Quantization (signal processing) uniformly and non-uniformily using A and miu law od companding. simulATion using simulink/matlab
标签: non-uniformily Quantization processing companding
上传时间: 2014-11-30
Many CAD users dismiss schematic capture as a necessary evil in the process of creating PCB layout but we have always disputed this point of view. With PCB layout now offering automation of both component placement and track routing, getting the design into the computer can often be the most time consuming element of the exercise. And if you use circuit simulATion to develop your ideas, you are going to spend even more time working on the schematic.
标签: schematic necessary creating dismiss
上传时间: 2014-01-25
simple ATM [Automatic Teller Machine] system the basic functions Login including write-offs, inquiries, deposits, withdrawals and alter the code. simulATion of ATM terminal users logged in, their account numbers and passwords through the ATM network to transmit to the server, ATM database server based on the information to confirm the account number and password is correct, the results back to the ATM terminal. If the correct account number and password, the ATM into the next terminal interface Otherwise prompt mistakes. Cancellation notice for the operation of the server ATM transactions concluded inquiries, deposits, withdrawals and alter the code operations are first sent an order to ATM servers, ATM by the database server implementation of the corresponding operation and operating res
标签: write-offs Automatic functions including
上传时间: 2014-01-20
抽奖号码滚动模拟程序,线程实现抽奖号码滚动界面,a simple simulATion program
上传时间: 2017-03-14
Introduction Matlab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the most frequent simulATion tasks in the field of digital communications is bit-error- rate testing of modems. The bit-error-rate performance of a receiver is a figure of merit that allows different designs to be compared in a fair manner. Performing bit-error-rate testing withMatlab is very simple, but does require some prerequisite knowledge.
标签: communications Introduction simulating digital
上传时间: 2017-03-20
It was proposed that perfect invisibility cloaks can be constructed for hiding objects from electromagnetic illumination (Pendry et al., Science 312, p. 1780). The cylindrical cloaks experimentally demonstrated (Schurig et al., Science 314, p. 997) and theoretically proposed (Cai et al., Nat. Photon. 1, p. 224) have however simplified material parameters in order to facilitate easier realization as well as to avoid infinities in optical constants. Here we show that the cylindrical cloaks with simplified material parameters inherently allow the zeroth-order cylindrical wave to pass through the cloak as if the cloak is made of a homogeneous isotropic medium, and thus visible. To all high-order cylindrical waves, our numerical simulATion suggests that the simplified cloak inherits some properties of the ideal cloak, but finite scatterings exist.
标签: invisibility constructed proposed electrom
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Single/Multipath Channel Model Verificaiton EbNo vs. BER/SER under AWGN BPSK vs. QPSK Theory vs. simulATion AWGN vs. Flat Fading Channel Most files are written by myself, enjoy it. Figures are attached.
标签: Verificaiton Multipath vs Channel
上传时间: 2013-11-26
A combined space鈥搕ime block coding (STBC) and eigen-space tracking (EST) scheme in multiple-input-multiple-output systems is proposed. It is proved that the STBC-EST is capable of shifting hardware complexity from the receiver to the transmitter without any bit error rate (BER) performance loss. A computation efficient EST algorithm is also proposed, which makes the STBC-EST affordable. simulATion results show that the STBC-EST with a modest feedback requirement results in a negligible BER performance loss compared with a dual system configuration.
标签: multiple-input-m eigen-space combined tracking
上传时间: 2014-01-13
SPWM technique for Three Phase Inverter. Analysis fundamental improvement with respect to modulation index variation is done in simulATion. Analysis can be done also for switching frequency variation for shifting the dominant harmonics
标签: fundamental improvement modulation technique
上传时间: 2017-04-23
转载:众所周知有限元解决振动问题的能力还是有限的, 比如做齿轮啮合过程的动力学模拟就要同时涉及到接触和动力反映两个主要方面. 目前处理此类问题最成熟的软件当属MSC.ADAMS, 但ADAMS也只能在模拟过程中做到弹性与刚性接触而已! 据我所知, 已不止两位研究生试图用LS-DYNA来做此类模拟, 他们忽略了(或没搞清楚) LS-DYNA只能处理瞬态问题, 而对于该过程的模拟也是无能为力的!!! 结果是浪费了大量的时间, 甚至机会. 这本应是导师的责任, 但许多高龄导师对现代软件的不熟悉也是....那么此类问题的具体解决方案在哪里? Vibration simulATion Using Matlab and ANSYS 给出了答案. 掌握书中的内容意义非同小可! 这对于要从事CAE工作的将会受益(起码在今后20年内).随着我国经济的高速发展 解决资本积累必将是要遇到的问题, 工程(设备)维护, 系统监测也将(象发达国家)成为CAE非常重要的部分. 早早入手就能使你立于不败之地!
上传时间: 2013-12-09