There are many different (and often confusing) terms associated with clock-based devices. This application note attempts to clarify these terms, and hence serves as a comprehensive reference on clock terminology. This application note can be divided into two sections. The first section describes and distinguishes between various clock sources available today. The second section defines and distinguishes between various parameters used to describe clocks. This section also provides methods of measuring some of these parameters.
标签: clock-based associated different confusing
上传时间: 2015-12-02
Abstract The Lucene Server project is an attempt to extend the Jakarta Lucene tool with server capabilities. Lucene is a robust Java API that enables you creating indexes from text sources and perform powerful searches on these indexes. With Lucene, creating an index must be done programmatically and there are almost no possibilities of integrating index management in a distributed environment. In other words, out of the box, Lucene is suitable for integrating indexing and searching possibilities in a single application but not for providing index/search services for multiple applications. The Lucene Server project comes with a Java API that propose the following make it easy to create indexes in a declarative way by simply providing an XML configuration document. make it easy to personalize the way Lucene must handle different kind of data sources. provide services for index management and searching that can be accessed from several applications. enable batch tasks scheduling.
标签: Lucene Abstract Jakarta project
上传时间: 2016-01-10
ICA介绍课件。There has been a wide discussion about the application of Independence Component Analysis (ICA) in Signal Processing, Neural Computation and Finance, first introduced as a novel tool to separate blind sources in a mixed signal. The Basic idea of ICA is to reconstruct from observation sequences the hypothesized independent original sequences
标签: Independence application discussion Component
上传时间: 2016-01-12
Hidden_Markov_model_for_automatic_speech_recognition This code implements in C++ a basic left-right hidden Markov model and corresponding Baum-Welch (ML) training algorithm. It is meant as an example of the HMM algorithms described by L.Rabiner (1) and others. Serious students are directed to the sources listed below for a theoretical description of the algorithm. KF Lee (2) offers an especially good tutorial of how to build a speech recognition system using hidden Markov models.
标签: Hidden_Markov_model_for_automatic speech_recognition implements left-right
上传时间: 2016-01-23
=== === === === === === === === === === ==== IBM PC KEYBOARD INFORMATION FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS ================================================================ Sources: PORTS.A of Ralf Brown s interrupt list collection keyboard FAQ(doesn t appear to exsist) Linux source code Test hardware: New Samsung KB3T001SAXAA 104-key keyboard Old Maxi 2186035-00-21 101-key keyboard NO WARRANTY. NO GUARANTEE. I have tried to make this information accurate. I don t know if I succeeded. Corrections or additional information would be welcome. This is a plain-text document. If you use a word-processor to view it, use a fixed-pitch font (like Courier) so columnar data and ASCII art lines up properly.
上传时间: 2014-08-18
博客管理系统。安装说明: 1、在SQLSERVER中创建blog数据库并创建登陆帐号blog:blog,然后在SQL Server查询分析器中运行doc目录下db.sql创建所有表; 2、将工程导入Eclipse; 3、部署工程; 4、运行tomcat; 5、进入tomcat管理web后台, 在Tomcat->Service->Host->Context(blog)->Resources->Data Sources中添加 Data Source URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://${dbhost}:1433 DatabaseName=blog JDBC Driver Class: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver User Name: blog Password: blog 6、done!
上传时间: 2013-12-14
PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card use PHILIPS 7130 chip , is a newly built-in TV card integrating FM radio and TV receiver. You can watch/record TV programs (up to 136 channels) and FM radio on PC. The powerful attached software enables you to & rename favorite channels as per your taste. Moreover, the remote controller makes watching TV through PC more convenient. Through PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card, you can transfer & save the full screen/full motion video captured VCR, camcorder, PC camera or other video sources into hard disk, or you can burn the video to VCD/SVCD/DVD via professional rewrite software. PHILIPS 7130 TV/FM capture card supports snapshot, you can record wonderful clips to create your personal e-album, then share your works with your friends & family via Internet.
标签: PHILIPS 7130 card integrating
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Win32启动分析与Ntldr解读,Understanding Windows 2K Sources
上传时间: 2013-11-29
BCView - Bayes Classifier Visualization Download xbcview Linux executable (218 kb) wbcview.exe Windows executable (196 kb) C sources, version 1.13, 2004.09.14 (175 kb) bcview.tar.gz (160 kb)
标签: Visualization Classifier executable Download
上传时间: 2013-12-20
LVQ - Learning Vector Quantization Demonstration Download xlvq Linux executable (128 kb) wlvq.exe Windows executable (152 kb) C sources, version 1.7, 2003.09.02 (144 kb) lvqd.tar.gz (130 kb)
标签: Demonstration Quantization executable Download
上传时间: 2016-05-19