Licensed spectrum remains 3GPP operators’ top priority to deliver advanced services and user experience Opportunistic use of unlicensed spectrum is becoming an important complement for operators to meet the growing traffic demand Moving forward 3GPP operators will have two options to offload traffic to unlicensed spectrum: 1. Wi-Fi (via LTE/Wi-Fi interworking) 2. LTE over unlicensed It will then be up to each individual operator to choose which approach to use, which will depend on a number of factors
标签: 3GPP_unlicensed_Dino_Flore 2015 01
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Mobile communication has gained significant importance in today’s society. As of 2010, the number of mobile phone subscribers has surpassed 5 billion [ABI10], and the global annual mobile revenue is soon expected to top $1 trillion [Inf10]. While these numbers appear promising for mobile operators at first sight, the major game-changer that has come up recently is the fact that the market is more and more driven by the demand for mobile data traffic [Cis10].
上传时间: 2020-05-27
上传用户:shancjb eration,,.com- bining. Web. browsing,. instant. messaging,. presence,. voice. over. IP,. video. conferencing,. application. sharing,. telephony,. unified. messaging,. multi-, and.operational.costs.of.the.underlying.networks..Historically,.the.approach. to. build. and. deploy. multimedia. services. has. focused. upon. single-point. solutions..
标签: Multimedia Subsystem Handbook IMS IP
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Commoditization is a serious threat to the telecommunications industry. Most CSPs offer similar services at rates designed to win what has become a price war. As a result, many face decreasing margins and difficulty sustaining differentiation based on prices or products alone. On top of commoditization, CSPs also face competition from OTT providers and an increasingly knowledgeable and demanding customer base. With access to growing amounts of data from an ever-increasing number of sources and devices, today’s empowered, savvy consumers know what they want and expect to get it.
标签: RestoringConnections_IBM_CPL
上传时间: 2020-06-01
索尼(中国)有限公司(简称“索尼中国”)基于以下条款和条件(简称“本条款”),在其网站按索尼中国酌定的范围,向中国公众提供免费在线下载某些索尼产品的产品使用说明书(简称“该产品使用说明书”)和某些索尼产品的相关软件(简称“该相关软件”)的服务(简称“该服务”)。 在您开始使用该服务前,请仔细阅读本条款,包括其中的免责和限制责任的条款,然后选择“同意”或“不同意”。如果您同意接受本条款的制约,请选择“同意”,即可使用该服务。如果您不同意接受本条款的制约,请选择“不同意”,并不要使用该服务。在任何情况下,如果您实际上使用了该服务,您将被视作已同意接受本条款的制约。
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Visible light communications (VLC) is the name given to an optical wireless communication system that carries information by modulating light in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm) that is principally used for illumination [1–3]. The communications signal is encoded on top of the illumination light. Interest in VLC has grown rapidly with the growth of high power light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible spectrum. The motivation to use the illumination light for communication is to save energy by exploiting the illumination to carry information and, at the same time, to use technology that is “green” in comparison to radio frequency (RF) technology, while using the existing infrastructure of the lighting system.
标签: Communication Visible Light
上传时间: 2020-06-01
VK0384是一个48x8的LCD駆动器. 可软件程控使其适用于多样化的LCD应用线路. 仅用到3至4条讯号线便可控制LCD駆动器,除此之外亦可介由指令使其进入省电模式 特色 工作电压 : 2.4V~5.2V 内建 256KHz RC oscillator 提供 1/4 偏压 1/8 COM 周期 省电模式 48x8 LCD駆动器 内建 48x8 bit 显示内存 3-wire serial interface 软件程控 资料及指令模式 自动增加读写地址
上传时间: 2020-06-05
写一个HIS系统界面,要求的功能(从患者角度操作): 注册/登录功能 挂号(选择科室,医生) 查看病历 查看药方 要求用到的技术: css用来对页面进行格式设置 jquery的事件操作 ajax读取json数据(仅用GET方法)
标签: JavaScript
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) technology is a wireless communication technology that enables users to uniquely identify tagged objects or people. RFID is rapidly becoming a cost-effective technology. This is in large part due to the efforts of Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense (DoD) to incorporate RFID technology into their supply chains. In 2003, with the aim of enabling pallet-level tracking of inventory, Wal-Mart issued an RFID mandate requiring its top suppliers to begin tagging pallets and cases, with Electronic Product Code (EPC) labels. The DoD quickly followed suit and issued the same mandate to its top 100 suppliers. This drive to incorporate RFID technology into their supply chains is motivated by the increased ship- ping, receiving and stocking effi ciency and the decreased costs of labor, storage, and product loss that pallet-level visibility of inventory can offer.
标签: A_Guide_to_Radio_Frequency_IDenti fication RFID
上传时间: 2020-06-08
LIKE SO MANY OTHERS , THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN BECAUSE WE COULDN ’ T FIND ONE LIKE IT . We needed something to hand to all of those people who have come to us asking for “a good book to read on RFID.” When we looked for candidates we found some great books, but most were aimed at electrical engineers or top-level managers, with very little for those of us who are in between. This book is for developers, system and software architects, and project managers, as well as students and professionals in all of the industries impacted by Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) who want to understand how this technology works. As the title suggests, this book is about RFID in general and not just the most recent developments; however, because so much is going on in the area of RFID for the supply chain and especially the Electronic Product Code (EPC), we have devoted consider- able space to these topics. Regardless of the type of RFID work you may be doing, we think you will find something useful here.
标签: Essentials RFID
上传时间: 2020-06-08