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  • 红外线遥控器读码软件

    红外线遥控器读码软件,显示红外线波型,读取并保存码 IR Remote Control Unit Code Read System 产品详细描述: 能够像显示器一样显示红外线码的波型 可以读多达150种格式的红外线码 显示红外线码的时间非常准确,误差只有几个微秒。 具有错误检测功能 保存红外线码功能 自动识别码的格式 比较样机与所写的新软件的遥控器码的异同 具体情况请访问本网站:http://www.crzman.com/IR_Reader.htm Display the Infrared wave on the software like oscillograph. Can read more than 150 kinds of infrared code format Display the Infrared time and the tolerance no more than many us. Have error detect function Save Infrared code function Auto identify code s format Compare the code from sample and new Remote Control Unit code) Detail instance please visit address: http://www.crzman.com/IR_Reader.htm

    标签: 红外线遥控器 软件

    上传时间: 2015-07-03


  • 利用FaxModem通过串口或TAPI接口直接发送和接收传真 一套非常不错的传真库(稳定

    利用FaxModem通过串口或TAPI接口直接发送和接收传真 一套非常不错的传真库(稳定,高速),几乎支持所有的FaxModem,出自Symantec公司 Winfax 中国作者之手。 一 .Some of the standard features: 1.Comes with Class1, Class1.0, Class2 and Class 2.0 Fax Drivers 2.Class 1 ECM error correction . 3.Supports CCITT T.30 Specifications . 4.TAPI Support with sample code 5.Caller ID 6.Group 4 Faxing 7.Remote Fax Retrieval with password protection 二 .Function declare Reference: include\SmarFaxh.h

    标签: FaxModem TAPI 传真 串口

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • The program was written with some object-orientation in mind, which means that all functions that op

    The program was written with some object-orientation in mind, which means that all functions that operate on a certain structure, has the structure s name as prefix in the function name, for example "Bitstream_get" which gets bits from a bitstream structure.

    标签: object-orientation that functions program

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • 人们提出了“服务质量”(Quality of Service

    ,人们提出了“服务质量”(Quality of Service,简称Q o S) 的概念。Q o S实际是一系列组件,允许对网上的数据进行不同处理,并可为其分配不同的优 先级。若一个网络具备Q o S功能,便可根据实际需要,对其进行配置

    标签: Quality Service of 服务质量

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • A program to demonstrate the optimization process of particle swarm optimization. A two-dimensional

    A program to demonstrate the optimization process of particle swarm optimization. A two-dimensional objective function is visualized by level of grey: the lighter the color, the higher the function value. The particles are shown as red circles, their trajectory as red lines.

    标签: optimization two-dimensional demonstrate particle

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 不晓得干嘛用的

    不晓得干嘛用的,主要讲的是这个Function Point Counting Rules


    上传时间: 2015-07-13


  • county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) fun

    county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) function in S-PLUS. Then, the background information was attached to each individual county based on the county?s distribution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset that describes the whole state

    标签: coordinates population randomness generated

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • % [BestPop,Trace]=fmaxga(FUN,LB,UB,eranum,popsize,pcross,pmutation) % Finds a maximum of a functio

    % [BestPop,Trace]=fmaxga(FUN,LB,UB,eranum,popsize,pcross,pmutation) % Finds a maximum of a function of several variables. % fmaxga solves problems of the form: % max F(X) subject to: LB <= X <= UB % BestPop--------最优的群体即为最优的染色体群 % Trace----------最佳染色体所对应的目标函数值 % FUN------------目标函数 % LB-------------自变量下限 % UB-------------自变量上限 % eranum---------种群的代数,取100--1000(默认1000) % popsize--------每一代种群的规模;此可取50--100(默认50) % pcross---------交叉的概率,此概率一般取0.5--0.85之间较好(默认0.8) % pmutation------变异的概率,该概率一般取0.05-0.2左右较好(默认0.1) % options--------1×2矩阵,options(1)=0二进制编码(默认0),option(1)~=0十进制编码,option(2)设定求解精度(默认1e-4)

    标签: pmutation BestPop popsize maximum

    上传时间: 2015-07-16


  • This demo nstrates the use of the reversible jump MCMC simulated annealing for neural networks. This

    This demo nstrates the use of the reversible jump MCMC simulated annealing for neural networks. This algorithm enables us to maximise the joint posterior distribution of the network parameters and the number of basis function. It performs a global search in the joint space of the parameters and number of parameters, thereby surmounting the problem of local minima. It allows the user to choose among various model selection criteria, including AIC, BIC and MDL

    标签: This reversible annealing the

    上传时间: 2015-07-19


  • 开发客户/服务器应用程序时

    开发客户/服务器应用程序时,一个需要考虑的问题是,面向集合还是面向记录?客户程序并不是 像桌面数据库程序那样直接面对数据库表,而只是面对数据的子集。 客户程序在向服务器请求数据时,得到的数据可能是由一个或多个表中的字段构成的,而请求是 通过结构化查询语言( S Q L )实现的。

    标签: 服务器 应用程序

    上传时间: 2015-07-20
