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  • 有限差分法

    function [alpha,N,U]=youxianchafen2(r1,r2,up,under,num,deta)      %[alpha,N,U]=youxianchafen2(a,r1,r2,up,under,num,deta)   %该函数用有限差分法求解有两种介质的正方形区域的二维拉普拉斯方程的数值解   %函数返回迭代因子、迭代次数以及迭代完成后所求区域内网格节点处的值   %a为正方形求解区域的边长   %r1,r2分别表示两种介质的电导率   %up,under分别为上下边界值   %num表示将区域每边的网格剖分个数   %deta为迭代过程中所允许的相对误差限      n=num+1; %每边节点数   U(n,n)=0; %节点处数值矩阵   N=0; %迭代次数初值   alpha=2/(1+sin(pi/num));%超松弛迭代因子   k=r1/r2; %两介质电导率之比   U(1,1:n)=up; %求解区域上边界第一类边界条件   U(n,1:n)=under; %求解区域下边界第一类边界条件   U(2:num,1)=0;U(2:num,n)=0;      for i=2:num   U(i,2:num)=up-(up-under)/num*(i-1);%采用线性赋值对上下边界之间的节点赋迭代初值   end   G=1;   while G>0 %迭代条件:不满足相对误差限要求的节点数目G不为零   Un=U; %完成第n次迭代后所有节点处的值   G=0; %每完成一次迭代将不满足相对误差限要求的节点数目归零   for j=1:n   for i=2:num   U1=U(i,j); %第n次迭代时网格节点处的值      if j==1 %第n+1次迭代左边界第二类边界条件   U(i,j)=1/4*(2*U(i,j+1)+U(i-1,j)+U(i+1,j));   end         if (j>1)&&(j                 U2=1/4*(U(i,j+1)+ U(i-1,j)+ U(i,j-1)+ U(i+1,j));    U(i,j)=U1+alpha*(U2-U1); %引入超松弛迭代因子后的网格节点处的值      end      if i==n+1-j %第n+1次迭代两介质分界面(与网格对角线重合)第二类边界条件   U(i,j)=1/4*(2/(1+k)*(U(i,j+1)+U(i+1,j))+2*k/(1+k)*(U(i-1,j)+U(i,j-1)));      end      if j==n %第n+1次迭代右边界第二类边界条件   U(i,n)=1/4*(2*U(i,j-1)+U(i-1,j)+U(i+1,j));   end   end   end   N=N+1 %显示迭代次数   Un1=U; %完成第n+1次迭代后所有节点处的值   err=abs((Un1-Un)./Un1);%第n+1次迭代与第n次迭代所有节点值的相对误差   err(1,1:n)=0; %上边界节点相对误差置零   err(n,1:n)=0; %下边界节点相对误差置零    G=sum(sum(err>deta))%显示每次迭代后不满足相对误差限要求的节点数目G   end

    标签: 有限差分

    上传时间: 2018-07-13


  • JAVA SMPP 源码

    Introduction jSMPP is a java implementation (SMPP API) of the SMPP protocol (currently supports SMPP v3.4). It provides interfaces to communicate with a Message Center or an ESME (External Short Message Entity) and is able to handle traffic of 3000-5000 messages per second. jSMPP is not a high-level library. People looking for a quick way to get started with SMPP may be better of using an abstraction layer such as the Apache Camel SMPP component: http://camel.apache.org/smpp.html Travis-CI status: History The project started on Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/jsmpp/ It was maintained by uudashr on Github until 2013. It is now a community project maintained at http://jsmpp.org Release procedure mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -Durl=https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/ -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging -Dgpg.passphrase=<yourpassphrase> log in here: https://oss.sonatype.org click the 'Staging Repositories' link select the repository and click close select the repository and click release License Copyright (C) 2007-2013, Nuruddin Ashr uudashr@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Denis Kostousov denis.kostousov@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2014, Daniel Pocock http://danielpocock.com Copyright (C) 2016, Pim Moerenhout pim.moerenhout@gmail.com This project is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.

    标签: JAVA SMPP 源码

    上传时间: 2019-01-25


  • 基于多尺度字典的图像超分辨率重建

    Reconstruction- and example-based super-resolution (SR) methods are promising for restoring a high-resolution (HR) image from low-resolution (LR) image(s). under large magnification, reconstruction-based methods usually fail to hallucinate visual details while example-based methods sometimes introduce unexpected details. Given a generic LR image, to reconstruct a photo-realistic SR image and to suppress artifacts in the reconstructed SR image, we introduce a multi-scale dictionary to a novel SR method that simultaneously integrates local and non-local priors. The local prior suppresses artifacts by using steering kernel regression to predict the target pixel from a small local area. The non-local prior enriches visual details by taking a weighted average of a large neighborhood as an estimate of the target pixel. Essentially, these two priors are complementary to each other. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can produce high quality SR recovery both quantitatively and perceptually.

    标签: Super-resolution Multi-scale Dictionary Single Image for

    上传时间: 2019-03-28


  • AD810

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD810 is a composite and HDTV compatible, current feedback, video operational amplifier, ideal for use in systems such as multimedia, digital tape recorders and video cameras. The 0.1 dB flatness specification at bandwidth of 30 MHz (G = +2) and the differential gain and phase of 0.02% and 0.04° (NTSC) make the AD810 ideal for any broadcast quality video system. All these specifications are under load conditions of 150 Ω (one 75 Ω back terminated cable). The AD810 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras, offering a low power supply current of 8.0 mA max. The disable feature reduces the power supply current to only 2.1 mA, while the amplifier is not in use, to conserve power. Furthermore the AD810 is specified over a power supply range of ±5 V to ±15 V.

    标签: 810 AD

    上传时间: 2020-04-19


  • Antennas and Propagation

    This book has grown out of my teaching and research at the University of Surrey and out of my previous experiences in companies such as Philips, Ascom and Motorola. It is primarily intended for use by students in master’s level and enhanced final-year under- graduate courses who are specialising in communication systems and wish to understand the principles and current practices of the wireless communication channel, including both antenna and propagation aspects

    标签: Propagation Antennas

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Artificial+Intelligence

    The current methods of communications are becoming less relevant under today’s growing demand for and reliance on constant connectivity. Of decreasing relevance are the models of a single radio to perform a single task. The expansion of wireless access points among coffee shops, airports, malls, and other public arenas is opening up opportunities for new services and applications.

    标签: Intelligence Artificial

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Cognitive+Communication

    The aim of this book, the first of two volumes, is to present selected research that has been undertaken under COST Action IC0902 ‘‘Cognitive Radio and Net- working for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks’’ (http://newyork.ing.uniroma1.it/IC0902/). COST (European Cooperation in Sci- ence and Technology) is one of the longest-running European frameworks sup- porting cooperation among scientists and researchers across Europe.

    标签: Communication Cognitive

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Economics+of+Mobile+Telecommunications

    A series of features makes the mobile telecommunications industry an interesting field of investigation for economists: the industry is experi- encing veryfastmarketgrowthcombinedwithrapidtechnological change; regulatory design in setting market structure is playing a very important role; and oligopolistic competition is unfolding under various forms. The number of subscribers to mobile networks is growing at a rapid rate on a worldwide basis, as shown in figure 1.1. 

    标签: Telecommunications Economics Mobile of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Fundamentals+of+WiMAX+understanding

    Fundamentals of WiMAX was consciously written to appeal to a broad audience, and to be of value to anyone who is interested in the IEEE 802.16e standards or wireless broadband networks more generally. The book contains cutting-edge tutorials on the technical and theoretical under- pinnings to WiMAX that are not available anywhere else, while also providing high-level over- views that will be informative to the casual reader.

    标签: understanding Fundamentals WiMAX of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Communications

    One of the very first books published on the social impact of the mobile phone was Timo Kopomaa’s The City in Your Pocket: Birth of the Mobile Information Society. The book, published in 2000, was based on research that Kopomaa had under- taken for Nokia and Sonera as part of his doctoral studies in the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the Helsinki University of Technology. The first line he writes in the book is peculiar: ‘Mobile communication is not a serious matter’. By this, we assume he is referring to a view of the world that would regard the mobile phone as little more than an unremarkable fact of everyday life – a simple play- thing for the young, or a productivity tool for the business executive and busy parent.

    标签: Communications Wireless Mobile and

    上传时间: 2020-05-30
