When the record within form of the mouse list shot row, in the basic data area manifestation correspond a data
标签: the manifestation corresp record
上传时间: 2013-12-19
2. Using Gaussian elimination method and Gaussian elimination method with row scaled method to solve the following tri-diagonal system for n=10 and 100
标签: method elimination Gaussian scaled
上传时间: 2013-12-31
The algorm of viterbi. You talk to your friend three days in a row and discover that on the first day he went for a walk, on the second day he went shopping, and on the third day he cleaned his apartment. You have two questions: What is the overall probability of this sequence of observations? And what is the most likely sequence of rainy/sunny days that would explain these observations? The first question is answered by the forward algorithm the second question is answered by the Viterbi algorithm. These two algorithms are structurally so similar (in fact, they are both instances of the same abstract algorithm) that they can be implemented in a single function:
标签: discover viterbi algorm friend
上传时间: 2016-02-16
基于F P -tree 频集模式的F P -G row th 算法,用于关联规则挖掘。
上传时间: 2014-09-12
Run the SQL script given to you to create a Library database. Note that each row in the Book table denotes a book copy. Thus, if the library carries three copies of the title "DBMS", there will be three rows in the Book table, one for each copy. Write the SQL statements to do the following against the database
标签: the database Library script
上传时间: 2014-08-29
Run the SQL script given to you to create a Library database. Note that each row in the Book table denotes a book copy.
标签: the database Library script
上传时间: 2014-01-16
PRINCIPLE: Removal of the row mean from each row, followed by division of the row by the respective row standard deviation.
标签: the row respective PRINCIPLE
上传时间: 2016-11-27
int show_char(int n, const char *name, chtype code) { const int height = 16 int row = 4 + (n height) int col = (n / height) * COLS / 2 mvprintw(row, col, " *s : ", COLS/4, name) addch(code) return n + 1 }
标签: int const show_char chtype
上传时间: 2017-06-12
Detect row in greenhouse , image processing , developed in linux , compiled with gcc
标签: greenhouse processing developed compiled
上传时间: 2014-01-09
for entropy H = entropy(S) this command will evaluate the entropy of S, S should be row matrix H = entropy([X Y Z]) this command will find the joint entropy for the 3 variables H = entropy([X,Y],[Z,W]) this will find H(X,Y/Z,W).. you can use it for any combination of joint entropies Please validate this function before using it
标签: entropy evaluate command matrix
上传时间: 2017-09-10