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  • Computing and the way people uSe C for doing it keeps changing as years go by. So overwhelming has b

    Computing and the way people uSe C for doing it keeps changing as years go by. So overwhelming has been the response to all the previouS editions of “Let uS C” that I have now decided that each year I would come up with a new edition of it so that I can keep the readers abreast with the way C is being uSed at that point in time.

    标签: overwhelming Computing changing people

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Implementation of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) that rendered triangle based models. Our goal was t

    Implementation of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) that rendered triangle based models. Our goal was to generate complex models with a movable camera. We wanted to be able to render complex images that consisted of hundreds to thouSands of triangles. We wanted to apply interpolated shading on the objects, so that they appeared more smooth and realisitc, and to have a camera that orbitted around the object, which allowed uS to look arond the object with a stationary light source. We chose to do this in hardware, becauSe our initial implementation uSing running software on the NIOS II processor was too slow. Implementing parallelism in hardware is also easier to do than in software, which allows for more efficiency. We uSed Professor Land s floating point hardware, which allowed uS to do calculations efficiency, which is essential to graphics.

    标签: Implementation Processing Graphics rendered

    上传时间: 2014-11-22


  • The matlab program is effective to be uSed for fringe processing. It contours strain distribution uS

    The matlab program is effective to be uSed for fringe processing. It contours strain distribution uSing an interferogram.

    标签: distribution processing effective contours

    上传时间: 2017-09-23


  • 毕业设计任务书示例


    标签: 任务书

    上传时间: 2015-04-03


  • 数据结构考试题

    大学数据结构考试题。。。。。。。 一棵二叉排序树T,用(  )方法进行遍历,可以得到各结点键值的有序序列

    标签: 数据结构

    上传时间: 2015-04-05


  • QPSK调制和解调

    1、生成QPSK 信号的时域波形和功率谱 2、计算QPSK 系统的误码率 3、 QPSK接收信号的星座图

    标签: matlab 代码

    上传时间: 2015-04-05


  • FPGA的多路可控脉冲延迟系统.docx

     1  系统功能   本系统拟定对频率范围在1~50 kHz左右的TTL电平脉冲序列进行多路延迟处理。各路延迟时间分别由单片机动态设定,最大延迟时间为1 ms,最大分辨率为0.15 ns级。  3  方案实现   系统选用Actel公司的ProASIC3 A3P250芯片实现数字部分。系统时钟由外部50 MHz晶振提供,时钟引脚连接到FPGA的CCC全局时钟引脚上;频率可以通过FPGA内部的PLL实现倍频和分频,设定需要的频率。由于在多路脉冲延迟方案中电路的同步是保证控制正确的条件,所以应该首先为电路提供一个基准脉冲。

    标签: FPGA的多路可控脉冲延迟

    上传时间: 2015-04-25


  • RFID资料

    论文   本系统针对这一问题,选用高性能的MSP430单片机作为核心处理器,采用TFT液晶屏显示和目前通用的SD卡数据存储技术,通过可靠的RFID(射频识别)解决方案实现幼儿园的家长身份识别。

    标签: RFID SD卡 MSP430F149

    上传时间: 2015-04-29


  • 毕业论文设计

    《信号与系统》教学虚拟演示系统    的设计与实现

    标签: 信号与系统教学演示

    上传时间: 2015-04-30


  • 《信号与系统》教学虚拟演示系统 的设计与实现

    《信号与系统》教学虚拟演示系统    的设计与实现

    标签: 教学演示

    上传时间: 2015-04-30
