常用串行EEPROM的编程应用,SPI总线(Serial Peripheral Interface串行外围设备接口总线)是三线式的串行总线,是由摩托罗拉公司所研发,使用三线进行数据传输,分别是SCK时钟引脚,SI数据输入引脚和SO数据输出引脚。
上传时间: 2013-12-21
使用RS232串口2,通过Copley电机控制卡控制电机运转的VB程序。文件夹中包含有程序开发手册。 Using RS232 2 port, a VB program is developed for Copley motor control card, by which motors can move precisely. A handbook for program develpoment is involved in the rar file.
上传时间: 2016-09-21
串口通讯控件。先把 Pcomm.dll 文件拷贝到OS能找得到的目录下。 在Component菜单下选择Install Component子菜单,选择Into existing package 或者 Into new package,在其中的Unit file name选择Port.pas文件,在Package file name 中输入包的名字,然后按OK选择安装。
标签: Component Install Pcomm dll
上传时间: 2016-09-21
改变wince上usb的client,可以在serial,mass storage和rndis之间切换。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
ST7787 芯片的SPEC,比亚迪2.4inchLCM的SPEC。The ST7787 is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 720 source line and 320 gate line driving circuits. This chip is capable of connecting directly to an external microprocessor, and accepts Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 8-bits/9-bits/16-bits/18-bits parallel interface. Display data can be stored in the on-chip display data RAM of 240x320x18 bits. It can perform display data RAM read/write operation with no external operation clock to minimize power consumption. In addition, because of the integrated power supply circuits necessary to drive liquid crystal, it is possible to make a display system with the fewest components.
上传时间: 2016-09-22
SPI,是英语Serial Peripheral interface的缩写,顾名思义就是串行外围设备接口,这是对SPI的总体概述
标签: SPI
上传时间: 2013-12-16
使用RS232串口2,通过Copley电机控制卡控制电机运转的VC程序。并且程序开发手册也包含在文件夹内。 Using RS232 2 port, a VC program is developed for Copley motor control card, by which motors can move precisely. And a handbook for program development is inclued in the rar file.
上传时间: 2014-12-20
s3c2410 ads下的测试程序移植到 iar ewarm v5.2;包括 Please select function : 0 : Please input 1-14 to select test 1 : Real time clock display 2 : 4 key array test 3 : Buzzer test 4 : ADC test 5 : IIC EEPROM test 6 : Touchpanel test 7 : 3.5# TFT LCD 240*320 test 8 : UDA1341 play audio test 9 : UDA1341 record audio test 10 : IRDA test 11 : SD Card write and read test 12 : COM port ( UART2 ) test
标签: Please select function s3c2410
上传时间: 2016-10-01
This application includes a demo server and client program. You could write your own server launcher and client application by using the SimpleScreenCaptureServer class and the SimpleRemoteScreenCaptureClient class. Usage: 1. Type the following command to launch the server program. java -jar SimpleCaptureScreenServerDemo.jar portnumber 2. Type the following command to launch the client program. It s a swing-based UI. java -jar RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar 3. Select Run/Connect menu. Input your server address and port number. You could just double-click on the RemoteScreenCaptureClientUI.jar to launch the client program if you are using Windows. This program is written just for fun. :lol: :lol: :lol:
标签: server application includes launcher
上传时间: 2016-10-06
/* 例子二没有什么特别的。与例子一让大家学习如何默认设置session会话属性 session.SetDefaultPayloadType(96) session.SetDefaultMark(false) session.SetDefaultTimestampIncrement(160) 这里port与destination的端口号设的不一样。 例子的中文解释都由hanyuejun添加,有任何疑问请发hanyuejun2006@163.com */
标签: session SetDefaultPayloadType SetDefaultMar 96
上传时间: 2014-12-08