/*SPI规范:Data is always clocked into the device on the rising edge of SCK a-*/ /* nd clocked out of the device on the falling edge of SCK.All instruction-*/ /* s,addresses and data are transferred with the most significant bit(MSB) */ /* first.
上传时间: 2016-02-19
The TMS320VC5506/C5507/C5509A USB peripherals can be clocked from either the USB APLL or the USB DPLL. Since the APLL is inherently more noise tolerant and has less long-term jitter than the DPLL, it is recommended that you switch to it for any USB operations.
标签: USB peripherals the clocked
上传时间: 2014-01-01
This example shows how to update at regulate period the WWDG counter using theEarly Wakeup interrupt (EWI). The WWDG timeout is set to 262ms, refresh window set to 41h and the EWI isenabled. When the WWDG counter reaches 40h the EWI is generated and in the WWDGISR the counter is refreshed to prevent a WWDG reset and led connected to PC.07is toggled.The EXTI line9 is connected to PB.09 pin and configured to generate an interrupton falling edge.In the NVIC, EXTI line9 to 5 interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 0and the WWDG interrupt vector is enabled with priority equal to 1 (EXTI IT > WWDG IT). The EXTI Line9 will be used to simulate a software failure: once the EXTI line9event occurs (by pressing Key push-button on EVAL board) the correspondent interruptis served, in the ISR the led connected to PC.07 is turned off and the EXTI line9pending bit is not cleared. So the CPU will execute indefinitely EXTI line9 ISR andthe WWDG ISR will never be entered(WWDG counter not updated). As result, when theWWDG counter falls to 3Fh the WWDG reset occurs.If the EXTI line9 event don抰 occurs the WWDG counter is indefinitely refreshed inthe WWDG ISR which prevent from WWDG reset. If the WWDG reset is generated, after resuming from reset a led connected to PC.06is turned on. In this example the system is clocked by the HSE(8MHz).
上传时间: 2013-11-11
计数器 锁存器 12位寄存器 带load,clr等功能的寄存器 双向脚(clocked bidirectional pin) 一个简单的状态机 一个同步状态机 用状态机设计的交通灯控制器 数据接口 一个简单的UART 测试向量(Test Bench)举例: 加法器源程序 相应加法器的测试向量test bench)
上传时间: 2014-01-16
// This program measures the voltage on an external ADC input and prints the // result to a terminal window via the UART. // // The system is clocked using the internal 24.5MHz oscillator. // Results are printed to the UART from a loop with the rate set by a delay // based on Timer 2. This loop periodically reads the ADC value from a global // variable, Result.
标签: the measures external program
上传时间: 2013-12-27
vhdl编写,8b—10b 编解码器设计 Encoder: 8b/10b Encoder (file: 8b10b_enc.vhd) Synchronous clocked inputs (latched on each clock rising edge) 8-bit parallel unencoded data input KI input selects data or control encoding Asynchronous active high reset initializes all logic Encoded data output 10-bit parallel encoded output valid 1 clock later Decoder: 8b/10b Decoder (file: 8b10b_dec.vhd) Synchronous clocked inputs (latched on each clock rising edge) 10-bit parallel encoded data input Asynchronous active high reset initializes all logic Decoded data, disparity and KO outputs 8-bit parallel unencoded output valid 1 clock later
上传时间: 2016-05-05