This telecard reader can read the contain of any telecard until 64 bytes [ 512 bits ] and display it to hyper terminal software, using RS232 port.
标签: telecard contain display reader
上传时间: 2017-03-21
VxWorks 6.6 BSP开发执导 This document describes, in general terms, the elements that make up a board support package [BSP], the requirements for a VxWorks BSP, and the general behavior of a BSP during the boot process. This document outlines the steps needed to port an existing BSP to a new hardware platform or to write a new VxWorks BSP for custom hardware using a reference BSP or template BSP as a starting point. It provides hints and tips for debugging a BSP and solving common BSP development problems. It also provides information on the BSP validation test suite [BSP VTS] that is used to assess the functionality of a VxWorks BSP.
标签: describes document elements VxWorks
上传时间: 2017-03-23
Builder uses to integrate a larger system module. Each component consists of a structured set of files within a directory. The files in a component directory serve the following The RS232 UART Core implements a method for communication of serial data. The core provides a simple register-mapped Avalon庐 interface. Master peripherals [such as a Nios庐 II processor] communicate with the core by reading and writing control and data registers.
标签: structured integrate component consists
上传时间: 2014-01-15
The application note covers the various domains of the FIFO architecture, improving data rate using the multiple buffering scheme, using the part in port I/O, slave FIFO or the GPIF
标签: architecture application improving the
上传时间: 2017-04-03
SecureCRT 是高度可定制的终端仿真器,适用于 Internet 和 Intranet,支持 IPv6 标准。对于连接到运行 Windows、UNIX 和 VMS 的 远程系统来说,SecureCRT 是理想的选择。 主要特性: . 广泛的终端仿真: VT100,VT102,VT220,ANSI,SCO ANSI,Xterm,Wyse 50/60, 和 Linux console 仿真(带有 ANSI 颜色)。 . 优秀的会话管理特性: 新的带标签的用户界面和 Activator 托盘工具,最小化桌面的杂乱。 会话设置可以保存在命名的会话中。 . 协议支持: 支持 SSH1,SSH2,Telnet,RLogin,Serial,和 TAPI 协议。 . Secure Shell: Secure Shell 加密登录和会话数据,包括以下支持: - 端口转发使 TCP/IP 数据更安全 - 口令,公钥,键盘交互和 Kerberos 验证 - AES,Twofish,Blowfish,3DES,RC4,和 DES 加密 - X11 转发 . 文件传输工具: VCP 和 VSFTP 命令行公用程序让使用 SFTP 的文件传输更安全。 . 脚本支持: 支持 VBScript 和 JScript 脚本语言。
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach presents a step-by-step walkthrough of porting Linux to custom boards and introduces real-time configuration via CONFIG_RT--one of today s most exciting developments in embedded Linux. You ll find especially detailed coverage of using development tools to analyze and debug embedded systems--including the art of kernel debugging.
标签: step-by-step walkthrough Real-World Practical
上传时间: 2014-01-19
Tiny Planet is small device connected to a GSM cell phone. When the mobile receives a predefined SMS (text message), like "Activate burglar alarm" or "Start backup pump", the circuit automatically recognizes it as a command, and switches the output port accordingly. Besides switching the port on or off, the user can pulse it for a short period (e.g. 鈥淩eboot remote server鈥?.
标签: predefined connected receives Planet
上传时间: 2017-05-17
Video-DVM is a very cheap DVM that shows how an output as complex as a videocomposite signal can be generated entirely in software: two I/O pins and three resistors are all the hardware required. Connected to any TV set it displays voltages, included max and min peaks, using both giant digits and an analog bar-display . A serial data output for computer data logging is provided, too.
标签: videocomposite Video-DVM complex output
上传时间: 2014-12-09
管理器,展开右边的“端口”,查看USB-to-Serial是哪个端口(假设是COM4)。 3.放上单片机STC89C52,芯片缺口朝手杆方向放置,切勿放反哦。
标签: 管理器
上传时间: 2013-12-23
基于单片机的10根线束线缆检测器的源程序 #pragma sfr #pragma DI #pragma EI #pragma NOP //#pragma interrupt INTTM010 isr_INTTM000 #pragma interrupt INTTM80 isr_INTTM80 //#pragma interrupt INTTMH1 isr_INTTMH1 #pragma section @@CNST OPT AT 80H const char OPTION=0x94 typedef unsigned char uchar typedef unsigned int uint //==PORT DEFINE== #define SEND1_P P4.1 #define SEND2_P P4.2 #define SEND3_P P4.3 #define SEND4_P P4.4 #define SEND5_P P4.5 #define SEND6_P P4.6 #define SEND7_P P4.7 #define SEND8_P P13.0 #define SEND9_P P2.3 #define SEND10_P P2.2
标签: pragma interrupt INTTM 010
上传时间: 2017-05-25