员工培训系统 首先确认您的机器上已经安装了VC6.0以上版本,要编译生成可执行文件,需打开后缀名为dsw的文件,系统会默认用VC打开,然后选择Build菜单下的Set Active Configuration选项,选择Project Configuration为Win32 Release,然后编译项目,得到可执行文件。连接数据库请参照第2章的方法,在ODBC数据源内添加Microsoft Access数据库train.mdb,并将数据源名设定为train即可实现数据库和应用程序的正常连接,程序才能正常实现数据库的访问。另外,如果用户自己编写了.chm的帮助文档只要和可执行文件放在同一个目录下就可以了。 用户要修改程序源码可以选择相应的.h和.cpp文件,本实例使用的命名规则基本是:DIALOG_***** 为管理对话框资源, *****Info为数据输入窗口资源, *****Set为结果集对应的类
上传时间: 2014-01-03
Hidden_Markov_model_for_automatic_speech_recognition This code implements in C++ a basic left-right hidden Markov model and corresponding Baum-Welch (ML) training algorithm. It is meant as an example of the HMM algorithms described by L.Rabiner (1) and others. Serious students are directed to the sources listed below for a theoretical description of the algorithm. KF Lee (2) offers an especially good tutorial of how to build a speech recognition system using hidden Markov models.
标签: Hidden_Markov_model_for_automatic speech_recognition implements left-right
上传时间: 2016-01-23
The Linux Enterprise Cluster explains how to take a number of inexpensive computers with limited resources, place them on a normal computer network, and install free software so that the computers act together like one powerful server. This makes it possible to build a very inexpensive and reliable business system for a small business or a large corporation. The book includes information on how to build a high-availability server pair using the Heartbeat package, how to use the Linux Virtual Server load balancing software, how to configure a reliable printing system in a Linux cluster environment, and how to build a job scheduling system in Linux with no single point of failure. The book also includes information on high availability techniques that can be used with or without a cluster, making it helpful for System Administrators even if they are not building a cluster. Anyone interested in deploying Linux in an environment where low cost computer reliability is important will find this book useful.
标签: inexpensive Enterprise computers explains
上传时间: 2014-11-29
This the second tutorial of the Writing Device Drivers series. There seems to be a lot of interest in the topic, so this article will pick up where the first left off. The main focus of these articles will be to build up little by little the knowledge needed to write device drivers. In this article, we will be building on the same example source code used in part one. In this article, we will expand on that code to include Read functionality, Handle Input/Ouput Controls also known as IOCTLs, and learn a bit more about IRPs.
标签: the interest tutorial Drivers
上传时间: 2016-01-28
OpenSVM was developped under Visual C++ 6.0 SP6, You can open the workspace file(*.dsw) in the opensvm-src folder. The folder include the svm.h and svm.cpp which in the libsvm (Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rights reserved) in the opensvm-src\libsvm. However, the files svm.h and svm.cpp codes were copied/merged into stdafx.h and stdafx.cpp in order to support the development, and OpenSVM still use other codes of libsvm. So you can see the libsvm package in the source package. You can open and build it with Visual C++ 6.0. Note: the problems must be in LIBSVM format. OpenSVM project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensvm If you had any question, please mail to: cloudbyron@gmail.com
标签: developped the workspace OpenSVM
上传时间: 2016-01-30
主要功能: 1. 多浏览器兼容,能够很好得兼容Mozilla,IE等浏览器 2. 功能强大的文章编辑器,同时兼容两种编辑方式,在线编辑器采用FckEditor. 3. PJBlog2采用的UBB编辑器由Blog作者独立开发,支持自定义面板和CSS,自带HTML转换UBB代码功能 4. 自定义模块,可以自己修改页面上的的布局,让不懂制作网页的用户也能自己增加和修改页面上的版块 5. Skin功能,随时可以给自己的Blog换上新的CSS样式界面 6. 自定义分类,可以同时定制外部连接分类和Blog内置分类,可以自定义分类显示的位置,由用户自己定义顶部导航条和侧边导航条 7. 权限分组,管理员还可以对每个分组成员指定上传文件的权限等等 8. Blog数据采用缓存方式保存,减轻服务器负担和增加运行速度 9. 用户密码用SHA1算法加密 2.7 build 05 修复说明: 修正2.7 Build04以前版本中存在的SQL注入漏洞,建议用户升级。用户名:admin 密码:admin
上传时间: 2013-12-27
相信有很多用户在使用华为的代理上网吧,是不是在linux下无法上网头疼呢,我花了一个星期的时间,弄到华为的代理和linux下所需的rpm包了 基于fedora 7下 操作很简单,我给出简要提示 1.使用root用户登陆安装rpm包 #]rpm -ivh compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.110.i386.rpm #]./pre.ps #]linux1x -c 下面问的问题很简单,一路yes,注意最后问你是否改变日志的存放位置,no就可以,用默认的路径 然后(确保你的网卡已经激活) #]linux1x –u username/password –n eth0
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Get up and running with PHP 5, Apache, and MySQL with ease. This guide demonstrates how to display dynamic content, build your own contact management system, create custom reports, work with XML, and much more
标签: with demonstrates and running
上传时间: 2013-12-30
Introduction to DirectShow: Basic & important concepts related to DirectShow. Through this guide, the reader could build his/her own 1st DirectShow application with furthermore much detailed ideas/thinkings.
标签: DirectShow Introduction important concepts
上传时间: 2014-07-26
小区物业管理系统 运行环境:DELPHI7.0和SQL Server2000 1、将文件DATA里的数据库XQ附加到SQL Server2000企业管理器中,用户名为SA,密 码为空。 2、打开DELPHI7.0 运行Project1.exe,运行快捷键ctrl+F12,打开adodm-->XQconn -->build-->填写指定的用户名和密码
上传时间: 2014-01-10