reverse your input string
上传时间: 2017-06-09
GPIO (General Purpose Input and Output ports) with microprocessor programmable tri-state bus interface
标签: microprocessor programmable tri-state General
上传时间: 2017-06-13
A C++ code for generating sorting networks with n lines and m comparators as input parameters.
标签: comparators generating parameters networks
上传时间: 2017-06-14
Zero forcing Equalizer random channel, input, noise
标签: Equalizer forcing channel random
上传时间: 2014-03-09
creat channel, input, noise for ISI channel
上传时间: 2017-06-14
This tutorial presents an introduction to Altera’s Nios R II processor, which is a soft processor that can be in- stantiated on an Altera FPGA device. It describes the basic architecture of Nios II and its instruction set. The NiosII processor and its associated memory and peripheral components are easily instantiated by using Altera’s SOPCBuilder in conjuction with the Quartus R II software.
标签: processor introduction tutorial presents
上传时间: 2014-12-08
卫星调谐器 DBS TUNER The TA1322FN is a wideband down-converter which can operate at input frequency ranging from 850 MHz to 2200 MHz. Intended primarily for use in satellite tuners, this IC includes an oscillator, a mixer, an IF amplifier and a PLL.
标签: down-converter frequency wideband operate
上传时间: 2017-06-17
生成Trick文件工具 1.Open command line 2.input tricktest Usage: TrickTest -f -o -i -f source mpeg2 file to trick -o trick output directory -i output file id -m max coding error, default 0 -b max bitrate for trick generate, default 0 mean no limit -s trick buffer block size, must be n*188 -l log file, default c:\tricktest.log example: tricktest -f 黑鹰行动.mpg -o c:\temp -i A -m 1000 -b 3750000 soure file: 黑鹰行动.mpg output directory: c:\temp filename: 000000A,000000A.ff,,000000A.vvx max coding error: 1000 trick generation speed: 3750000 bps a
标签: TrickTest tricktest command source
上传时间: 2014-01-23
if the input data correct,then show the submit botton
上传时间: 2013-12-15
this is about cryptography. takes text as input and decrypt it and then aagin in plane text
标签: text cryptography and decrypt
上传时间: 2017-06-22