CodeWarrior Development Tool Suites are comprehensive integrated developmentenvironments (IDE) that provide a highly visual and automated framework toaccelerate the development of the most complex embedded applications. Acrossmost stages of the development cycle, we offer tools to help configure, debug andoptimize your design built on Freescale MPUs, MCUs, DSPs and DSCs. These toolsuites provide solutions to get your design up and running fast.
标签: CodeWarrior 开发工具套件
上传时间: 2013-11-07
The use of the Wind River VxWorks Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) on Virtex™-4embedded PowerPC™ processors continues to be a popular choice for high performanceFPGA designs. The introduction of the Wind River Workbench design environment has enableda new and easier way for designers to control the configuration of the VxWorks kernel. Thisguide shows the steps required to build and configure a ML403 Embedded DevelopmentPlatform to boot and run the VxWorks RTOS. A VxWorks bootloader is created, programmedinto Flash, and used to boot the design. The concepts presented here can be scaled to anyPowerPC enabled development platform.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
STM8S105xx_中文资料:这本数据手册描述了STM8S105xx基础型系列单片机的特点、引脚分配、电气特性、机械特性和订购信息。 如果需要关于STM8S单片机存储器、寄存器和外设等的详细信息,请参考STM8S系列单片机参考手册(RM0016) 。 如果需要关于内部Flash存储器的编程、擦除和保护的信息,请参考STM8S闪存编程手册(PM0051) 。 如果需要关于调试和SWIM(single wire interface module单线接口模块),请参考STM8SWIM 通信协议和调试模块用户手册(UM0470) 。 如果需要关于STM8 内核的信息,请参考STM8 CPU编程手册(PM0044) 。
上传时间: 2013-11-03
The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to labviewNow Completely Updated for labview 8! Master labview 8 with the industry's friendliest, most intuitive tutorial: labview for Everyone, Third Edition. Top labview experts Jeffrey Travis and Jim Kring teach labview the easy way: through carefully explained, step-by-step examples that give you reusable code for your own projects! This brand-new Third Edition has been fully revamped and expanded to reflect new features and techniques introduced in labview 8. You'll find two new chapters, plus dozens of new topics, including Project Explorer, AutoTool, XML, event-driven programming, error handling, regular expressions, polymorphic VIs, timed structures, advanced reporting, and much more. Certified labview Developer (CLD) candidates will find callouts linking to key objectives on NI's newest exam, making this book a more valuable study tool than ever. Not just what to d why to do it! Use labview to build your own virtual workbench Master labview's foundations: wiring, creating, editing, and debugging VIs; using controls and indicators; working with data structures; and much more Learn the "art" and best practices of effective labview development NEW: Streamline development with labview Express VIs NEW: Acquire data with NI-DAQmx and the labview DAQmx VIs NEW: Discover design patterns for error handling, control structures, state machines, queued messaging, and more NEW: Create sophisticated user interfaces with tree and tab controls, drag and drop, subpanels, and more Whatever your application, whatever your role, whether you've used labview or not, labview for Everyone, Third Edition is the fastest, easiest way to get the results you're after!
上传时间: 2013-10-14
Abstract: This application note illustrates the flexibility of the MAX7060 ASK/FSK transmitter. While the currently available evaluationkit (EV kit) has been optimized for the device's use in a specific frequency band (i.e., 288MHz to 390MHz), this document addresseshow the EV kit circuitry can be modified for improved operation at 433.92MHz, a frequency commonly used in Europe. Twoalternative match and filter configurations are presented: one for optimizing drain efficiency, the other for achieving higher transmitpower. Features and capabilities of earlier Maxim industrial, scientific, and medical radio-frequency (ISM-RF) transmitters areprovided, allowing comparison of the MAX7060 to its predecessors. Several design guidelines and cautions for using the MAX7060are discussed.
上传时间: 2013-11-14
通过比较各种隔离数字通信的特点和应用范围,指出塑料光纤在隔离数字通信中的优势。使用已经标准化的TOSLINK接口,有利于节省硬件开发成本和简化设计难度。给出了塑料光纤的硬件驱动电路,说明设计过程中的注意事项,对光收发模块的电压特性和频率特性进行全面试验,并给出SPI口使用塑料光纤隔离通信的典型应用电路图。试验结果表明,该设计可为电力现场、电力电子及仪器仪表的设计提供参考。 Abstract: y comparing characteristics and applications area of various isolated digital communications, this article indicates advantages of plastic optical fiber in isolated digital communications. Using the standardized TOSLINK interface, it helps to control costs and difficulty in hardware development and design. Then it gives the hardware driver circuit of plastic optical fiber module, explains the noticed details in design process, gives results on the basis of the optical transceiver module voltage characteristics and frequency characteristics tests. Finally,it gives typical application circuit of the SPI communication port by using plastic optical fiber isolation .The results show that this design can be referenced for the power field, power electronics and instrumentation design.
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Agilent AN 154 S-Parameter Design Application Note S参数的设计与应用 The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuitdesign techniques has been recognized both by microwaveengineers and circuit designers. These engineersare being asked to design solid state circuitsthat will operate at higher and higher frequencies.The development of microwave transistors andAgilent Technologies’ network analysis instrumentationsystems that permit complete network characterizationin the microwave frequency rangehave greatly assisted these engineers in their work.The Agilent Microwave Division’s lab staff hasdeveloped a high frequency circuit design seminarto assist their counterparts in R&D labs throughoutthe world. This seminar has been presentedin a number of locations in the United States andEurope.From the experience gained in presenting this originalseminar, we have developed a four-part videotape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the technologyof high frequency circuit design is everchanging, the concepts upon which this technologyhas been built are relatively invariant.The content of the S-Parameter Design Seminar isas follows:
标签: S参数
上传时间: 2013-12-19
提出了一种以ARM微处理器为控制核心的远程无线视频监控终端的设计方案,其监控终端的硬件设计包括视频采集处理、中央管理控制、无线传输3个模块。并给出了监控终端的软件开发平台和开发模式的系统启动代码、嵌入式Linux系统移植以及驱动程序和应用程序。测试结果表明,该监控终端设计方案合理、有效,基本满足监控需求。 Abstract: A remote wireless video monitoring terminal design, which uses ARM microprocessor as its core control, is proposed in this paper.The hardware design of monitoring terminal system is composed of the video acquisition and processing module, the central management and control module, wireless transmission module.Meanwhile the monitoring terminal-s software development platform and development patterns are designed. Also the design of the system-s start codes, embedded Linux system-s transplantation process, driver and the corresponding applications are given. The results showed that the monitoring terminal design is reasonable, effective, basically meet monitoring requirements.
上传时间: 2013-11-13
解压包包含了C语言入门经典教程和Visuak c++软件 【基本简介】 Visual C++是一个功能强大的可视化软件开发工具。自1993年Microsoft公司推出Visual C++1.0后,随着其新版本的不断问世,Visual C++已成为专业程序员进行软件开发的首选工具。 虽然微软公司推出了Visual C++.NET(Visual C++7.0),但它的应用的很大的局限性,只适用于Windows 2000,Windows XP和Windows NT4.0。所以实际中,更多的是以Visual C++6.0为平台。 Visual C++6.0不仅是一个C++编译器,而且是一个基于Windows操作系统的可视化集成开发环境(integrated development environment,IDE)。Visual C++6.0由许多组件组成,包括编辑器、调试器以及程序向导AppWizard、类向导Class Wizard等开发工具。 这些组件通过一个名为Developer Studio的组件集成为和谐的开发环境。 在Visual C++ 6.0 企业版的基础上集成官方的SP6升级补丁制作而成!免序列号,安装完即可使用,无需再打补丁! 【使用方法】 有些朋友反应在安装后出现 "Error spawning error" 可以看看下面绿色软件找到的一些解决方案: 点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)”—>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、Include Files、Library Files、Source Files”的路径。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同(例如你的VC装在C,但是这些路径全部在D),改过来就OK了。
上传时间: 2013-10-09
随着乐高NXT机器人系统在国内中、小学的深入推广,有必要对乐高NXT机器人系统的相关问题尤其是二次开发问题做进一步深入探讨、研究。利用乐高LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT机器人系统的SDK文件FantomSDK,借助C++编程,结合LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Bluetooth Developer Kit文件,代替NXT-G、RoboLab软件,实现对乐高NXT设备的完全控制,为青少年、科技教师运用乐高NXT机器人系统进行科技创新提供帮助与支持。
上传时间: 2013-11-04