报时小闹钟 本程序是一个用汇编编的精致的图形时钟,运行时双击clock图标即可, 钟表显示的时间为本机系统的时间。 按b键可扩大画面 ;按s键可缩小画面;按c键可改变颜色;按e键可听音乐; 按q键退出本程序.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
本例展示了如何利用外设TIM2来产生四路频率不同的信号。 TIM2时钟设置为36MHz,预分频设置为2,使用输出比较-翻转模式(Output Compare Toggle Mode)。 TIM2计数器时钟可表达为:TIM2 counter clock = TIMxCLK / (Prescaler +1) = 12 MHz 设置TIM2_CCR1寄存器值为32768,则CC1更新频率为TIM2计数器时钟频率除以CCR1寄存器值,为366.2 Hz。因此,TIM2通道1可产生一个频率为183.1 Hz的周期信号。 同理,根据寄存器TIM2_CCR2 、TIM2_CCR3和 TIM2_CCR4的值,TIM2通道2可产生一个频率为366.3 Hz的周期信号;TIM2通道3可产生一个频率为732.4 Hz的周期信号;TIM2通道4可产生一个频率为1464.8 Hz的周期信号。 可以通过示波器观察各路输出
上传时间: 2014-01-22
本例展示了如何设置TIM工作在输出比较-非主动模式(Output Compare Inactive mode),并产生相应的中断。 TIM2时钟设置为36MHz,预分频设置为35999,TIM2计数器时钟可表达为: TIM2 counter clock = TIMxCLK / (Prescaler +1) = 1 KHz 设置TIM2_CCR1寄存器值为1000, CCR1寄存器值1000除以TIM2计数器时钟频率1KHz,为1000毫秒。因此,经过1000毫秒的时延,置PC.06输出为低电平。 同理,根据寄存器TIM2_CCR2 、TIM2_CCR3和 TIM2_CCR4的值,经过500毫秒的时延,置PC.07输出为低电平;经过250毫秒的时延,置PC.08输出为低电平;经过125毫秒的时延,置PC.09输出为低电平。 输出比较寄存器的值决定时延的大小,当计数器的值小于这个值的时候,点亮与PC.06-PC.09相连的LED;当计数器的值达到这个值得时候,产生中断,在TIM2的4个通道相应的中断里,把它们一一关闭。
标签: Inactive Compare Output mode
上传时间: 2013-12-20
China ancient times the official system was China ancient times in a political history science, this book divided three parts: The first part of all previous dynasties government system outline, the second part of introduction ancient times the government official control system, third part of all previous dynasties government system noun Jan released.
标签: ancient China times political
上传时间: 2017-02-15
虚拟I2C总线汇编程序软件包 I2C 软件包的底层子程序,使用前要定义好SCL和SDA。在标准80C51模式(12 Clock)下,对主频要求是不高于12MHz(1个机器周期1us)若Fosc>12MHz,则要增加相应的NOP指令数。在使用本软件包时,请在你的程序的未尾加入$INCLUDE (VI2C_ASM.ASM)即可。
上传时间: 2014-12-01
z-trenning z-tickets. mipt lucky tickets. Count of numbers with 2*n digits in base k such that sum of first n digits is same as second n digits.
标签: z-trenning z-tickets tickets numbers
上传时间: 2014-01-05
MCS-51单片机模拟I2C软件包本模拟I2C软件包包含了I2C操作的底层子程序,使用前要定义 好SCL和SDA。在标准8051模式(12 Clock)下,对主频要求是不高于12MHz(即1个 机器周期1us) 若Fosc>12MHz则要增加相应的NOP指令数。(总线时序符合I2C标 准模式,100Kbit/S)
上传时间: 2014-11-04
Genetic Algorithm example using Java You have 10 cards numbered 1 to 10. You have to divide them into 2 piles so that: The sum of the first pile is as close as possible to 36 and the product of all in second pile is as close as poss to 360.
标签: have Algorithm You numbered
上传时间: 2017-03-08
This is GPS in matlab calculatePseudoranges finds relative pseudoranges for all satellites listed in CHANNELLIST at the specified millisecond of the processed signal. The pseudoranges contain unknown receiver clock offset. It can be found by the least squares position search procedure.
标签: calculatePseudoranges pseudoranges satellites relative
上传时间: 2017-03-09
Enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface available on Motorola s MC68HC11 family of CPUs.Enhancements include a wider supported operating frequency range, 4deep read and write fifos, and programmable transfer count dependent interrupt generation. As with the SPI found in MC68HC11 processors the core features programmable clock phase [CPHA] and clock polarity [CPOL]. The core features an 8bit wishbone interface. Very simple, very small.
标签: Peripheral Interface available Enhanced
上传时间: 2014-12-06