简单的硬件设计实验,此试验可作为使用 Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)创建简单系统的指导,此试验以 spartan-3E为目标板。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
创建基本应用程序,本实验指导我们通过处理器创建一个基本的应用程序。应用程序将 控制spartan-3E starter kit上的LEDs。 你将添加一个 OPB BRAM 控制器,和修改OPB BRAM中原有的连接部分插入文本。最后你将会发现系统就像你当初设计的一样运行。
标签: 应用程序
上传时间: 2016-08-13
M_UART 介绍了通用异步收发器(UART)的原理,并以可编程逻辑器件FPGA为核心控制部件,基于超高速硬件描述语言VHDL在Xilinx公司的spartanⅡ系列的2sc200PQ208-5芯片上编程完成UART的设计。经测试,该设计完全达到了设计要求。
上传时间: 2014-06-06
xilinx官方PCIcore 有详细说明文档,支持spartan,Vertex
上传时间: 2016-10-06
Xilinx is disclosing this Specification ? 第 1 章“EMIF 概述”,概述 Texas Instruments EMIF。 ? 第 2 章“Virtex-II 系列或 spartan-3 FPGA 到 EMIF 的设计”描述将 TI TMSC6000 EMIF 连接到 Virtex?-II 系列或 spartan?-3 FPGA 的实现。 ? 第 3 章“Virtex-4 FPGA 到 EMIF 的设计” 描述将 TI TMS320C64x EMIF 连接到 Virtex-4 FPGA 的实现。 ? 第 4 章“参考设计” 提供参考设计的目录结构和参考设计文件的链接。 ? 附录 A “Virtex-4 ISERDES 样本代码” 提供 Virtex-4 实现的样本代码列表。 ? 附录 B “EMIF 寄存器域描述” 定义 TI DSP 寄存器域。 ? 附录 C “相关参考文件” 提供相关文档的链接
标签: Specification disclosing Xilinx EMIF
上传时间: 2016-12-06
It is a first time code being developed to designers who want to get your DDR2 SDRAM on-board in spartan 3AN Starter Kit - Diligent fully working.
标签: developed designers on-board first
上传时间: 2014-11-18
Pong is a mixed schematic, VHDL, Verilog project featuring the PS2 and VGA monitor connections of the Xilinx\Digilent spartan-3 demo board.
标签: connections featuring schematic Verilog
上传时间: 2014-01-15
This paper shows the development of a 1024-point radix-4 FFT VHDL core for applications in hardware signal processing, targeting low-cost FPGA technologies. The developed core is targeted into a Xilinx庐 spartan鈩?3 XC3S200 FPGA with the inclusion of a VGA display interface and an external 16-bit data acquisition system for performance evaluation purposes. Several tests were performed in order to verify FFT core functionality, besides the time performance analysis highlights the core advantages over commercially available DSPs and Pentium-based PCs. The core is compared with similar third party IP cores targeting resourceful FPGA technologies. The novelty of this work is to provide a lowcost, resource efficient core for spectrum analysis applications.
标签: applications development hardware paper
上传时间: 2013-12-21
Working RS232 controller running at 9600 Hz. Consist of Transmitter and Receiver Module. Tested in FPGA spartan 3 Included files for testing at FPGA - Scan4digit .vhd - to display at 7 sgement display - D4to7 .vhd - Convert HEX decimal to ASCII code.
标签: Transmitter controller Receiver Working
上传时间: 2013-12-27
FPGA 并行NOR FLash的操作相关,很实用的,基于Xilinx spartan-3
上传时间: 2013-12-13