All of Java s Input/Output (I/O) facilities are based on streams, which provide simple ways to read and write data of different types. Java provides many different kinds of streams, each with its own application. The universe of streams is divided into four large categories: input streams and output streams, for reading and writing binary data and readers and writers, for reading and writing textual (character) data. You re almost certainly familiar with the basic kinds of streams--but did you know that there s a CipherInputStream for reading encrypted data? And a ZipOutputStream for automatically compressing data? Do you know how to use buffered streams effectively to make your I/O operations more efficient? Java I/O, 2nd Edition has been updated for Java 5.0 APIs and tells you all you ever need to know about streams--and probably more.
标签: facilities streams provide Output
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The first decision, that has to be made for the AVR platform, is to select the development environment you want to use, either ImageCraft s ICCAVR or GNU s AVR-GCC. The commercial ImageCraft Compiler offers an advanced IDE and is the first choice of most professional developers using a Windows PC. The GNU compiler is available for Linux and Windows.
标签: development the decision environm
上传时间: 2017-04-21
I wrote the rotary encoder procedures, using C51, with disruption of 0 to achieve and very easy to use, no error.
标签: disruption procedures encoder achieve
上传时间: 2014-01-06
CodeGear Delphi2009 has lots of new features like use of Generics in Delphi. Generic methods, procedures and data types are made easy to use datatype free working with you classes.
标签: Delphi CodeGear features Generics
上传时间: 2017-05-22
This book has been written to support a practically oriented course in programming language translation for senior undergraduates in Computer Science. More specifically, it is aimed at students who are probably quite competent in the art of imperative programming (for example, in C++, Pascal, or Modula-2), but whose mathematics may be a little weak students who require only a solid introduction to the subject, so as to provide them with insight into areas of language design and implementation, rather than a deluge of theory which they will probably never use again students who will enjoy fairly extensive case studies of translators for the sorts of languages with which they are most familiar students who need to be made aware of compiler writing tools, and to come to appreciate and know how to use them. It will hopefully also appeal to a certain class of hobbyist who wishes to know more about how translators work.
标签: practically programming oriented language
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Microsoft Visual C++ is a programming environment used to create applications for the Microsoft Windows operating systems . To use this ebook , you must have installed either Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.
标签: Microsoft applications environment programming
上传时间: 2017-06-18
Objectives The purpose of this notebook is to give you a brief introduction to the DiscreteWavelets Toolbox and show you how to use it to load images. Some basic image manipulation is illustrated as well. You will also learn how to use measures and tools such as cumulative energy, entropy, PSNR, and Huffman coding. Help on the DiscreteWavelets Toolbox Help for the toolbox is available by clicking on Help and then Product Help (or press F1) and then clicking on the DiscreteWavelets Toolbox. Several demos and examples are available as well by clicking on the Demos tab on the Help menu. Image Basics The DiscreteWavelets Toolbox comes with 18 grayscale images and 9 color images for you to use. There are three functions available to tell you more about these images. The first function is called |ImageList|. This function can tell you the names and sizes of the digital images in the Toolbox.
标签: introduction DiscreteWav Objectives notebook
上传时间: 2017-06-30
Client/Server application. This application was written using RMI Java. It resolve "access to critical section " example problem. To use this program you should change in *.bat / *.sh files the java path according in your computer
标签: application resolve written Client
上传时间: 2013-12-03
This chapter enables the reader to: • Know the content and organization of this book, and how to use it to analyze and model radar system performance • Understand the concept of radar operation, the functions performed by radar, and how radar may be used in various applications • Understand the characteristics of functional radar models and how they are used to analyze overall radar performance.
标签: organization and the chapter
上传时间: 2017-07-31
THIS CHAPTER INTRODUCES and Java Server Pages (and then presents a simple example to display how to use in creating and provides excellent support for the Apache Struts framework, which I believe is the most popular Web framework around. I will delve into how you can easily create Struts-based and other files of relevance to Struts. Some of the most useful enhancements to introduced in version 10g are related to and Struts development.
标签: INTRODUCES and presents CHAPTER
上传时间: 2013-12-21