Catalyst 3550 Multilayer Switch Software Configuration Guide
上传时间: 2013-11-20
Catalyst 2950 and Catalyst 2955 Switch Software Configuration Guide
上传时间: 2013-10-29
The Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (TEMAC) UltraController-II module is a minimal footprint,embedded network processing engine based on the PowerPC™ 405 (PPC405) processor coreand the TEMAC core embedded within a Virtex™-4 FX Platform FPGA. The TEMACUltraController-II module connects to an external PHY through Gigabit Media IndependentInterface (GMII) and Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) interfaces and supports tri-mode(10/100/1000 Mb/s) Ethernet. Software running from the processor cache reads and writesthrough an On-Chip Memory (OCM) interface to two FIFOs that act as buffers between thedifferent clock domains of the PPC405 OCM and the TEMAC.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
针对飞行模拟器座舱数据采集的复杂性,设计了一种基于以太网分布式的数据采集控制系统,该系统是RCM5700微处理器模块上的以太网应用。在系统的基础上具体讨论了PoE技术的应用,在传输数据的网线上同时提供电流,提出并实现了一种包括辅助电源在内的完整可靠的PoE供电方案。设计采用美国国家半导体的LM5073和LM5576并根据不同的负载情况,进行稳定可靠的电压转换,以满足数据采集电路的要求。实验结果表明:该设计稳定可靠,满足低于13 W的采集节点供电要求,提高了模拟器信号采集系统的通用性和标准化程度,避免了以往数据采集节点单独繁琐的电源设计。 Abstract: Aiming at the complexity of large avion simulation and controlling,the simulator cabin distribute data collecting and control system was designed. This system is the application of RCM5700 on Ethernet. Based on this system,PoE technique that makes Ethernet can also provide power were expounded with emphasis and included FAUX design the PoE resolution was realized. To achieve the requirement of this system,LM5073 and LM5576 were used to DC-DC switch. From the data of experiment,the design filled the requirement of power-need of node whose power was lower than 13W. The application of the technique can advance the degree of simulation data collections currency and standardization and avoid designing additional power system.
上传时间: 2013-11-09
产品特点: 高性能 高可靠性 高扩展性 高可管理性 关键应用点: 高性能计算 企业级数据库 虚拟化应用
上传时间: 2013-10-20
Abstract: This application note discusses a design for a phantom antenna power-supply system compatible with theDigital Satellite Equipment Control (DiSEqC) communication standard, using the MAX16948 automotive dual, highvoltageLDO/switch. The presented application circuit provides a remote antenna power supply and also enables onewaycommunication from the radio head unit to the remote antenna. This system architecture offers flexibility inDiSEqC tone-burst frequency choice (100Hz to 30kHz), enabling users the ability to select the best frequency for theirapplication.
上传时间: 2013-11-17
利用功能强大的KS8995集成交换芯片,设计外围辅助电路,设置交换芯片各功能管脚的电平,添加直流偏置和阻抗匹配电路,实现以硬件为基础的10/1O0、双工/单工、流控制及自动协商系统,完成10/100Ba se-TX与100Ba Se—Fx间的顺利转换。
上传时间: 2013-10-12
Abstract: This application note helps system designers choose the correct external components for use with the MAX16948 dualremote antenna LDO/switch, thus ensuring that automobile-regulated phantom antenna supply and output-current-monitoring circuitrymeet performance objectives. An electronic calculator is provided that helps specify the critical external components for theMAX16948, thus reducing design time. The calculator also determines the device's analog output voltage, output current-limitthreshold, and output current-sensing accuracies. The calculator includes new automatic Step By Step feature that assists designerswith component choice. To use the new automatic feature, click on the Step By Step button relative to the desired section.
上传时间: 2013-11-04
产品说明: 是 1000M自适应以太网外置电源光纤收发器,可以将 10/100BASE-TX的双绞线电信号和1000BASE-LX的光信号相互转换。它将网络的传输距离的极限从铜线的100 米扩展到224/550m(多模光纤)、100公里(单模光纤)。可简便地实现 HUB、SWITCH、服务器、终端机与远距离终端机之间的互连。HH-GE-200 系列以太网光纤收发器即插即用,即可单机使用,也可多机集成于同一机箱内使用。
上传时间: 2013-12-22
三菱PLC编程软件(中文). 三菱FX系列PLC解密软件 V3.1里面包含了三菱PLC编程软件(中文)教程,安装方法 三菱PLC编程软件 GX-developer 安装详细说明 请将软件安装压缩包解压到D盘根目录或者C盘根目录进行安装,太深的目录容易出错 在安装程序之前,最好先把其他应用程序关闭,比如杀毒软件,防火墙,IE,办公软件 1,在Gx Developer文件夹中,有一个文件夹“EnvMEL”,进入,点击“SETUP.EXE”安装“通用环境” 安装大部分三菱软件都要先安装“通用环境” 2,然后点击Gx Developer下的“SETUP.EXE” 正式安装三菱PLC编程软件Gx Developer 注意,其他的几个文件夹,在安装时候主安装程序会自动调用,不必管它。 3,安装路径最好使用默认的,不要更改,输入各种注册信息后,输入序列号: 注意,不同软件的序列号可能会不相同,序列号可以在下载后的压缩包里得到。 4,“监视专用”这里不能打勾,否则就只能监视不能编程了 5,等待安装过程 6,直到出现此窗口: 7,开始/程序 里可以找到安装好的文件
上传时间: 2013-11-01