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  • This example program demonstrates how to use the on-chip comparators of the Philips LPC767/768/769

    This example program demonstrates how to use the on-chip comparators of the Philips LPC767/768/769 Devices.

    标签: demonstrates comparators the Philips

    上传时间: 2016-02-09


  • A C++ code for generating sorting networks with n lines and m comparators as input parameters.

    A C++ code for generating sorting networks with n lines and m comparators as input parameters.

    标签: comparators generating parameters networks

    上传时间: 2017-06-14


  • 独立蜂鸣煤气报警

    HT45F43 特性特性特性特性 MCU 特性:内建 2x OPAs & 2x comparators, EEPROM, HIRC 4MHz + 32K LIRC,节省外部器件 传感器:电化学 Sensor(ME2-CO) 电源电压:9V 碱性电池 高音量蜂鸣器输出:(>85DB) 待机电流:Typ.21uA, Max.27uA 低电压检测:7.5V 自测 / 校准功能 LED 显示:红、黄、绿三颗 LED 指示 使用 HT45F43 内建 OSC & Reset 电路,节省外部器件 使用 HT45F43 内建 OPA 进行 CO Sensor 信号放大,节 省外部器件 WATCHDOG 每 32 秒唤醒一次进行 CO 浓度侦测和电池电压侦测

    标签: 独立 煤气 报警 蜂鸣

    上传时间: 2013-06-16


  • LT1017:Circuitry for Single Cell Operation

      Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for battery operation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation must function at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)

    标签: Circuitry Operation Single 1017

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • Circuitry for Single Cell Operation

      Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for batteryoperation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation mustfunction at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)

    标签: Circuitry Operation Single Cell

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • XAPP143-利用Verilog来创建CPLD设计

    This Application Note covers the basics of how to use Verilog as applied to ComplexProgrammable Logic Devices. Various combinational logic circuit examples, such asmultiplexers, decoders, encoders, comparators and adders are provided. Synchronous logiccircuit examples, such as counters and state machines are also provided.

    标签: Verilog XAPP CPLD 143

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • This m file models an UWB system using BPSK. The receiver is a correlation receiver with a LPF integ

    This m file models an UWB system using BPSK. The receiver is a correlation receiver with a LPF integrator and comparators for threshhold selection.

    标签: receiver correlation models system

    上传时间: 2014-12-19
