eration,,.com- bining. Web. browsing,. instant. messaging,. presence,. voice. over. IP,. video. conferencing,. application. sharing,. telephony,. unified. messaging,. multi-, and.operational.costs.of.the.underlying.networks..Historically,.the.approach. to. build. and. deploy. multimedia. services. has. focused. upon. single-point. solutions..
标签: Multimedia Subsystem Handbook IMS IP
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Mobile radio networks have risen in prominence over the last few years, primarily by the rise in popularity of cellular phones. It is important to recognise however that mobile radio technology fulfils a far wider range of applications that meet the demands of the modern world. These include the networks that allow police and emergency services to serve the public, military networks for operations and humanitarian supPort, and the mobile technol- ogies that are vital to the safety of aircraft.
标签: Network Mobile Design Radio
上传时间: 2020-05-30
The telecommunications industry has seen a rapid boost within the last decade. New realities and visions of functionalities in various telecommunications networks have brought forward the concept of next-generation networks (NGNs). The competitions among operators for supPort- ing various services, lowering of the cost of having mobile and cellular phones and smartphones, increasing demand for general mobility, explosion of digital traffic, and advent of convergence network technologies added more dynamism in the idea of NGNs. In fact, facilitating con- vergence of networks and convergence of various types of services is a significant objective of NGNs.
标签: Next-Generation Converged Networks
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Emerging technologies such as WiFi and WiMAX are profoundly changing the landscape of wireless broadband. As we evolve into future generation wireless networks, a primary challenge is the supPort of high data rate, integrated multi- media type traffic over a unified platform. Due to its inherent advantages in high-speed communication, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become the modem of choice for a number of high profile wireless systems (e.g., DVB-T, WiFi, WiMAX, Ultra-wideband).
标签: OFDM-Based Broadband Networks Wireless
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Convergence between the two largest networks (Telecom and IP) is taking place very rapidly and at diff erent levels: (1) network level: unifi cation of IP networks with traditional Telecom networks through evolving standards (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Realtime Transfer Protocol (RTP), SS7, 3G) to supPort interopera- bility; (2) service level: traditional Telecom services like voice calls are being provi- sioned on the IP backbone (VoIP), while traditional IP services (most data-driven services such as multimedia, browsing, chatting, gaming, etc.) are accessible over the Telecom network.
标签: Platforms Delivery Service
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Fourth Generation (4G) wireless communication systems aim to allow peak data rates in the range of 1 Gbps for nomadic access and 100 Mbps for vehicular mobil- ity. 4G aims to supPort current and emergent multimedia services, such as mobile TV, social networks and gaming, high-definition television and video telecon- ference, multimedia messaging service, using the All-over IP concept and with improved quality of service.
标签: Transmission Techniques Systems for 4G
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This book is the result of works dedicated to specific applications of metaheuristics in smart electrical grids. From electric transmission, distribution networks to electric microgrids, the notion of intelligence refers to the ability to propose acceptable solutions in an increasingly more restrictive environment. Most often, it refers to decision-making assisting tools designed to supPort all human action.
标签: Metaheuristics Intelligent Electrical Networks for
上传时间: 2020-06-07
RFID networks are currently recognized as one a research area of priority. Research activities related to RFID technology have been booming recently. A number of ongoing projects are being funded in Europe, Asia, and North America. According to leading market analysts, the development of the RFID market is projected to increase from approximately $3 billion in 2005 to $25 billion in 2015. Several countries have dedicated innovation programs to supPort and develop RFID systems and related technologies: the RFID initiative in Taiwan, Ubiquitous Japan and the NSF SBIR program in the USA. The EU has recently advertised its Strategic Research Roadmap concerning the Internet of Things, which first of all refers to the RFID technology before being extended to commu- nicating devices as in M2M (Machine to Machine). In this roadmap, several application domains have been identified:
上传时间: 2020-06-08
This book is intended to be a general introduction to neural networks for those with a computer architecture, circuits, or systems background. In the introduction (Chapter 1), we define key vo- cabulary, recap the history and evolution of the techniques, and for make the case for additional hardware supPort in the field.
标签: Deep_Learning_for_Computer_Archit ects
上传时间: 2020-06-10
The goal of this textbook is to supPort the teaching of digital and statistical signal processing in higher education. Particular attention is paid to the presentation of the fun- damental theory; key topics are outlined in a comprehensible way, and all areas of the subject are discussed in a fashion that aims at simplification without sacrificing accuracy.
标签: Statistical Processing Digital Signal and
上传时间: 2020-06-10