SharpPcap c#抓包实现时时获取网卡信息 SharpPcap tutorial: a step by step guide to using SharpPcap The text of this tutorial is taken directly from WinPcap's official tutorial but is modified to sHow the C# use of the SharpPcap library. All examples can be downloaded together with SharpPcap source code from SharpPcap 's homepage. The WinPcap library must be installed before attempting to run any of these examples, so please download and install the latest version from WinPcap's download page. SharpPcap was written and tested using .NET v1.1 and Windows 2000/XP. I have no idea about other .NET and Windows versions. If you do try it, please report your results. The following topics are covered in this tutorial: Obtaining the device list Obtaining advanced information about installed devices Opening an adapter and capturing packets Capturing packets without the event handler Filtering the traffic Interpreting the packets Handling offline dump files Sending Packets Gathering Statistics on the network traffic 1. Obtaining the device list
上传时间: 2015-07-06
We introduce a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method to evaluate spatial derivatives in the high-order ADER scheme. The basic idea in our reconstruction is to use only r stencils to reconstruct the point-wise values of solutions and spatial derivatives for the 2r-1 th order ADER scheme in one dimension, while in two dimensions, the dimension-by-dimension sub-cell reconstruction approach for spatial derivatives is employed. Compared with the original ADER scheme of Toro and Titarev (2002) [2] that uses the direct derivatives of reconstructed polynomials for solutions to evaluate spatial derivatives, our method not only reduces greatly the computational costs of the ADER scheme on a given mesh, but also avoids possible numerical oscillations near discontinuities, as demonstrated by a number of one- and two-dimensional numerical tests. All these tests sHow that the 5th-order ADER scheme based on our sub-cell reconstruction method achieves the desired accuracy, and is essentially non-oscillatory and computationally cheaper for problems with discontinuities.
标签: 高精度格式
上传时间: 2016-01-13
sHow ascii code list program
标签: ascii code
上传时间: 2016-03-10
Guided vehicles (GVs) are commonly used for the internal transportation of loads in warehouses, production plants and terminals. These guided vehicles can be routed with a variety of vehicle dispatching rules in an attempt to meet performance criteria such as minimizing the average load waiting times. In this research, we use simulation models of three companies to evaluate the performance of several real-time vehicle dispatching rules, in part described in the literature. It appears that there is a clear difference in average load waiting time between the different dispatching rules in the different environments. Simple rules, based on load and vehicle proximity (distance-based) perform best for all cases. The penalty for this is a relatively high maximum load waiting time. A distance-based rule with time truncation, giving more priority to loads that have to wait longer than a time threshold, appears to yield the best possible overall performance. A rule that particularly considers load-waiting time performs poor overall. We also sHow that using little pre-arrival information of loads leads to a significant improvement in the performance of the dispatching rules without changing their performance ranking.
标签: Testing and classifying vehicle dispatching rules in three real-world settings
上传时间: 2016-04-01
We sHow in the context of a new economic geography model that when labor is heterogenous trade liberalization may lead to industrial agglomeration and inter-regional trade. Labor heterogeneity gives local monopoly power to firms but also introduces variations in the quality of the job match. Matches are likely to be better when there are more firms and workers in the local market, giving rise to an agglomeration force which can offset the forces against, trade costs and the erosion of monopoly power. We derive analytically a robust agglomeration equilibrium and illustrate its properties with numerical simulations
标签: 经济、城市化和经济增长
上传时间: 2016-04-02
定义一个复数类Complex,使得下面的代码能够工作 Complex c1(3,5); // 用复数3+5i初始化c1 Complex c2 = 4.5; // 用实参4.5初始化c2 c1.add(c2); // 将c1与c2相加,结果保存在c1中 c1.sHow(); // 将c1输出(这时结果应该是7.5+5i)
上传时间: 2016-05-17
% 生成训练样本集 clear all; clc; P=[110 0.807 240 0.2 15 1 18 2 1.5; 110 2.865 240 0.1 15 2 12 1 2; 110 2.59 240 0.1 12 4 24 1 1.5; 220 0.6 240 0.3 12 3 18 2 1; 220 3 240 0.3 25 3 21 1 1.5; 110 1.562 240 0.3 15 3 18 1 1.5; 110 0.547 240 0.3 15 1 9 2 1.5]; 0 1.318 300 0.1 15 2 18 1 2]; T=[54248 162787 168380 314797; 28614 63958 69637 82898; 86002 402710 644415 328084; 230802 445102 362823 335913; 60257 127892 76753 73541; 34615 93532 80762 110049; 56783 172907 164548 144040]; @907 117437 120368 130179]; m=max(max(P)); n=max(max(T)); P=P'/m; T=T'/n; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% pr(1:9,1)=0; %输入矢量的取值范围矩阵 pr(1:9,2)=1; bpnet=newff(pr,[12 4],{'logsig', 'logsig'}, 'traingdx', 'learngdm'); %建立BP神经网络, 12个隐层神经元,4个输出神经元 %tranferFcn属性 'logsig' 隐层采用Sigmoid传输函数 %tranferFcn属性 'logsig' 输出层采用Sigmoid传输函数 %trainFcn属性 'traingdx' 自适应调整学习速率附加动量因子梯度下降反向传播算法训练函数 %learn属性 'learngdm' 附加动量因子的梯度下降学习函数 net.trainParam.epochs=1000;%允许最大训练步数2000步 net.trainParam.goal=0.001; %训练目标最小误差0.001 net.trainParam.sHow=10; %每间隔100步显示一次训练结果; %学习速率0.05 bpnet=train(bpnet,P,T); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- p=[110 1.318 300 0.1 15 2 18 1 2]; p=p'/m; r=sim(bpnet,p); R=r'*n; display(R);
上传时间: 2016-05-28
杨教授的计算辐射, 计算全国各地区的太阳辐射
上传时间: 2016-05-29
三种SMA接口pcb封装 捕获1.PNG (16.1 KB, 下载次数: 86) 捕获2.PNG (17.35 KB, 下载次数: 39) 捕获3.PNG (19.16 KB, 下载次数: 37)
上传时间: 2017-03-06
课件和视频 使用Kmplayer打开视频.md 课程介绍.png 接受捐赠鼓励.png 收获技能.png 课程结构.png 基本环境.png 学习目标- 适合人群.png 课前鸡汤.png
上传时间: 2017-07-30