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  • === === =时钟20:6=== === === == 应先初始化状态寄存器 tx1714 EQU 7FFH PA EQU 05H PB EQU 06H PC EQU 07H

    === === =时钟20:6=== === === == 应先初始化状态寄存器 tx1714 EQU 7FFH PA EQU 05H PB EQU 06H PC EQU 07H PD EQU 20H IAR EQU 00H 间接寻址寄存器 TMR0 EQU 01H 定时器 STATUS EQU 03H 状态寄存器 BSR EQU 04H bank选择寄存器 PORTA EQU 05H I/0端口寄存器 PORTB EQU 06H I/0端口寄存器 PORTC EQU 07H I/0端口寄存器 PORTD EQU 20H I/0端口寄存器 PULL EQU 21H PULL-High上拉寄存器 WAKEUP EQU 22H 唤醒控制寄存器--被用来设定watchdog允许和禁止 IRQM EQU 23H 中断屏蔽寄存器 IRQF EQU 24H 中断标志寄存器 WDTSEL EQU 25H

    标签: EQU 1714 7FFH 05H

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • 一个多线程Applet


    标签: Applet 多线程

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • 软件编写RF发射


    标签: 软件 编写 发射

    上传时间: 2013-12-05


  • 1、锁定某个主题抓取; 2、能够产生日志文本文件

    1、锁定某个主题抓取; 2、能够产生日志文本文件,格式为:时间戳(timestamp)、URL; 3、抓取某一URL时最多允许建立2个连接(注意:本地作网页解析的线程数则不限) 4、遵守文明蜘蛛规则:必须分析robots.txt文件和meta tag有无限制;一个线程抓完一个网页后要sleep 2秒钟; 5、能对HTML网页进行解析,提取出链接URL,能判别提取的URL是否已处理过,不重复解析已crawl过的网页; 6、能够对spider/crawler程序的一些基本参数进行设置,包括:抓取深度(depth)、种子URL等; 7、使用User-agent向服务器表明自己的身份; 8、产生抓取统计信息:包括抓取速度、抓取完成所需时间、抓取网页总数;重要变量和所有类、方法加注释; 9、请遵守编程规范,如类、方法、文件等的命名规范, 10、可选:GUI图形用户界面、web界面,通过界面管理spider/crawler,包括启停、URL增删等

    标签: 日志

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • VDSP++打开。This directory contains an example ADSP-BF537 RTC project that does a basic blink routine a

    VDSP++打开。This directory contains an example ADSP-BF537 RTC project that does a basic blink routine and then puts the part in deep sleep mode to be woken up from a RTC Stopwatch Event. Once woken up, the RTC is reconfigured to toggle the EZ KIT LEDs using RTC second, minute, hour, and day interrupts.

    标签: directory contains ADSP-BF example

    上传时间: 2015-12-29


  • a screen handling program to provide a flashing message. You will have to design a screen layout f

    a screen handling program to provide a flashing message. You will have to design a screen layout for where messages are placed on the screen. You will also have to consider when to delay the program in order to give the user time to read the messages. That is, the program will use the curses library, signals and the sleep function.

    标签: screen handling flashing program

    上传时间: 2016-05-04


  • 几个实用的Linux驱动模块

    几个实用的Linux驱动模块,演示了模块的编写,wait/sleep, I/O空间的访问等。

    标签: Linux 驱动模块

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • Chart-04-----端口应用 Chart-05-----中断优先级处理 Chart-06-----SPI/IIC应用 Chart-07-----串口通讯应用 Chart-08-----端

    Chart-04-----端口应用 Chart-05-----中断优先级处理 Chart-06-----SPI/IIC应用 Chart-07-----串口通讯应用 Chart-08-----端口RB应用 Chart-09-----TMR0/TMR1应用 Chart-10-----AD转换 Chart-11-----CCP1/PWM Chart-12-----CAN通讯 Chart-13-----液晶显示 Chart-14-----WDT/SLEEP/EEPROM Chart-15-----ECCP1/PWM全桥/半桥 Chart-16-----PSP/Master/slave

    标签: Chart SPI IIC 04

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • C5509A的IDLE用法.在C5509A的中


    标签: C5509A IDLE

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • 用AVR单片机设计的MP3播放器 功能: MP3 Player IDE ATA interface FAT 32 with long file name support USB

    用AVR单片机设计的MP3播放器 功能: MP3 Player IDE ATA interface FAT 32 with long file name support USB interface On board power supply (input from 7v to 20v DC) Bootloader firmware upgradeable via USB port Infrared bi-directional interface Remote Control Back light graphic LCD worked with only 2x AA batteries In sleep mode sink less than 1uA (2.5mA in active mode) 5 buttons for easy navigation Long range (more than 20 feets)

    标签: MP3 interface support Player

    上传时间: 2016-07-02
