TOOL (Tiny Object Oriented Language) is an easily-embedded, object-oriented, C++-like-language interpreter. The language, and indeed a significant part of the core of the TOOL engine, is based on the BOB project, a work that was originally developed by David Betz covered in previously published issues of Dr. Dobb s Journal.
标签: easily-embedded object-oriented like-language Language
上传时间: 2016-01-30
Linux编程的经典书,OReilly系列。The new edition of Understanding the Linux Kernel takes you on a guided tour through the most significant data structures, many algorithms, and programming tricks used in the kernel.
上传时间: 2016-02-05
/*SPI规范:Data is always clocked into the device on the rising edge of SCK a-*/ /* nd clocked out of the device on the falling edge of SCK.All instruction-*/ /* s,addresses and data are transferred with the most significant bit(MSB) */ /* first.
上传时间: 2016-02-19
Core JSP In recent years, a large amount of software development activity has migrated from the client to the server. The client-centric model, in which a client executes complex programs to visualize and manipulate data, is no longer considered appropriate for the majority of enterprise applications. The principal reason is deployment—it is a significant hassle to deploy client programs onto a large number of desktops, and to redeploy them whenever the application changes. Instead, applications are redesigned to use a web browser as a "terminal". The application itself resides on the server, formatting data for the user as web pages and processing the responses that the user fills into web forms.
标签: development activity migrated software
上传时间: 2014-01-13
The SST89E516RDx and SST89V516RDx are members of the FlashFlex51 family of 8-bit microcontroller products designed and manufactured with SST’s patented and proprietary SuperFlash CMOS semiconductor process technology. The split-gate cell design and thick-oxide tunneling injector offer significant cost and reliability benefits for SST’s customers. The devices use the 8051 instruction set and are pin-for-pin compatible with standard 8051 microcontroller devices.
标签: microcontroller SST 516 RDx
上传时间: 2014-01-08
This talk centered on Hamming s observations and research on the question"Why do so few scientists make significant contributions and so many are forgotten in the long run?"
标签: observations scientists centered research
上传时间: 2013-12-19
A major goal of this book is to show to make devices that are inherently reliable by design. While a lot of attention has been given to “quality improvement,” the majority of the emphasis has been placed on the processes that occur after the design of a product is complete. Design deficiencies are a significant problem, and can be exceedingly difficult to identify in the field. These types of quality problems can be addressed in the design phase with relatively little effort, and with far less expense than will be incurred later in the process. Unfortunately, there are many hardware designers and organizations that, for various reasons, do not understand the significance and expense of an unreliable design. The design methodology presented in this text is intended to address this problem.
标签: inherently reliable devices design
上传时间: 2016-07-30
DevExpress.ExpressSideBar.v5.37.for.Delphi.BCB.Full.Source delphi和 bcb源码,能轻松实现outlook风格的侧边栏,效果很好,推荐! ExpressSideBar is a VCL implementation of the MS Outlook bar. Designed to be easy to use and built with a significant feature set. Just drop it on a form, double click the control and in a few moments, you can customize the ExpressSideBar for your needs.
标签: ExpressSideBar DevExpress Delphi Source
上传时间: 2013-12-26
With the advent of multimedia, digital signal processing (DSP) of sound has emerged from the shadow of bandwidth-limited speech processing. Today, the main appli- cations of audio DSP are high quality audio coding and the digital generation and manipulation of music signals. They share common research topics including percep- tual measurement techniques and analysis/synthesis methods. Smaller but nonetheless very important topics are hearing aids using signal processing technology and hardware architectures for digital signal processing of audio. In all these areas the last decade has seen a significant amount of application oriented research.
标签: multimedia processing the digital
上传时间: 2014-01-23
MySQL claims to be the world s most popular open source database, and with good reason. It is free, runs on a wide variety of platforms, is relatively simple, easy to configure and performs well even under significant load. By comparison to some other popular database management systems, configuring it is quite simple, but there are still a sufficiently wide variety of security-relevant configuration issues to make securing it a challenge.
标签: database popular claims source
上传时间: 2016-12-13