This package contains example software and associated documentation for the ColdFire MCF5249 microprocessor. The software includes sample processor initialization routines for the MCF5249 running a M5249C3 evaluation board as well as the following sample applications: simple - empty application template fat - factory acceptance test for the M5249C3 The software has currently been built and tested under Metrowerks CodeWarrior
标签: documentation associated ColdFire contains
上传时间: 2013-12-10
uC/OS-II Notes from Nohau Corporation The code associated with this readme.txt file is provided "as is". The code was written with the intention of creating a functional RTOS demo for the Nohau evaluation boards that can run a MicroBlaze core. You can use this code for any and all of your projects, as you see fit. Nohau Corporation does not warrant that the code is bug-free, and will provide no support for this RTOS port.
标签: Corporation associated provided readme
上传时间: 2013-12-27
There are many different (and often confusing) terms associated with clock-based devices. This application note attempts to clarify these terms, and hence serves as a comprehensive reference on clock terminology. This application note can be divided into two sections. The first section describes and distinguishes between various clock sources available today. The second section defines and distinguishes between various parameters used to describe clocks. This section also provides methods of measuring some of these parameters.
标签: clock-based associated different confusing
上传时间: 2015-12-02
Matlab code for the solution to Riccati matrix difference equations associated with the Kalman filter
标签: associated difference equations the
上传时间: 2014-06-12
MPEG-4 标准文档 access to visual objects in natural and synthetic moving pictures and associated natural or synthetic sound for various applications such as digital storage media, internet, various forms of wired or wireless communication etc. The use of ISO/IEC 14496 means that motion video can be manipulated as a form of computer data and can be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcast channels.
标签: associated and synthetic pictures
上传时间: 2017-04-15
C is a general-purpose programming language. It has been closely associated with the UNIX operating system where it was developed, since both the system and most of the programs that run on it are written in C. The language, however, is not tied to any one operating system or machine and although it has been called a ``system programming language because it is useful for writing compilers and operating systems, it has been used equally well to write major programs in many different domains.
标签: general-purpose programming associated operating
上传时间: 2014-01-14
hese are the zip files that are associated with application note ADSP-BF533 Blackfin Booting Process (EE-240) Used throughout the EE-note to explain in detail the various booting modes. BF533 Ez Kit Multiple DXE Multi-DXE Boot Example used with the ADSP-BF533 Ez-Kit Lite. Host Example Host code to demonstrate SPI Slave Mode Booting Example code that programs the Atmel DataFlashes via an ADSP-BF532 Processor All programs have been written for VisualDSP++ 3.5
标签: application associated are Blackfin
上传时间: 2017-07-30
Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)
标签: Information information technology associated
上传时间: 2013-12-22
附件有二个文当,都是dxp2004教程 ,第一部份DXP2004的相关快捷键,以及中英文对照的意思。第二部份细致的讲解的如何使用DXP2004。 dxp2004教程第一部份: 目录 1 快捷键 2 常用元件及封装 7 创建自己的集成库 12 板层介绍 14 过孔 15 生成BOM清单 16 顶层原理图: 16 生成PCB 17 包地 18 电路板设计规则 18 PCB设计注意事项 20 画板心得 22 DRC 规则英文对照 22 一、Error Reporting 中英文对照 22 A : Violations associated with Buses 有关总线电气错误的各类型(共 12 项) 22 B :Violations associated Components 有关元件符号电气错误(共 20 项) 22 C : violations associated with document 相关的文档电气错误(共 10 项) 23 D : violations associated with nets 有关网络电气错误(共 19 项) 23 E : Violations associated with others 有关原理图的各种类型的错误 (3 项 ) 24 二、 Comparator 规则比较 24 A : Differences associated with components 原理图和 PCB 上有关的不同 ( 共 16 项 ) 24 B : Differences associated with nets 原理图和 PCB 上有关网络不同(共 6 项) 25 C : Differences associated with parameters 原理图和 PCB 上有关的参数不同(共 3 项) 25 Violations associated withBuses栏 —总线电气错误类型 25 Violations associated with Components栏 ——元件电气错误类型 26 Violations associated with documents栏 —文档电气连接错误类型 27 Violations associated with Nets栏 ——网络电气连接错误类型 27 Violations associated with Parameters栏 ——参数错误类型 28 dxp2004教程第二部份 路设计自动化( Electronic Design Automation ) EDA 指的就是将电路设计中各种工作交由计算机来协助完成。如电路图( Schematic )的绘制,印刷电路板( PCB )文件的制作执行电路仿真( Simulation )等设计工作。随着电子工业的发展,大规模、超大规模集成电路的使用是电路板走线愈加精密和复杂。电子线路 CAD 软件产生了, Protel 是突出的代表,它操作简单、易学易用、功能强大。 1.1 Protel 的产生及发展 1985 年 诞生 dos 版 Protel 1991 年 Protel for Widows 1998 年 Protel98 这个 32 位产品是第一个包含 5 个核心模块的 EDA 工具 1999 年 Protel99 既有原理图的逻辑功能验证的混合信号仿真,又有了 PCB 信号完整性 分析的板级仿真,构成从电路设计到真实板分析的完整体系。 2000 年 Protel99se 性能进一步提高,可以对设计过程有更大控制力。 2002 年 Protel DXP 集成了更多工具,使用方便,功能更强大。 1.2 Protel DXP 主要特点 1 、通过设计档包的方式,将原理图编辑、电路仿真、 PCB 设计及打印这些功能有机地结合在一起,提供了一个集成开发环境。 2 、提供了混合电路仿真功能,为设计实验原理图电路中某些功能模块的正确与否提供了方便。 3 、提供了丰富的原理图组件库和 PCB 封装库,并且为设计新的器件提供了封装向导程序,简化了封装设计过程。 4 、提供了层次原理图设计方法,支持“自上向下”的设计思想,使大型电路设计的工作组开发方式成为可能。 5 、提供了强大的查错功能。原理图中的 ERC (电气法则检查)工具和 PCB 的 DRC (设计规则检查)工具能帮助设计者更快地查出和改正错误。 6 、全面兼容 Protel 系列以前版本的设计文件,并提供了 OrCAD 格式文件的转换功能。 7 、提供了全新的 FPGA 设计的功能,这好似以前的版本所没有提供的功能。
上传时间: 2013-10-22
目录 目录 1 快捷键 2 常用元件及封装 7 创建自己的集成库 12 板层介绍 14 过孔 15 生成BOM清单 16 顶层原理图: 16 生成PCB 17 包地 18 电路板设计规则 18 PCB设计注意事项 20 画板心得 22 DRC 规则英文对照 22 一、Error Reporting 中英文对照 22 A : Violations associated with Buses 有关总线电气错误的各类型(共 12 项) 22 B :Violations associated Components 有关元件符号电气错误(共 20 项) 22 C : violations associated with document 相关的文档电气错误(共 10 项) 23 D : violations associated with nets 有关网络电气错误(共 19 项) 23 E : Violations associated with others 有关原理图的各种类型的错误 (3 项 ) 24 二、 Comparator 规则比较 24 A : Differences associated with components 原理图和 PCB 上有关的不同 ( 共 16 项 ) 24 B : Differences associated with nets 原理图和 PCB 上有关网络不同(共 6 项) 25 C : Differences associated with parameters 原理图和 PCB 上有关的参数不同(共 3 项) 25 Violations associated withBuses栏 —总线电气错误类型 25 Violations associated with Components栏 ——元件电气错误类型 26 Violations associated with documents栏 —文档电气连接错误类型 27 Violations associated with Nets栏 ——网络电气连接错误类型 27 Violations associated with Parameters栏 ——参数错误类型 28
上传时间: 2014-03-26