial Vector Format(XSVF) files in embedded programming applications

    标签: Xilinx XAPP XSVF 503

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • 基于Verilog HDL设计的多功能数字钟

    本文利用Verilog HDL 语言自顶向下的设计方法设计多功能数字钟,突出了其作为硬件描述语言的良好的可读性、可移植性和易理解等优点,并通过Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 和ModelSim SE 6.0 完成综合、仿真。此程序通过下载到FPGA 芯片后,可应用于实际的数字钟显示中。 关键词:Verilog HDL;硬件描述语言;FPGA Abstract: In this paper, the process of designing multifunctional digital clock by the Verilog HDL top-down design method is presented, which has shown the readability, portability and easily understanding of Verilog HDL as a hard description language. Circuit synthesis and simulation are performed by Altera QuartusⅡ 4.1 and ModelSim SE 6.0. The program can be used in the truly digital clock display by downloading to the FPGA chip. Keywords: Verilog HDL;hardware description language;FPGA

    标签: Verilog HDL 多功能 数字

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • MFC Black Book Introduction: Are you an MFC programmer? Good. There are two types of MFC programme

    MFC Black Book Introduction: Are you an MFC programmer? Good. There are two types of MFC programmers. What kind are you? The first kind are the good programmers who write programs that conform to the way MFC wants you to do things. The second bunch are wild-eyed anarchists who insist on getting things done their way. Me, I’m in the second group. If you are in the same boat (or would like to be) this book is for you. This book won’t teach you MFC—not in the traditional sense. You should pick it up with a good understanding of basic MFC programming and a desire to do things differently. This isn’t a Scribble tutorial (although I will review some fundamentals in the first chapter). You will learn how to wring every drop from your MFC programs. You’ll discover how to use, abuse, and abandon the document/view architecture. If you’ve ever wanted custom archives, you’ll find that, too.

    标签: MFC Introduction programmer programme

    上传时间: 2015-05-30


  • · Develop clear, readable, well-documented and well-designed programs in the C Programming Language.

    · Develop clear, readable, well-documented and well-designed programs in the C Programming Language. · Develop software in the Unix/Linux using tools such as gcc, gdb, and make. · Locate and interpreting “man pages” applicable to application-level system programming. · Use the POSIX/Unix API to system functions to manage process and sessions as well as use signals and pipes for inter-process communication. · understanding how synchronization might become problematic in light of concurrency. · Understand how to communicate and cooperate with a project partner.

    标签: well-documented well-designed Programming Language

    上传时间: 2015-08-16


  • Embedded computer systems permeate all aspects of our daily lives. Alarm clocks, coffee makers, di

    Embedded computer systems permeate all aspects of our daily lives. Alarm clocks, coffee makers, digital watches, cell phones, and automobiles are just a few of the devices that make use of embedded systems. The design and development of such systems is unique, because the design constraints are different for each system. Essential to the development of an embedded system is an understanding of the hardware and software used for development.

    标签: Embedded computer permeate aspects

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • OReilly.Ajax.on.Rails.Dec.2006. ISBN-10: 0-596-52744-6. Learn to build dynamic, interactive web ap

    OReilly.Ajax.on.Rails.Dec.2006. ISBN-10: 0-596-52744-6. Learn to build dynamic, interactive web applications using the two most important approaches to web development today: Ajax and the phenomenally efficient Ruby on Rails platform. This book teaches intermediate to advanced web developers how to use both Ajax and Rails to quickly build high-performance, scalable applications without being overwhelmed with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. More than just recipes, you also get a thorough, low-level understanding of what s happening under the hood.

    标签: interactive OReilly dynamic 52744

    上传时间: 2015-10-07


  • Physics-Based Modeling Methods Improve Control System Design Multidomain systems (mechanical, electr

    Physics-Based Modeling Methods Improve Control System Design Multidomain systems (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, chemical) 􀂃 Successful controller development requires thorough and accurate understanding of plantControllerElectricalMechanicalDeviceActuatorsSensorsPlant

    标签: Physics-Based Multidomain mechanical Modeling

    上传时间: 2015-10-13


  • Jitter is extremely important in systems using PLL-based clock drivers. The effects of jitter range

    Jitter is extremely important in systems using PLL-based clock drivers. The effects of jitter range from not having any effect on system operation to rendering the system completely non-functional. This application note provides the reader with a clear understanding of jitter in high-speed systems. It introduces the reader to various kinds of jitter in high-speed systems, their causes and their effects, and methods of reducing jitter. This application note will concentrate on jitter in PLL-based frequency synthesizers.

    标签: extremely PLL-based important drivers

    上传时间: 2014-11-25


  • Simulation of digital baseband modulation,it is very good for the users to deepen their understandin

    Simulation of digital baseband modulation,it is very good for the users to deepen their understanding

    标签: understandin Simulation modulation baseband

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • Welcome to the Wrox Press C++ tutorial "I hope you ll enjoy reading this tutorial with your portabl

    Welcome to the Wrox Press C++ tutorial "I hope you ll enjoy reading this tutorial with your portable, your work, or your home PC. It s a perfect companion to the Introduction to Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition manual and is a proven aid to understanding the C++ language. The material in this tutorial is adapted from my book Beginning Visual C++ 6.0, to provide you with a thorough grounding in pure C++. I ve been careful to address the new standards in C++ laid out by the ANSI and ISO committees and I encourage you to adopt these conventions so that your programs are maintainable for years to come.

    标签: tutorial Welcome reading portabl

    上传时间: 2016-01-26
